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And what can I Say
Anger, Threats, Tears...and Coffee! It is a sad day when we have to report another story of a woman being attacked and killed by a mob of women! Yes, another woman. What is going on in the mind of a woman to attack another woman for a man they are with? Forget it! Stop the violence, end the ignorance. It is our job as human beings to love and help others, as the Bible says, the way you would have another do unto you. It should be stated that at this time, we are unaware if these women were "prostitutes", "lovers" or simply "friends" with the man that the women were trying to kill. The women involved have been arrested and charged with 1st degree murder. If you are curious about what happened, go to ABC News: What happened is that a female, 33-year-old Valerie Jackson, was stabbed to death early Saturday, police said. A second woman, 25-year-old Brittney Hill, was stabbed and beaten during a fight with Jackson. As police approached, the two women ran into another fight and stabbed a woman to death. They are both in jail on $1 million bail. Police say Hill and Jackson were in a relationship with a 36-year-old man. When a woman gets to threatening or violent like this, someone in the room should step in and help. If they will not, then you should find the police and report the situation! Maybe they will make an arrest and be punished for killing. This, ladies, is what happens when women are abused and the men get away with it. Let's just hope they don't get out of prison! And, finally, here are some great words from Pastor T.D. Jakes on the women involved in this incident: What do we learn from this? In this situation, we see a society who feels threatened by two women who have found self-fulfillment in a relationship, who are not ashamed of it. We see a society that has given itself over to a perversion of values that accepts that women will find their self-worth in the attention of men. A society that, when confronted with another culture’s perception that this can be a normal means of finding self-fulfillment, simply dismisses their culture as immoral and decadent and, therefore, unworthy of being taken seriously. It is time for us to wake up! Men, you need to look at what your woman is involved in and be the one in control. Women, let's continue to share our hearts with men and with others. Tuesday, June 29, 2010 Do you ever say "I want a husband/boyfriend like so-and-so"? If you're older than 20, chances are, you've said it. If you're younger than 20, chances are, you think it. It's simply another thing that young people seem to do. Don't get me wrong, I know that there are a lot of good, respectful men and women who don't want to get married, but it's not because they want a "career". Many of the people who want to be married are getting married because of the security it provides them. They see marriage as a financial blessing. This was what Christ thought, "But, when the right time comes, God sent His Son to be born of a woman." (John 3:16 NIV) In today's world, it seems that everyone wants to make a "career" out of dating and marriage. Is that something that God would bless? I wouldn't be so sure. There are many young people who get married because they have lost hope. It's no wonder marriage is so dysfunctional in this society. Most of us are familiar with the song from the 80s by J.J. Cale and Eric Clapton, "Call on me". There's a lot of truth to the song. We all want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. We need to be known and loved. Isn't that what the whole world is about? I know this doesn't seem like a fair question, but are there people in your life who are causing you to want to become married? The question here is, are you ready for marriage? Are you wanting to have children? Are you ready to take care of a family? When someone isn't treating you as the gift that you are, there are only two things to do: walk away or take them to the Lord. They are not worthy of your love or respect. God would never waste His time on someone who isn't worthy. Do you ever wonder about your purpose in life? Is it to be married and/or have a family? Or, is it to be a servant of the King? Why does God give us so many different jobs? Is it because we all have special gifts that are necessary for the King? What makes you unique? What do you have to offer to the King? Have you been living a life of quiet desperation? You are in Christ Jesus, and Christ is in you! Don't let anyone or anything come between you and the King! Do something today that is pleasing to the Lord and see if He doesn't bless you with good things in return! "Just to be on the internet today is enough to get your head spinning! I've always wanted to get on it, but I just can't get myself to do it. How would I get my information from all of these places on the internet? How do you know that what you read is true? And why are there people sending me all of these e-mails? It's so scary and it is making me dizzy." My response to this letter: Hi, I am writing this article in response to your letter. There are so many things to say and I am sure that I can put it all in one sentence, but I am not going to do that. I am going to make this as simple as I can so that you will understand. I will make an attempt to be brief, but I want you to understand that I did a lot of research and spent a lot of time to get this information. Why do some people send me e-mails? If you are not a Christian, then the answer is that I am a Christian and I write articles about the Christian faith. I receive many e-mails from people who disagree with what I say. As for why you feel like you have to be careful, that has to do with Satan, as this was one of his tools. One of the ways that he got people's attention was by sending people weird things in letters. He did that so that people would get upset about what they believed and turn against them. You can go back into the old testament of the Bible and see how he used that to do that. What about all the information on the internet? To get the best information, just type my name into a search engine. That is how I found my web site. It is a good place to get help, but there are places on it that I would not recommend that you go to. There are many websites that will do things like put viruses on your computer, put viruses on your computer, give your personal information to someone who doesn't even know you and cause you to be sent e-mails that you do not want. For example, one can click