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Cause whatever you
We went back down
JoJo then
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Opening Pandora's
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Arranging a Hit
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The Brains Behind
Their Red-Headed Step Child And the fact that they are “for your eyes only”, has nothing to do with making it ‘hard to be black’. But with the ‘for your eyes only’ they want to imply, that a white person isn’t even allowed to think in the same category of this color category. It makes sense then that the black person must always be doing something wrong and a white person is always doing everything right. And even the white person that is the most racist can only see black people in the light of their color and not the light of what they could become. This is how they control the world and its people. A white person will never be able to live in a black house with a white person. The white person is never at the other side of the ‘color spectrum’ when meeting someone of color, no matter how “colored” they are. The world is divided in two colors and a white person does not think outside those borders. They will never be able to see that person of color beyond his/her skin and they will never be able to accept the fact that color has nothing to do with it. They will keep on living in their little bubble that is black/white and never venture to think outside of it. They will never see the beauty of diversity. No matter how “colored” this white person is, he/she will never be able to see the beautiful essence of the person that is ‘different’ and will keep on seeing the skin as something ugly, black or not. And I can’t tell you how much it hurts to see people like this. Just like us all colors and all religions. To deny the beauty of people. To not even give them the benefit of doubt. They always play the devil card and believe it is justified. But how long do we keep on putting up with this ignorance? I’m thinking a lot about this and I can’t put my finger on this but I know that the problem is not the skin. The problem is the heart and the mind. I know that you don’t see color but it is a white lie for us to say that we don’t. We all know that not all white people are like that but it is their color that enables them to be like that and not their heart. The same as it is with the different color people, it’s not the color that determines their behavior, but their heart. If all the color people and all the white people start to look inside their hearts, this world would be a better place to live in. If only we could see the beauty in each other. Yes, it is easy said and I know that no one wants to accept responsibility but do you really think that the ‘invisible man’ is not able to see the beauty of you and if we will live in each other’s heart, then no one would have to worry of being ugly. But you know, if only we could learn to let go and accept people for who they are… Thank you for your comments! ❤ *I have many thoughts on what I would call the in-betweeners, but I’ll just say this, they aren’t bad, they’re just doing what we don’t know how to do, or more so, how to do without them because of our history. ❤ What has been missing all these years is trust. It’s not so much that we don’t trust one another but that we don’t trust people that are “outside” of the box that was born with these differences. And this is done by all humans not just this color or religion. For example the women’s movement came about and it’s still with us but it took until the 60’s for the majority of women to even accept that they were allowed to be apart of society. That they were allowed to go to school, have a profession, be treated equally, etc. And for some reason, women of color don’t seem to get this same respect because they are not always seen as women but always as “Black Women” and other ethnic backgrounds. So it is with these people of color as well. And I don’t mean to speak only for my race but I think this is a reality for all. Your blog is so beautiful and so beautifully written and yes, sometimes all we can see is the black skin. I love this post too and so wish I had read this several years ago! It would have changed my life in so many ways. Yes, sometimes these differences can keep us from being our best selves and the best in life that we can be and that is hard. Thank you for sharing and having the courage to write such a piece and sharing it with us. 🙂 This post was so good. It reminded me of the first time I was invited to a book club meeting, years ago. One of the ladies asked me if I was “colored” and then after I said yes, she asked me to leave her book club. This is just one small example of the discrimination we have been receiving for as long as we can remember. It makes me sad and angry to know that this continues to go on, but I am hopeful. I hope for this world. I hope for my people. I hope for equality and for more love. Much love. Sending lots of love in your direction. Thank you for sharing! It’s hard to accept so many people but even harder to accept differences in religions, colour etc. but the truth is that we all had that same feeling when we started living and having to face our families and other people in our environment. We’re afraid that they might reject us. Well, it’s a new way of life and a new way of thinking. But we are all different and unique and should embrace our differences to show that we are one family and we all fit in together. It’s the people in our environment that is the problem but that’s human. If there is no diversity, there would be no love. It’s the same in friendship or with partners or family. It makes it more interesting and unique and diverse. And it’s just the way things are nowadays! No one knows what’s right and wrong anymore… or do they know? You know, it’s been a while that I haven’t posted a comment. I can’t believe you wrote about white people the way you do! I didn’t even know that was possible. The more I read your blog, the more I understand your frustration with white people. They need a huge amount of educating. That is what is the problem with “white” people. They don’t even know how they are in the wrong. And they are not willing to be educated. But it’s okay, since I’ve now gotten to know you and I can sense that you’re very sweet, a lot of love flows through your posts. So my thoughts of white people will always be positive. I can’t imagine what it would feel like, to be on the other side of this fence. I hope you don’t. But I’m sure you’re a lovely person with a great heart. ❤ This made me cry because it is true. There is just so much judgement within color. And as a pastors daughter I am expected to not judge people based on color. So when I say God is fair I am seen as being biased. Thank you for this post! There are so many other issues facing black women, some of them are more important than others. Some days it would be nice to focus on a more positive outlook instead of everything in the way. I would love to read what you write more often as your creativity and intelligence are amazing! I always enjoy reading your perspective! Thank you for being a voice for black women! I completely agree with you. It’s always a balance of the issues but we shouldn’t be forced to take on just one issue to deal with them all. But we do. I would have preferred you have written this piece on your blog but then we can’t have this connection between each other as I may have my own connection and story to share or maybe there’s someone out there who needs it more than me and you’re the only one who can speak for them and not for just yourself. I also agree with you that we need to stop thinking like this and look at the big picture instead. I’m happy that at least you have given it some thought and have accepted your skin color