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That sure doesn't
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Dead Man Walking
I'm in Such a Hot
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Are We Gonna Live

Trust Your Gut
Head of the Snake
Yeah birds need be
Crazy is as Crazy
I'm not very good
Risk it for the bi
Surprise Enemy Vis
This Tribe Will Se
You Guys Are Dumbe
Zipping Over the C
Time to Bring About the Charmpocalypse

The first anniversary of the Trump administration is now just around the corner and it looks like the entire country is freaking out. Trump’s supporters keep repeating that the things he does “work,” as if anything that’s successful was ever easy. The truth is that his policies cause widespread trauma and fear for millions of people. A lot of you have already recognized this but for those of you who still doubt that he is a threat to the world, here’s a little wake up call: You’ve probably noticed that “The Donald” and his band of deplorables are using even more vicious language and making even more threats than they were last year. I won’t even bother quoting or explaining all of the insults that Trump has thrown at the American people and at anyone else who got in his way. Instead, let’s just move on to his real target, the environment.

If you’ve missed the latest news in regard to Trump’s many attacks on our environment, it really isn’t surprising. For the most part, I haven’t been paying a whole lot of attention to politics lately. But I happened to catch Trump’s recent interview with conservative radio host Howie Carr where he openly threatened to blow up the planet in order to keep his supporters from starving to death.

I wish I was making this up but Trump really did say that if the Republicans can’t repeal the Affordable Care Act, he’ll start deporting anyone who doesn’t have a green card. Then he said that he wants to do the same thing to undocumented workers who are living and working illegally in this country.

Trump then declared that in three years, he will give all Americans a trillion-dollar check and then he’ll nuke the shit out of the world.

Trump then said that if anyone tries to stop him, they’ll have to “Watch out, because the voodoo forces don’t like it. You better get smart, or I’m going to tax you right out of your house.

And now that I’ve written this all down, I’m beginning to wonder if I’m hearing things because I had too much wine for dinner. Nope. I read what I just wrote. In my head.

Trump and his cronies will never run out of scapegoats. They need a scapegoat, even when times are good. And they need a scapegoat in times of crisis and panic because that’s how they know they’re still getting one step ahead of everyone else.

When the world’s biggest scoundrels want to keep their cushy positions, everyone else has to be the cause of all the problems. There has to be some evil “other” out there in the world making our lives miserable, because they know damn well that the truth won’t work on their gullible and misinformed people. These “superior beings” will use anything they can find to justify the fact that they’re sitting in those cushy chairs while the rest of us are scrambling for a seat, and we have to do whatever we can to get one.

For me, I’ll always remember that little bit of wisdom I learned in high school: Nothing saps the strength and will to live like fear of death.

The views expressed in this post are mine alone and do not necessarily represent the views of any blog or person or organization with which I may be affiliated., 21 Feb 2018 16:46:47 +0000cawne211524 at's "The wall" would prevent global warming

Every time I look at this or this or this, I think to myself, "how could this be?!"

I didn't even know that he was anti-environmental because that's how I think of him.

And then I read this and this and I start to think, "well... maybe that's how he is."

I don't know. I really don't. But here's an article in Mother Jones that points out the fact that Trump is the perfect vehicle to get Americans to use more energy and make even more carbon based products.

It seems that every time Trump opens his mouth, he proves that he's really bad for the environment. And this article shows why.

Here's a quote from that article that really made me laugh:

"But as a candidate, [Trump] said, "In the old days we had the oil, but now we have no oil." When it comes to energy, he's completely out to lunch.

That phrase—no oil—is perhaps the most frequently repeated thing Trump has said in public about energy in general and oil in particular. He's said it at one point or another for 28 consecutive months: in April 2016, May 2017, and September 2017.

His solution: Build a wall. "The Green Wall," he likes to call it.

Why build a wall in order to solve our energy problems?"

Well, here's the kicker. The wall is about more than just energy. It's about how we should all feel about him and his behavior.

Trump is good at using fear and terror to push his agenda. And I can imagine that he may be using the fact that he wants to build a wall, in order to push us toward using fossil fuels.

He's also used climate change in order to convince us that building a wall is something that needs to be done. Here he is at a rally where he's trying to convince Americans that a border wall is needed in order to keep the Chinese from invading us:

We must have security at our #SouthernBorder. Will be built by #USAF, Military and the #Mexico. The United States needs strong borders. We don’t want it to be easy for people to come into our country.#BuildThatWall #Inauguration