Risk it for the bi
I'm not very good
Crazy is as Crazy
Yeah birds need be
Head of the Snake
Trust Your Gut
Time to Bring Abou
The Brains Behind
Truth Be Told
That sure doesn't

This Tribe Will Se
You Guys Are Dumbe
Zipping Over the C
Known first for
The Most Deserving
As a bonus:
Tonight, We Make O
On this day, in
Reinventing How Th
The Best and Worst
Surprise Enemy Visit Battlefield 2 was very popular, but it had some technical problems too. For instance, its online mode gave me grief, like lag in the games, people constantly disconnecting. Well, turns out a little program that I had stopped was blocking people from the server from talking to me. Apparently, I had removed a file in my program directory that had it connected to one of the major servers. So, they finally sent me an e-mail about it. I figured I would come back in a few days. To my surprise, a few hours later they e-mailed me saying that they will be sending someone to my place to check out my computer and fix it. Apparently, it was also lagging in the games. Well, I called them back later and got a return call from someone who said he would come by. He came by and said I should keep an eye on the Internet usage while he looks at my computer. So, for the time being I am only able to play when it is quiet, and I can go to the site at midnight, and it is very very slow. But, on the plus side I am able to play now. That was one of the surprises and the latest surprise is that one of the guys I went to school with, who works at the same company as me. Apparently, he knows this guy who works at a game store near where I live and we decided to meet up and go to the same store. The guy (which I will call Jason) also mentioned something about a game that he had heard about from a friend. It is going to be called Half-Life 2, and it is a new game for a new console that would be released in the future. I was so surprised to learn this, I didn’t know what to do. I was so excited about this new game that I think I jumped up and shouted in excitement. I don’t know how much Jason knew, but he was kind of taken aback. He told me that he doesn’t have it for pre-order yet. The friend that told him about it is selling it for $500, but I think it is a little bit steep for what you get. I guess we will see, but I sure wish I had it right now because I don’t know when I would get a chance to play it now, especially after tonight. Well, I better go. I don’t know how much you can read into this post. I just found it very intriguing to see some online company care enough to send someone out so quickly for a problem that was easily corrected. And I know that my problems will not be much of a problem for them because of their expertise. And on top of that, I am not that important to them. Well, I better go now. I have to write up a report for my boss and I would not want to have this out of order. This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 18, 2003 at 12:15 PM by PokerBoy. Bookmark the permalink. "The most exciting game for me would be one where I could create my own character and live as I wanted." Hmmm... What about a sandbox FPS in which the story is largely procedural? I've had the same thoughts for ages... maybe it's time for a new MMOFPS... I'm not really much of a game player, but I do love to get new ideas about the nature of what they are and what they can do. I would really like to know how you think of this sort of a FPS that would be game dependent. Would it be mostly player based, or more action/adventure oriented? I'd really like to read what you have to say on the subject and see how you think of it. If this is an interesting thought to you, please share it! Good question you have! I will try to find something more solid than my initial thoughts. As far as this new game is concerned, it is very possible. I would think that the main concern would be to make a solid environment that is consistent within itself, and makes the AI intelligent. For example, if you are in an area that has plenty of weapons, that doesn't mean people would run out and play with those weapons just to hurt themselves or others. That would be a complete waste. The AI should be programmed to actually use the weapons, not collect them. Just thought I would throw that out there. Another possible topic would be if these weapons are used in a combat situation, would it be player versus environment, player versus player, or is it more of a game about hunting animals to kill? Well, you might want to read my next article that I am thinking of writing in which the game would have a much better explanation of that! Thanks again for the great question, and I hope to see you in the future! I will admit that I have heard of this new game that was going to be released, but the only thing I heard was from my friends that work with one of the engineers at my company. I know this guy, but I don’t really know him that well. I knew some other people that he knew and he knows some other people that I know, but that’s about it. If I heard any buzz about this game, then my curiosity would make me want to look into it more, especially if it was to be released in a few weeks. As far as I know, it is supposed to be an interesting game with a strong emphasis on player versus player combat. You do get weapons and it would be interesting to take them in hand and use them. Even in war, I know it would not be as much fun without it! "The most exciting game for me would be one where I could create my own character and live as I wanted."