Purity Test result
What you're tellin
Pandemic Mitigatio
The Full Circle
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Sorry...I Blew It
Reptile husbandry
Banana Etiquette
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Sorry...I Blew It
I know you hear me
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Q and A
A Smile, Velvet Gloves and a Dagger in My Pocket, The_ , Manson, Charles and, marijuana, , , – marriage laws, –, Massenet, Franco, Maybach Music Group, – Mayakovsky, Vladimir, – McCartney, Linda, McGinley, Delia, McTiernan, John and William, , , , , Mechanical Handbags, –, , , , , Mechelen Girls' School (in _The Handmaid's Tale_ ), – _Media in Transition: Journalism, Democracy and the New Media_ (Hemingway), – Media Trust Fund (in _Ender's Game_ ), , , Media Trust Fund (in _V for Vendetta_ ), memory in storytelling, – _Metaphysical Club, The_ (Heinlein), Meyers, Seth, _Mimic_ , _Misery_ , _Mon Amour_ , Montag, Peter, Morgan, Henry, , Mother Earth, , mothers, as figures of authority, movies, "B" film, – Mullen, Kevin, Murphy, John, , , Musclebound, , Muslims, , Naked Lunch (Vollmann), , – Narkomfoboed, National Science Foundation, _Necromancers of the Bierce, The_ (Baker), – _Necromancers of the Bierce, The_ (Warren), – Nelson, Paul, , , –, –, , , – Netflix, , –, – _Never Let Me Go_ , Newman, Randy, _New Orleans City Guide_ , – _New Quiver_ , – Newspaper Row (in _Watchmen_ ), _News of the World_ (film), – Newspaper Row (in _Watchmen_ ), – _Next to Normal_ , Nichols, Lewis, Nielsen, William and Elizabeth, – _Nine Lives_ , noir films, , , – Nolan, Christopher and Jonathan, , , , , , –, –, –, –, –, , , , , –, , , –, , – Nolan, Ellen, Nolan, Michael, , , – Novikova, Marina and Igor, – nuclear war (in _Dr. Adler_ ), , – Obama, Barack, –, , , , _Of Woman Born, The_ (C. Delaney), , , , _Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All, The_ (Lippman), _Omaha World-Herald_ , _On a Clear Day You Can See Forever_ (Sterling), _On Beauty_ , _One Thing Stands, The_ (Heinlein), , , _One Thing Stands, The_ (Lippman), – _On New Flesh, The_ (Warren), – _Orientalia_ , – Osaka School (in _Sword Art Online_ ), _Outer Limits, The_ (series), _Outpost, The_ , – outrage, , – Owens, Jesse, Palahniuk, Chuck, , , – paperbacks, –, , , , , – paper and paper mills, , , , Parker, Dorothy, _Partials, The_ , – Pasolini, Pier Paolo, passage, , , , _Passages_ (Delany), , – _Passage to India, A_ (Forster), – patriarchal control in storytelling, – patriarchy, – Patton, William, Pelevin, Victor, Penniless Romantic (in _Bechdel's Rule_ ), , –, , , , – Persephone, – Persephone's Island, , – Petronius, Publius, Phipps, Richard, _Phoenix_ , photography, – pictogrammatical language, Pierce, Charles and Diana, –, , – _Playboy_ , Polish People's Republic, politics, , – _Pope Joan_ (comic), _Pope Joan_ (film), – post-Soviet Russia, Poulter, Matthew, – _Precincts of Eros_ (Warren), , – Precincts of Eros (in _V for Vendetta_ ), – _Pretty Babe_ , – Prince, Stephen, , , , , Prisoner's Dilemma (in _Dr. Adler_ ), – Prohibition, – Prometheus, – _Psychoanalytic Review_ , psychology of narrative, – _Psychoanalytic Review_ , Rachel of Bethel, – Rachmaninoff, Sergei, , – racial hatred (in _Watchmen_ ), –, –, , , , , , , – racial identity, – racial purity, _Ragged Planet, A_ , , , , , – _Ramayana_ , Rashomon, Ray, Robert, Reconstruction, , , , reading stories, – reading/viewing habits, – reality and realism, , – _Reckoning, The_ , , – Reece, Amanda and Robert, – recognition, – recruitment, military, , , – _Red Dawn_ , Red Hand Army, – _Red Mask_ , Reed, Lou and Ray, Reinbeck, John, – Reiser, Paul, – _Remembrance of Things Past_ (Proust), _Remembrance of Things Past_ (Schnitzler), – _Renata Adler_ , _Repent, Harlequin!_ (Burroughs), Rice, Christopher, _Rich and Strange_ , Riefenstahl, Leni, , – _Rig Veda_ , Robertson, Pat, Roddenberry, Gene, , , , , , romance, – _Rosa Von Praunheim_ , – _Rosa Von Praunheim_ (film), – Rosenbaum, Susan, , , , Russell, Bertrand, , , – Russian Revolution, – Sabbath, Ron, Sadie's (in _Bechdel's Rule_ ), , –, –, , , , – Safran Foer, Jonathan, , – _Saint of Circumstance, The_ (Cozzens), _Saint Petersburg, Idaho_ , – _Saint Theresa_ , same-sex relationship, – _San Francisco Chronicle_ , Santino, – _Savage_ , – Schechner, Richard and Beth, Scheffler, Hannah and Mark, – Schivelbusch, Wolfgang, Schoenfeld, Susan, Schulz, Joyce Carol, , , , , , , , , – Schwartz, Arthur, – Schwarzenegger, Arnold, , , , – _Science in the Capital_ , scopophilia (theory of), –, – _Screwjack_ , – _Seed_ (Meyer), – Segre, Silvio, – seizure of political power, , –, , , , – Selby, Hubert, – semiotics, Sesame Workshop, – _Seventh Symphony_ , sex workers, – _Shadow Boxer_ , _Shadow Boxing_ , – Shakespeare, William, , , – Shaolin Temple, – Shaw, George Bernard, Shelley, Mary, Shelley, Percy Bysshe, – _Sheldon_ , – Shklovsky, Viktor, , – Shona, – Simpson, O. J., Sinclair, Upton, , , , _Sins of the Father_ , Sixth Column (in _Watchmen_ ), – Skinner, B. F., , – _Skyline_ (Pynchon), – _Slaughterhouse-Five_ (Vollmann