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A Smile, Velvet Gl
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Hitachi, Volvo, Jo
That's Love, Baby!
The Tides are Turn
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You Mangled My Net
An example of lewdness, which involves exposing a person’s sex organs for the purpose of sexual arousal, arousal being a physical state or condition that leads a person to experience sexual desire. Lick My Balls- A category of bestiality in which one animal performs oral sex on another. Lick My Back – Term for a person who performs fellatio on the backside of someone. Long Dong Silver- A term for a man’s penis. Lord’s Day – An alternate spelling for Sabbath. Loose Anus – When an anus has spread and stretched; when anus is more flexible and sensitive and more receptive to sexual stimulation. Lotus – A woman’s name. A flower that resembles a man’s penis. Love Bug- The clitoris. Low Libido- The failure or refusal to have sexual intercourse on a regular basis, which often may result in asexuality. Lube Man- A male homosexual who will use his semen to lubricate a female sex partner during a sexual act. Maledict— A curse word, usually referring to homosexual behavior, especially to the male sex organ or the male anus. Make Love— An alternative way of saying “have sex”. Make Out— A euphemism for oral sex. Make Room— To urinate into another’s anus. Mammary Massage- Also known as Cunnilingus, a sexual practice of oral-genital contact. Massage- A sexual practice of rubbing one’s genitals on another’s body for sexual arousal, particularly the penis in the female sex organ. Massage Therapy- A non-medical procedure whereby a client is massaged by a practitioner to effect a psychological and/or physiological response. Masturbation—The sexual practice of stimulating one’s sex organ with one’s hand or other object. Masturbation Habit— An addiction to the practice of masturbation, which often begins in adolescence. McWhorter- A condom, usually made of latex or nitrile. McWhorter’s Box- A condom dispenser that is placed on a bed or table so that one’s sex partners can pick one up and put it on the penis or her sex organ, without having to handle one themselves. MELT— A type of body wax. Mid-Ganglia— The area midway between the tip of the penis and the anus, around the penile opening and foreskin or head of the penis. Middle-Eastern Style— The practice of cunnilingus with the mouth while the penis penetrates the anus, and the genitals are held by a person. Midget – A tiny man. A very short, compact person. Midget- A short woman with a tiny penis. Mind Fuck— A sexual act in which one’s sexual arousal is achieved without the use of the sex organs. Ming’s Place— A massage parlor that often specializes in genital rubbing. Mocha Dickie— A large dick. Moll- A sexually aggressive woman. Mollusks- The reproductive organ of the human penis. Morpheus— A sexual practice of cunnilingus that is performed while one’s sex partners are in a semi-sleeping state. Morgan- To perform fellatio. Mother Teresa— A heterosexual or bisexual woman who is considered unresponsive sexually and who rejects the idea of sexual pleasure. Motivation- The state or condition of being prompted to take action. Mountain Man— A man who is sexually active, with multiple sex partners. Mount Everest— The male sex organ. Mountain Man- A man who prefers large penises. Mother Load— An extreme ejaculation. A male ejaculate so enormous that it leaves a large pool of semen on the sheets. Mouse— A term for a female sex partner who is very submissive. Mumble Juice— A man’s semen. Muppet— A man with a small penis. Mutter Purse- A vagina. My Dildo- A sex partner’s penis. Narcissism— A state of being overly self-centered, egotistical, arrogant or vain. In the mind of someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, the state involves sexual arousal and arousal being a physical state or condition that leads a person to experience sexual desire. Narcissist- Someone who often feels and behaves in an overly self-centered, egotistical, arrogant or vain manner. Narsty- A sexually aggressive woman. National Institutes of Health (NIH)— A Federal agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services that performs research for the purpose of developing new health practices. Nationalism— A country’s pride in itself and in its people and its ideals. Native Americans- Native peoples of North and South America, many of whom live in Third World Countries. Navel— A term used for the female sex organ. Nazi’s – People who have a sexually aggressive personality disorder. Neat— A sexually aggressive woman. Nerve— To penetrate or rub one’s sex organ. Newt— A woman’s sexual organ. Non-Consensual – The act of sexual intercourse without the consent of the recipient. Norwegian— A person who is considered a man with a small penis. Nose- Ears – Two sex partners with similar sexual appetites. Nymphos- Lesbian women who are very sexually aggressive. Nymphomaniacs— A female person who has an extreme sexual appetite, particularly for men. Nympho’s Law— No matter what the sex of the person being seduced is, or the gender of the person being seduced, if the person is considered sexually attractive, that person is almost always considered the same sex and gender. Nuzzle- The practice of licking or sucking one’s sexual partner’s nipple. Nudge— A lesbian female friend. Nobility – A condition in which a woman has more sex partners than the male sex partner she lives with. Non-Sexual – The state or condition of having no sexual appetite. Noodle— A small male sex organ. None of Your Business— To sexually satisfy oneself. No One’s Home— To fail in satisfying one’s sexual needs and wants. North American Man In White— A sexual practice of anal intercourse in which a man inserts his erect penis into his sex partner’s vagina and after it is fully inserted, pulls out and rubs his semen all over the anus, which is considered a sexual act. Nose Biscuit— A heterosexual man who likes anal intercourse. Nutsack— A woman’s sexual organ. Nymph— A sexually attractive girl. Oral Sex— The sexual practice of stimulating one’s sex organ with the mouth rather than the sex organ. Orgasms – The uncontrolled expulsion of semen or a woman’s uterine fluids. Orgasmic— The state of not feeling or experiencing sexual arousal. Organize One’s Sex Life— To put in time and effort to organize one’s sex life. Orgasm Overdose— The condition of being sexually aroused with enough stimulation to experience an orgasm. Orgasm Stasis— A state of sexual paralysis or temporary inability to achieve an orgasm. Orgasm- A peak of sexual arousal when a woman experiences a series of spasms and contractions that produce a sexual climax. Orgasmic— The state of not feeling or experiencing sexual arousal. Oversensitive Penis Syndrome— A condition in which one’s penis becomes erect or engorged more easily, usually with less sexual stimulation. Oversexed— Someone with an excessive sex drive. Overtalk— To discuss sex rather than experiencing it. Paralyzing Shit— A state of sexual paralysis. Para-Sensual— A state in which one cannot feel and sense something even though it is occurring in front of him or her. Paraphilias— An abnormal condition of sexual arousal which may involve deviant sexual fantasies or sexual fantasies which involve a person, object or activity that is not viewed as normal or acceptable. Para-sex— To think about sexual activities while the person is actually involved in an inappropriate sexual activity. Paralytic— An individual who is almost unable to walk due to a disease or injury. Penile Discharges- A term for the male’s sperm. Pensioner— A man who has lost his interest in sex and is not interested in having sex. Performer- A sexually aggressive man who is in the lifestyle. Perverted- A term used to describe actions that are considered illegal and wrong. Piggybacking- Sucking a penis without regard for the person’s health, mental or physical problems, or age. A type of homosexual sex or bisexual sex in which one person mounts another to receive oral