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You get so fat that you need someone to tell you that when you’re hungry, you should eat something. You don’t know when to stop eating… You’re also likely to lose your teeth because when you sleep, you tend to chew all your food completely to the point of putting your jaw into a lockup. You lose some weight… But you then gain weight all over again. You’re always sad because food is more important than life to you. You’re just another junk food addict! You have a strong desire for comfort food which has the tendency to ruin your love life. You can’t go for more than two days without tasting a food that makes you go oh-ahh. Your eating is out of control. So, who is to blame? That would be the body’s natural defense mechanism: the fight or flight response. Basically, whenever you go through some kind of stress your body releases hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones tell your body to pump out glucose which is a source of energy to either flee or fight the predator/danger. How the fight or flight response works is like this: when your body is in a ‘fear’ (or stress) situation the hypothalamus sends signals to the pituitary gland that in turn sends signals to your adrenal glands to prepare the body for an emergency by pumping out cortisol. The higher your level of cortisol, the harder it is to control cravings which is why you might feel like a stress eating monster once the adrenal glands make a mess of your metabolism. Since no one wants to become a slave to food, let’s look at some tips that will help you learn how to make peace with your food. 6 Simple Tips to make peace with your food Try to eat smaller portions. When you realize that you’re already eating a lot, try eating just a little more at a time. Also, try eating just a little more than what you would normally eat. If you can eat a lot of food, you’re a slave to food. Don’t use food for comfort. Since comfort food is actually a form of comfort, you don’t want to reach for comfort food to feel good. In fact, comfort food can harm your physical and emotional health. For example, eating a lot of comfort food might make you feel good in the moment, but it might create a future health problem. Eat slow to eat fast. Have you heard of ‘comfort me’? Well, the comfort me response is another term used for emotional eating. One idea to stop emotional eating is to stop eating so fast. Do some exercise. The problem with comfort eating is that it is all about the food and not about your body image. And it also happens when you’re not even hungry. So instead of reaching for that tempting dessert, why don’t you do some exercises to keep your body fat at a healthy level. If you overeat, write about it. It is always good to let out all your emotions through writing. Try writing about all the good stuff and bad stuff and how you felt before, during and after your overeating session. Talk to people you trust. If you’re an emotional eater, your body is doing this because of stress. If this is you, then this is just like you are trying to comfort yourself because you’re not happy about something. What you should do is find a support system and talk to the people you trust. And when it comes to talking about stress and its effects, it would be best to talk to a professional psychologist. If you want to get a lot of information about anxiety and how to overcome anxiety, then just click here. If you still feel like you want to talk, the best option is to talk to your doctor or therapist. Conclusion This is your lifestyle! You know the kind of life you want to live and that’s what you should be living. It’s important to have control over your food. If you want to make peace with your food, all you have to do is figure out the best way to use food for good. What are you waiting for? Your health is just a thought away! Share this article on your social media page! About the Author This article was written by a guest contributor. You will find their details at the bottom of the post. To submit your own Guest Post to our website, please visit our SUBMIT page for details about adding your article. A few months ago, my husband came home from work with a new look on his face – a look that meant one thing – he had a new boss. It was obvious he didn’t want to talk about it, and that made me feel sad. However, after a few conversations with friends I realized that as long as I knew the reason why, then everything was fine. Knowing the reason is half the battle. When it comes to fighting fear, that’s where knowledge can be a great support system. The more you know about why you fear what you fear, the better you can control it. In order to do that, you have to first figure out what you fear and then figure out why you fear it. You can’t get rid of fear. You can only change how you react to your fears. If you constantly respond to fear with fear, then you will not be able to control it. However, when you do that, you create more fear because you are always thinking about what you might get hurt or lost from. Here’s the solution: You just learn to accept your fears and deal with them. If fear is like a monster that follows you around like a shadow, then just accept the fact that fear is not going anywhere. And the good news is that you are not going anywhere either! The fact is that no matter how big the monster looks, it is there because your mind is putting it there. You are the only one who can create fear or be a victim of fear. So get your ego out of the way, and begin to accept the way things are. What do you really fear? What are you afraid of? Why are you afraid of those things? Knowing the answers to those questions will help you to eliminate fear and stop letting fear control you. You need to get to know your fears and how to handle them, for when you can do this you will be able to defeat fear every time and you will not have to deal with fear when it catches you off guard. Fear is actually the biggest obstacle to your success. And, if you think that there are other types of fears you are dealing with in your life, then read this article. How Do You Get Over Fear? – The 5 Best Tips for Overcoming Fear! 1. You don’t have to do everything all at once. Fear is something that you are always going to be dealing with, for that fear is not going to go away. However, you can get over fear by overcoming the barriers one at a time. By starting small, you can eventually win over fear. Every time you do something small, do it slowly and keep a positive outlook on the process. This will help you to move forward with your goals. 2. Change your thought pattern. If you want to get over your fears, then you have to change your thought patterns. If you keep on living in the same way, then you will always be able to feel the same things. You can’t get rid of fear until you start looking at your life from a different perspective. 3. Visualize yourself having success. Seeing yourself having success can help you to get the success that you want. You can imagine yourself walking down the street in business attire with friends and colleagues. You can create this picture in your mind and when you do that, it will work on you subliminally and help you to achieve your goals. When you repeat the images in your mind, you will feel encouraged to get out of your comfort zone and start living a more exciting life. 4. Look around and find opportunities. Look around and find opportunities that are available for you. Look for ways to improve the situations in your life. Take an inventory of your entire life and look for ways