Now’s the Time to
Vitamin, Protein,
Down and Dirty
Fear Keeps You Sha
Our coming-of-age
You get so fat tha
A Lost Puppy Dog
Love Many, Trust F
Salvation and Dese
Each time you will

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So Smart They're D
This could force t
I'm the Kingpin
Gifts for the busy
Personal Escort se
Fun, Liesure, Phot
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While all of this
I know that you mentioned in the show that you had two jobs, but did you ever try to get a degree? I went back to college and made Dean’s list every semester but, you know, I didn’t finish that. And also there were other responsibilities like, I had another child that was born. I had to raise a little girl, and a lot of kids need that hand-up and that hand-up. No degree because they were the times. You worked as much as you could and went to as many community college classes as you could. You know, sometimes people ask me, ‘Why don’t you have a degree?’ And I say, ‘Well, you know it’s my life. I’m not going to spend three years at a time and spend $30,000 on an education. When it happened for me it was about learning, and I was able to work and get grants and loans and everything. So I started off with $3,000 worth of education. It was very successful. You were with Bill Cosby for 13 years, right? That’s really a long time. Yeah, and I’m still with him. Cosby was a special teacher to me. That’s when the black community really was like the black family, before everybody’s family fell apart. That was a time when I grew up, too. I was in public school with him and I was really impressed with that. When you were with him did you ever see any of those predatory things that are going on in the media now? Uh-huh. They said he was raping women, which is so untrue. That’s not at all what they were about, those situations. It’s just really bad. It didn’t bother me. One day I would be on set and he would say to me, ‘Janice, can you come here for just a minute? I want to ask you about something.’ That was all that was. And I said, ‘Okay.’ And he’s like, ‘What do you think of this situation? What do you think? And I’d say, ‘Well, you know I think it’s crazy and all that.’ It was all about his ideas. And then he’d say, ‘You know I can’t talk about that right now, but thank you for your time. Have a good night.’ He really treated me good. When people ask me about him I say the good things because it really is bad. And he didn’t do anything bad to me. But they put it on him. The press can do that because they hate black people and they want to destroy them. Did he sexually harass you at all? What I see is that someone is going to get hurt because he has this aura of innocence and purity. He’s just got his own thing and it’s kind of unreachable to a lot of people. He’s a real sweet man and he’s just a very sensitive man, and he’s had a rough road in life. It’s interesting because he has lost all the women. He had been married for a long time and all that, but they’ve tried to poison him with lies about him being a rapist. It is untrue. It’s not untrue in the sense that it is true? Yeah, so you cannot use that as an example. No, but what is it with these white girls and black men? All I know is he raised a son for nine years. He was a family man and now we don’t even know where the son is. You know what I was saying about the kids who lost it because their parents didn’t give them something to give them power and they didn’t teach them right, and we don’t have a choice because we grew up in neighborhoods and we’re like that. We don’t have any other choice. But we did not attack him, I mean, at all. He’s not an evil man. You did the interview about the assault allegations with a “Today” show legal analyst. Talk about that a little bit. No, I just did an interview with somebody that I’ve been talking to because I didn’t know what was happening. But we always got along and I was always friendly with him and so it was interesting to see what all happened. But it is still a question, right? He may have been, in some instances, doing things for entertainment value, for fun, in some situations, for different reasons. That’s what I mean about these situations because they have taken him away from that man. He’s trying to be a man right now, you know what I mean? He lost his son. People can’t understand why you can’t get a few things down. That’s why I love it when people say that you have to give me something. And they say, ‘If you can get one or two things down, everybody else would follow.’ And I’m like, ‘Oh my goodness. This is so ignorant. Just go back to what you know because I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.’ He really taught me so much. The women accusing him of sexual assault said he could get sex from the most powerful white women around him. Did you hear about that? I don’t know what I would think about that because I didn’t go there. There were a lot of women that we have, and I’m sure he did, too, but they were innocent. I don’t think he did anything to them. But the press will make up all these stories. He has not paid for any of this. You know what I’m saying? He has not paid for any of it. And he is just a good man. There’s a lot of stories that he’s tried to destroy them, too. When they went after me, they told these lies about me, but I knew some of them because they used to work at the post office and we talked. I found out that they were telling lies. So, you know, they’re liars. That’s all that was. He’s still an innocent man that made mistakes, but that was when it was the ‘Me Decade.’ People were so uncontrollable. And people need to just think what it’s been like for black people. Where did we come from? I mean, white people were out here killing black people for their slaves. Right now we’re in a mess again because people are so crazy. It’s going on, but nobody in the media is reporting it. And they’re making it look like the Klan is going to come to this school. That was scary. Because it was a black man in that school. So there’s a lot of things going on that they don’t really report. What happened with me, for example, was so dangerous for them to report. When? A couple of days ago. It was just crazy. It was so crazy. People just wanted to be like that. I went to get a hairpiece in, you know. And people were like, ‘You’re a sex symbol! You’re a sex symbol!’ I’m like, ‘What are you talking about? I’m going for a hairpiece! It’s so sad.’ They just wanted to say some s**t because you’re my favorite white woman because we’re going to make some money off you, you know what I mean? What else happened with you? That time? I did not see him for the last two years, the whole time. I only went to the house that we had in New Jersey to visit and when he called me, because I’m there, he’s like, ‘What’s going on? We should do something.’ And I said, ‘Yeah, but what are we going to do?’ He said, ‘Well, I’m not doing anything right now. But I know you’re like me and you don’t really take any offense. We can talk.’ I said, ‘Well, why don’t you call me more?’ He’s like, ‘I was away.’ I said, ‘Okay.’ So he sent me an email on a Thursday night and it said, ‘I’m sorry I didn’t call you this week but I was busy doing some things.’ It was on a Thursday night. On Friday he calls and said, ‘Hey, I’m going to be in your area. I want to do something.’ And I said, ‘Okay, where are you?’ He said, ‘I don’t know. I want to make sure I get you this time.’ And so he did. He sent me an Uber from the airport to go get me because I couldn’t have gotten to him anyway. And I was so happy he did. And I go to his hotel and he sent the car to pick me up and they said, ‘Where’s your room?’ I said, ‘I’m going in his room.’ He said, ‘No, you have to stay in your room. You don’t have to come.’ I said, ‘No, I have to go and see him.’ He said, ‘No, you don’t. I’ll send you back.’ I said, ‘No, you can’t do that.’ So he sent me to his room and we stayed up late into the