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Why Aren't You Swi
Unclaimed Gift Car
Double Tribal, Dou
I knew that we wou
Fishing, Hunting,
Transferable Life-
We spent our time
Double Agent
Actions vs. Accusa

Elder-care, assist
Apocalyptic fictio
I Will Destroy You
I do have this ver
The Biggest Fraud
Scene News: Warez,
What's the Beef?
That'll learn 'em
After spending 1 month in the morgue in a preciouse job, our newest employee told some of the most interesting stories about the dead in those few hours he spends with them. “It was only 1 month ago, I was doing the last job of the night shift and a body was brought in. His name was John, he was around 22 years old, and had gone for a job interview the day before but that didn’t work out. John was found face down with his pockets turned inside out. The police found the body in the living room of an old house.” As the morgue assistants started to examine the body, they were in for a shock as they discovered something very interesting. On John’s right buttock were a handwritten note that read: Don’t give up or you will get fired.” Now the morgue assistant’s face changed from one of shock, to one of complete bewilderment. They all started to talk to each other: ‘What’s going on? Who knows what happened to the guy.’ ‘Maybe someone did him in.’ ‘He was going to get fired, maybe he deserved it.’ ‘Yeah, we all make mistakes.’ ‘I once got fired for eating some of my boss’s cookies.’ ‘It was only one packet of cookies.’ ‘1 out of 6 packets of cookies.’ ‘I’ve never done anything wrong.’ ‘I don’t even know this guy.’ ‘You’re fired for nothing!’ “John’s face was perfectly calm, with little or no reaction to the situation, all he could think about was finishing his last supper, while another person was trying to steal his paycheck, he just didn’t get it.” “John went on for a few minutes and got up. It was obvious John left that moment and we couldn’t imagine why he was so calm.” “It was when we opened John’s pockets that the body really gave us an insight on what happened. It was as if John expected something like this.” “First there was a newspaper article with the headline “Gross Indecency“. The rest of the article was blank. It was the story of some idiot who paid someone else to kill him for the insurance money. He then was on the news and everyone wanted to know his secrets. ” “Next we found his money, $4, but instead of being put in the usual way, this money was all mixed up.” “It was all inside out and in a wadded up mess.” “He had no idea, nor cared about the significance of it.” The autopsy results came back and our newest employee didn’t get hired after that, what was the cause of death?” I guess you’d call it “Gross Indecency”. “Why did it take so long? I don’t know what happened to him, or to us, if we are doing this. I mean, did that man leave without looking, or did we just forget that his pockets were inside out?” I don’t know if it was something he did or didn’t do. Who knows? All I know is that the morgue assistant in me doesn’t sleep, nor rest. I wonder who he was.” “Did you know that my wife was pregnant once and she ended up with an abnormal pregnancy? She had to give birth to a baby of 9 pound, but no 9 pound babies are born, so who knows? And now my wife has a new problem, she’s addicted to the TV. I found the show “Cuckold of course”, I know it’s not real, but is it possible that my wife is living this right now? I know it sounds ridiculous but all I know is that this TV show made me question things that have happened. It would be nice if my wife would come home from work every day and ask me “What happened at work today?” “Did you get anything new?” “Do you like the show ‘Cuckold of course’?” How is it possible that my wife spends 8 hours at work, and then she comes home without doing anything?” All I can do is sit here and watch TV and eat cookies. As you can see I had some comments about his video. Here is one of those weird moments when he got the weirdest comments for it. That is some of the weirdest comments ever! I know it’s a weird story but people should know that some crazy stuff can happen. Have you ever found an ID card on the floor? Then you must have found a crazy story about what the card belonged to. Here are some interesting comments about this strange person: “That person is crazy and sick.” “That person was on a murderous rampage.” “I don’t know who that guy was.” What’s more interesting, is this comment: “I knew that guy. He was my ex-best friend and the best thing about that friendship was that it ended.” That really sucks because that’s what my ex-best friend always told me. “I was shocked when I saw this video.” “Did you know that only 2% of people with ID’s actually have those ID’s?” Now I don’t want to upset people, but this comment really stands out for me: “I would always take off my ring when walking through the door.” If that rings a bell, then all I can say is, good luck to you. Have you ever seen someones wallet? You found someones ID and didn’t want to go home with it. So you put it in your pocket. And you forgot it was there. But then you find your wallet and there’s a phone number on your inside. You decide to check the number out. And the first person you dial is just this guy who found his wallet. He asks you how you found it. Then you ask him if he actually needs his wallet back. But he tells you he already gave it to his friend so you can keep it. Even if this happened, I’m sure it would be a coincidence, but what if it wasn’t? What if that guy is actually looking for his wallet? And what if he had gotten lost in that maze the first time? If you are that guy, then you probably think you are the luckiest person alive. Why wouldn’t you believe that you have a lot of bad luck? What if that guy you just played a phone call with is the police? He’s going to search you and you’ll go to jail. That would be some bad luck if that happens. He just wants you to check your wallet for him! Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean to scare people with this, but if you want to make up a story you might want to avoid making any bad luck for yourself. You’d only be going to a jail cell for a couple of hours, so that should be fine. So, this new guy got a promotion and everyone in the office wanted to know what he did for a living. The promotion went to the least prepared person in the office and he didn’t know what to say. He was ready for any questions like “How did you get the promotion?” But all the questions were, “What do you do?”. It got to the point where they asked him to take on his promotion. He explained that he didn’t do much to begin with, so it wasn’t that hard for him to do it now. That was just a one-time case of something happening. So the next week