I Will Destroy You
Apocalyptic fictio
Elder-care, assist
After spending 1 m
Emergency services
Why Aren't You Swi
Unclaimed Gift Car
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The Biggest Fraud
Scene News: Warez,
What's the Beef?
That'll learn 'em
While all of this
Look Closer: The F
This Is My Time
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I do have this very pleasant-looking glass for your collection." "I'm glad you like it." "Well, you know, maybe you could take me out again sometime?" "How about Saturday?" "Well, I'd just as soon go back home to St. Louis." "It gets lonely over here." "Yes, yes." "Do you really have to do that?" "Do what, Mr. Cartwright?" "Carry that gun around in your pocket all the time?" "Well, I told you I'm a..." " I'm a what?" " An Indian." "Well, not just an Indian." "I mean a..." " I mean an American Indian." " A chief?" "Chief?" "What kind of chief?" "Well, you might say a chief of police." " That is quite a responsibility, isn't it?" " Responsibility?" "You bet." "Responsibility." "That's very interesting." "Yes." "A most interesting word." "Well, well, well." "What are you doing home in the middle of the day?" "Hello, darling." "I'm sorry I'm a little late." " Did you see her?" " Yeah." "I told her all about the gold business." "I told her all about what a shrew you are." "What did she say?" "She said she'd like to meet you." " I told her we were still married." " He told her we were still married." "Wait till she sees you." "She'll fall in love with you." "You wait and see." "She'll scream, "Where is he?" You'll say, "Right here."" "She'll say, "He's so big."" "What will you say then?" "I'll say, "He's so little."" "How'd you like that?" " What happened to George Washington?" " He wasn't feeling very good." "I brought you some candy." "Thank you, Annie." " What's the matter with him?" " Nothing." "He's having his lunch." "Lunch?" "I told him to watch his health." "I said, "You keep a-eatin' all them hot things, you're gonna be a-havin' heart failure."" "You know what I'm gonna do with this gold?" "Buy us a trip around the world." "Go to Honolulu..." "I'm talkin' about Paris, London, Rome, Vienna and Monte Carlo, and all over the Orient." "Annie, I'm gonna take you to all those places where you've always wanted to go." "Oh, you are?" "You're gonna take me to Paris and London and Rome?" "Well, of course I am, you little baby." "Oh, you're gonna buy me a piano, 'cause I always wanted to learn how to play the piano." "That's more than just learning to play the piano." "That's learning the most I know, piano." "Oh, you better bring me a doctor." " Why?" " I got the indigestion." "You're sick?" "Yeah, I've been sick all the time I've been pregnant." "I'm sick all the time I go to the bathroom." "How do you expect a man to get any enjoyment out of livin'?" "I enjoy livin' as much as anybody." "I just want a vacation once in a while, that's all." "A vacation?" "I got a better idea." "Why don't you go get a husband?" "Get yourself a husband." "How can I get a husband?" "Can't nobody find me a husband." "I have trouble finding my slippers." " Well, what's wrong with you?" " I don't know what's wrong with me." "Where you goin'?" "Annie, where are you goin'?" "I have to go out." "Do you mind?" " What are you doing in there?" " I'm sick." "Why don't you call a doctor?" "It's a good idea." "I'll call a doctor right after I call the undertaker." "What are you afraid of?" "I'm not afraid of anything." "I'm pregnant." "I got a bun in the oven." "Come on out here, baby." "Let me see how big it is." "Come on, you get in there." "Let me see it." "Come on, I can't see without my glasses." "Come on, show me what it is." "Let me see it, I'm telling you." " I got to go back inside, George." " Look at that." "Oh, now look at that." " Ain't that somethin'?" " I guess so." "Well, come on, now." "Let me see you get out of that thing." "Let me see." "Just one little turn around the floor." "That's all." "Oh, yes." "Oh, that's nice." "Look at that." "Oh, no, no." "What?" "What do you mean, no?" "Don't be so uppity." "You know what you need?" "A nice little coat." "Come on." "Let me see you." "No, I'll tell you when it's time." "Oh, yes, ma'am." "Oh, it's nice and soft." "Yeah." "That's what you need." " I don't know what you're talking about." " I'm not talking about clothes." "This is a coat, you know?" "That is a coat." "Oh, yes, ma'am." "A nice, short, red coat." "Short, like mine." "See?" "Here's your baby." "Ain't that somethin'?" "She got a baby in there." "Ain't that somethin'?" "Look at that." "Oh, that's a nice-looking little coat." "I'm gonna get you one." "Where you goin'?" "I'm going to see about my baby." "She all right?" "Come on, now, we're stayin' here." "It's raining." "What are you doing?" "She don't need a coat." "She got that coat." "She got the clothes and everything." "She just don't need the coat." "Hey!" "What's the matter with you?" " What's the matter with you?" " We can't stay here all night." "All right, then, what do you want to do?" "What do you want to do?" "Why don't you go on up there?" "We're goin' up to see what happened." "I'm gonna get her." "Come on." "I know you don't like me." "That's right." "I don't like you either." "That's just what I think about you." " Come on." " Hey, go home!" "Don't say I didn't tell you!" "You want some more?" "You don't get your share of the gold!" "I'm in it for myself!" "You can have the rest!" "Look at all of that gold." "Think you're gonna take that gold for yourself?" "You don't deserve any of it!" "You won't get a speck of it!" "You'll be lucky to have your life!" "You'll be lucky to end it!" "You understand that?" "You don't deserve a single grain of it!" "I'm taking it!" "Hey, you wanna be greedy, go ahead." "It's all yours." "Take it all." "Here!" "Take it!" "Here, take it!" "Take it!" "Go on, take it!" "You want more?" "Take it!" "Take it all!" "Well, you're gonna get all of it!" "You're taking it all with you." "You ain't leaving' any for me!" "I'm taking it all!" "I'm going away." "Don't worry." "There'll be other women." "I'm going away." "You better keep me!" "You better keep me!" "I'm young, and I'll have many times!" "You'll never be anything but a wrinkled-up raisin!" "Here, you better take your coat!" "You'll need it in the morning." "It's cold out there." "You're all set?" "Well, let's get on with it." "It's just a matter of a few minutes." "Let's go, come on." "It's just a few minutes." " Come on, get it in there." " Don't drop that gun!" "What happened?" " I don't know." " She was in front of the tent." " Who?" " What happened?" " There." " Hey, somebody fell." "Go over there." " Who was it?" " She was in front of the tent." " Oh, my God." "Wake up." "Who was it?" "It's Annie." "We got to dig her out of the tent." "Well, do somethin'!" "Do somethin'!" "I'm not doing anything." "Not a blessed thing." "Don't just sit there, do somethin'!" "Please!" "I don't know what to do!" "I don't..." "Go on and dig her out of there." "And stay with her!" "All right, George." "I'll stay." "It's just a grave." "You got to stay with the people here."