Elder-care, assist
After spending 1 m
Emergency services
Why Aren't You Swi
Unclaimed Gift Car
Double Tribal, Dou
I knew that we wou
Fishing, Hunting,
Transferable Life-
We spent our time

Apocalyptic fictio
I Will Destroy You
I do have this ver
The Biggest Fraud
Scene News: Warez,
What's the Beef?
That'll learn 'em
While all of this
Bamboozled We have been bamboozled into believing that we have an identity of our own creation and therefore we are responsible for creating our reality. The truth of the matter is that we are a co-creator with an infinite number of other cosmic beings from the different systems of the universe. Our sense of the 'I' (individuality) is only a function of this universe. There is no 'you' and 'me', except when we have been made to believe that there is. We are co-creators with 'I' for the cosmic evolution to progress and as such all that we are doing now is 'co-creating', not creating. This is a law of the universe. It does not mean that we are not responsible for our actions or that we are not being observed. Our actions, our 'karma' is not being overlooked because the universe does not work like that. Remember that you and me in the microcosmic or human plane, is a function of the cosmic forces. Therefore, there is no such a thing as an independent mind. Everything is an effect of the cosmic forces and we create our experiences of the world by co-creating with our actions. If we are observing the world, it is not to punish us, it is to understand what is happening. This is how the natural forces of 'karma' work, but it is not just a punitive mechanism. It is an amazing thing to notice that most of us have not yet made the connection between mind and brain. We still think that we are a conscious being (like a 'ghost in the machine'), that our thoughts are caused by our thinking; but the truth is that we are all just an illusion of thought. We don't think, we only seem to think. The illusion of 'self' or 'I' only appears in our mind as we act on this planet and, due to the speed at which time passes in the universe, we take the notion of time that is associated with thinking, to mean that we are the only one alive or thinking. To go even further and simplify the idea of the cosmos, all that we have ever experienced is a projection in the mind. This is what the ancient sages were talking about when they spoke of 'Samsara', and that the mind is just a hologram in the cosmic field of existence. This is what the scientists are proving today; that 'all that is really exists in consciousness and not in matter', which we have been told for centuries. To explain this more clearly, if we look up in space and see a galaxy billions of light years away, what we see is light from millions of years ago. And if we go further and observe our planet, we see dinosaurs living on it millions of years ago and there is only a few thousand years that have passed since their existence on Earth and before our ancestors stepped foot on this earth. All that exists is a mental projection in our mind, nothing more, nothing less, and therefore, 'nothing real' exists outside of this 'hologram' of reality, as we are a hologram. Most of the modern ideas about time and space are based on a holographic representation that has created the image of our material existence. When you go to the beach or to the mountains, or walk in the woods, do you see things or only an image of the things? Everything that is created in the mind has a holographic representation. The reason we are unable to see past the holographic image of 'reality' is because it is not a holographic reality but a holographic representation. That is why it has always been said that if we step out of the image and view reality as a whole, and see the totality of existence, then we would be able to see everything else. From my understanding of consciousness this means that our senses cannot truly see anything else but holographic images because we have only 'created' the image. There is no difference if you go for a walk or lay on the beach because in either case you are 'seeing' or 'perceiving' holographic images. The sun and the moon and the stars, every thing that exists, including ourselves, we experience holographically. You are only 'seeing' the sun or the moon because of the image created by the holographic light that is coming through your eyes. It is said that you can use a flashlight and look at a mirror and it will reflect the image of your face, this is because the image is holographic. You have been looking at the hologram of your mind trying to understand what the truth really is and how you can make peace with what is going on inside your head. By accepting that all we can do in our mind is just think or 'create' an image, means that we accept our ability to control the hologram that we 'think' we can see. When I use the word 'think', I mean make any effort to create an image or a hologram, either consciously or unconsciously. When we experience anything in our life we create the image of our experience with our thought. This means that you can be 'thinking' that you do not want to experience anything and that nothing bothers you or troubles you. This is because we are all very conscious of how we want to feel and how we do not want to feel. So if we want to feel negative, then the universe will provide the opportunities and the experiences to have the energy of our hologram as negative. When we believe that we are a part of reality, then we 'take on' our hologram as real and we take responsibility for how we feel or think. I am only thinking about this because the word 'hologram' is 'meaningless' to a lot of people and because most of us think that the mind is one thing, yet as I explained it, it is not one thing. The mind is just an image in the hologram. If you understand that the mind is holographic, then you will understand that our thoughts are not a matter of a 'me'. Most of us have accepted the idea that we are only a product of our heredity. This means that our family environment or genes are not the cause for who we are, but they are the cause for our experiences. Because we believe that our environment is all that we are, then when something happens in the world, we take full responsibility for it. There are millions of people that would never think that it is their families that creates all the bad things that happen in their lives or in the world, but if we are told by somebody in authority, that somebody's genes created all this and therefore everything is a result of their actions, then they will believe it and take responsibility for it. We take full responsibility when somebody dies and blame it on their genes. We can say anything about anything because we are only accepting the hologram of our mind. The truth is that every action that is being taken and every word that is being said, is being recorded and the holographic image of it exists somewhere in space and time and the hologram of this creation is projected into our reality. We have been creating a holographic 'reality' since the beginning of time. We can only be part of the holographic 'reality' and can only exist as the hologram of our universe. This means that as a holographic projection we are only a part of the holographic 'reality'. We have not created this hologram of 'reality' but only created the image of it. The question is, what makes us believe that we are part of 'reality' and that there is a 'reality' we need to be part of? What is this illusion called 'reality'? This means that we have all the evidence that life is not a physical existence, but a holographic projection. When we look at the holographic nature of consciousness, you will start to realize that this is all there is to us. We are a holographic projection and we are all the holograms of our existence and every part of the holographic projection, that is us, is a hologram itself. We have been created by a holographic program that was created at some point in time. We have an unlimited potential to learn more about the laws of the hologram and I will be discussing more on this later. All of our lives and experiences are the holographic projections of this hologram, and we just seem to believe that we are real because we have the belief system we believe in. When we have a belief system that has been passed on to us, it has to be a holographic program. The truth is that it is easier for you to understand than it is for me to explain and you will probably have a lot more questions after what I have explained. It doesn't make sense at first but it does start to make sense as we go on. The universe is a system of projection, and all that we see is holographically projected out of consciousness. The holographic image we see is our own personal hologram of a holographic representation of our mind. We have programmed the holographic matrix of the cosmic field in which we live and when it is projected to us, it becomes a very real experience. In reality we are holographic projections and the universe is holographic but we need to start understanding this. The universe is a holographic field and everything that exists is a holographic image that we can see or perceive and because our consciousnesses are holographic, we can project our holographic images of what is happening and the laws of holography will always provide the experience we have had projected to us. If we look at the 'hologram' of what happens in our lives, all that we experience is created as we think it is. The truth is that our actions create our experiences and it is