Like a Wide-Eyed K
Suck It Up Butterc
Cooking with AI
Damage Control
So one thing that
That's a bald-face
The Sole Surviving
Anger, Tears and C
Tell a Good Lie, N
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Crocs, Cowboys and
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Do or Die
Commercial and Res
It Don't Take a Sm
Jellyfish 'N Chips
I Need Redemption
The Good Things in
Don't you think
Seems Like a No Brainer to Me To my mind, the only possible objection to the idea is that it may require, as opposed to facilitates, “big government.” I think the reason it’s worth discussing this idea is that such policies are so blatantly necessary and yet so clearly rejected by the powers-that-be. Think of all the stupid bullshit we’ve had to put up with because our elected officials thought they knew better than the general public. This is just a stupid idea for a reason. How could you not like a plan like this one? If you don’t, perhaps you should check your brain at the door and see where you’re at. Of course, we’ve got another problem, just as bad, but slightly less important. And I’m referring to the fact that, if this plan goes through, I’m going to be pretty pissed at people like the Cato Institute and, even worse, the Koch brothers, for spending millions of dollars in pointless campaigns for things like free-trade agreements and privatizing Social Security. I am not stupid and will remember that shit. They deserve it, if you ask me. One Response Very nice analysis. It is amazing how the Koch brothers (think tanks, politicians, lobbyists) have been able to co-opt so many people with their lies and bullshit. The only way we have any chance of dealing with this problem is to vote them out of office, whether republican or democrat. The only way they can get away with all this crap is if the American public doesn’t show up to vote. We can not vote them out of office unless we show up. We should not be showing up to vote in elections. The elections are rigged to the point where it is impossible to get fair representation. Lets do it!! Its not a lost cause! Its easy to change it from within. It would be insane to expect those who promote the interests of the Koch brothers and the other rich 1%ers (like the Koch brothers and other greedy corporations) to change from within. They have created the system as it is. The Koch brothers have made their money using our democratic system. Now they are using it to destroy it. The current system is run by the rich and rich corporate interests for the benefit of the wealthy, no matter who is in power or how they get elected. That is how they see their role in society. It is a sad state of affairs. But that is what they see. We have to change things from the bottom up. If you want an example of where people overcame corruption and created a just society, look at Norway or Denmark. They made all the right moves by creating a system that serves the people, not the interests of the wealthy. The wealthy know that the system has to serve them. In their minds the people are of no value to them. The 1%ers don’t want to be “taxed more”. What they really want is to turn us into a banana republic with no individual rights. If people don’t get involved with this process from within we will become a banana republic and the rich will be the 1%er’s. We must learn from other countries what they have done, and get that model working here in the U.S. It is all possible if we take action. Its important to note that it is not just the wealthy and greedy corporations that are the problem. It is government itself. When we allow government to control too much of our life, when we let them pass legislation that takes away our rights, we create the problem. Most people are not that crazy about government. We don’t want to be controlled by it. Its like watching your parents having a fight with your mother. They may want to win and control you. When you are forced into the situation, you don’t really feel like being controlled by government. It just doesn’t feel right to us. So when we vote to elect the politician we believe will pass laws that reflect our beliefs, we just may vote for a moderate candidate. We may vote for a moderate or a democrat. But they will not pass reasonable bills to help the poor, or to change the system to reflect the needs of the people and not the wealthy. They will vote for wars, and will look for opportunities to pass laws that give the wealthy more and more power and control over us. Most of the time we get a republican because we are so afraid of another “bailout” where the government is forced to provide health care for everyone. So you look for a Republican and we end up with a Republican congress that is on the take from the wealthy. When we allow the wealthy to control our system, we end up with what we have today. We just have to wake up and be smart. We can’t get good results unless we get smart. We need to vote in candidates that don’t take their orders from Wall Street and the wealthy. No matter who we vote for the system will stay the same until we change it from the bottom up, which I hope to see happen soon.