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Cooking with AI For AI to get off the ground, and for it to start making it's mark in your kitchen, you need all sorts of tools. You need recipes, and the ability to create them. You need an easy way to record what you make. And you need a simple, intuitive way to share them. But the real win is when you're sitting on the couch and you want to watch a movie, but you can't because the kids have taken over your TV. Now, the AI just takes over for you. This makes all the difference in the world. And it's this sort of user experience that can, if done right, makes it such that AI just sort of works. And it's this sort of user experience that can make it so that AI will change the way we do everything. It's the next generation of everything. If done right, AI can make a huge positive impact on your life. We see the early signs of this with our own company, Chef Watson. We're not really in AI. And yet we have the ability to create very, very good food from scratch. And this gives us the power to make that sort of food really easily and quickly for customers. This kind of tech for the home means that we're going to have new experiences that, today, seem foreign or at least hard to recreate in an efficient way. But, someday, a few months from now, this sort of thing will be commonplace. How AI can improve our lives The power of AI will really start to show when you get behind the scenes. You know, sometimes you just want to have a conversation with someone without having to deal with the conversation. What if you can sit in the back of the room and listen to what's going on? Or maybe you just want to focus on your work on a laptop. Maybe your work just wants to see your face. Maybe you want to take a walk and go exploring. Now, AI will help you by telling you when to stop and that when to get back to work. This is where we're seeing this power for the home right now. But AI will get smarter, and it will be everywhere. Think about what a difference this could make if you were shopping for a new home, say in the next five years. You're not necessarily going to know everything there is to know about that home. You're going to need a realtor. A good realtor is going to be good at knowing a lot about houses, and a lot about this specific house. He might know how much the price of the gas is in your area. And he might have insight on which area is rising and falling in the coming years. He knows the local schools and their strengths. He may even have one or two people on his staff who have grown up in your city. That's his knowledge. That's who he knows, and those are his insights that you may have to trust. It's hard to say what the experience might be like without a human being behind the desk, but I'm pretty sure it would be frustrating. You would know that you were dealing with an AI because the person would have no concept of you as a human being. But he's doing everything he can to help you find your home, and he would probably be doing a pretty good job. The only issue would be when something goes wrong. Let's say there was a fire. It's highly likely that, even with all the systems and people in place, the insurance company or your bank may come out with a huge refund. They may decide it's a hazard for the rest of the world, and move on with their lives. But there will be people that don't make that decision. They're going to spend months or years fighting for compensation. It's only when the decision is made that something is done, that you know you've really been wronged. With the AI gone, you are the one who suffers. When AI can come in and replace those parts of our lives, we're going to feel good about it. We're going to feel like we have lost something that we really didn't lose. That's why it's going to take years for AI to get to that point. It's only when AI is there for us at every moment that we feel it. But it will come. So, how do you use AI? We work with a bunch of startups, and they've all got their version of AI-based technology for your home. Some of them are really hard to use. We're hoping to create an experience with all these companies together that will just sort of be a super AI in your home. That would be amazing! But in the meantime, you should do some research. It will help you see what works and what doesn't. It will help you see what this all really is, and how it's going to change your life. And, just to be clear, this isn't going to replace your job. In fact, it will help you do your job even better. It's AI technology that will make it easier and more efficient for people to learn and share knowledge with each other. This is how AI will make its mark on your life, and how it will change the world. We're excited to see what the future will bring. There are more and more of these technologies, so just like how the world of information changed when search engines got big, the world of software is changing right now. And it's all because of this new technology called AI. It's going to be big. You can feel it right now. But when it happens, it's going to be something like...I don't know...maybe getting a package delivered. Like, "This is weird!" The next version of this article will be published sometime in the next four years. That's not a typo. We love these kinds of headlines! Please, write them down and send them our way at steve@stevejobsapp.com. The content produced by this site is for entertainment purposes only. Opinions and comments published on this site may not be sanctioned by, and do not necessarily represent the views of Sustainable Enterprises Media, Inc., its owners, sponsors, affiliates, or subsidiaries.