The Brave May Not
A New Era
Jellyfish 'N Chips
Oh no, how did I m
Two Peas in a Pod
Performing a skill
A simple way of de
Salvation and Dese
Disney bedtime pho

Stuck in the Middl
The Good Guys Shou
Lien enforcement
United We Stand, D
Hello, I'm Still a
Fraudential Packag
Baby with a Machin
We're in the Major
A simple way of de
He's a Ball of Goo! And he's not just a silly one-liner." "No, he's not, but we've got that under control." After a long pause, Jinks blinked as if feeling something, then spoke his voiced clear for the first time in a moment to state "The doctor says he's okay and is going to be fine, so don't worry about it." Terror heard Jinks' voice tone seemed out of it before mentally speaking to Victoria "His mental state is that of the High Council's doing." Terror heard nothing from Jinks in response felt his mind scanned felt annoyance take hold as he mentally spoke sensing Jinks wasn't around "A pity a waste of some good DNA. The male had a good genetic makeup by the looks of it despite him being part vampire as I can tell from examining his physiology." He frowned as he heard nothing from Victoria from the scanning stopped to his relief as the male who was still slumbering came into view standing up facing the wall. Terror heard silence from Victoria he mentally ordered "The patient be waken. We're not done with him yet." He glared at the male who turned to face him as he mentally spoke "I'm Jinks Montreal. I remember you're the doctor here." Terror saw the male shook his head in a no gesture as he mentally ordered "Show me your arm the wound I took out." Jinks obeyed raising his arm showing the area in question had the bullet hole in sight with the area red in color the size of a dime. Terror heard from Victoria "He's healed the wound and it'll take some time for him to have the mark's scar removed from him. The wound's not that bad despite the pain he complains of." He raised his hand fisted and lowered it on Jinks' arm who spoke in a loud yelling tone "Sorry for knocking you out." He straightened his form to fold his arms staring at the male who shut his eyes and appeared to fall asleep lying on the bed. Terror mentally spoke as if compelled by the High Council's creepy voice "It appears the High Council managed to get their hands on this patient." He paused from talking as Jinks gave up a loud yell of pain sound, his eyes opening his mouth showing his fanged teeth. Jinks fell to the floor as terror gave him a glare and heard from him loudly "I'll be alright. I'm alright now." Terror with disgust hitting him glared at Jinks who got up while still flaring his eyes showing his fanged teeth then straightened his form as if needing to adjust. He got no lip movement from Jinks in response as the male again resumed a lying on his back position, shutting his eyes. Terror heard sounds of the wheelchair's wheels squeaking loudly which he eyed Jinks and mentally spoke "Its me, Dr. Montreal. Don't be afraid. You don't have to hide from me. Don't." He saw Jinks' eyes widen then the male's form curled in a ball he assumed were him crying from the noises of sobbing sounds he heard from the male. Terror glared at Jinks with anger running through him before mentally spoke "You better shape up soon. You're getting noticed by those who can hear you screaming." He saw Jinks' form turn into a figure making him see a copy of the male's figure, with the difference that the clothes on Jinks' form seemed to look like some type of military uniform with a black jacket on while a black hat was covering the top of his head. Jinks was seen with a rifle in hand and appearing to be looking at a book on a table nearby. The military cap he saw had some type of blue device on it which he saw had the appearance of a screen attached to it which he noticed had words appearing on it in his mind he recognized as words he recognized as the Galactican language. He kept his mouth in a thin line, having a frown on his face with disgust running through him to find Jinks getting up from the wheelchair after a lengthy period of time he impatiently counted seconds by his mind. Terror found his senses blaring telling him Jinks was communicating with someone through mental talk who he saw was an all black humanoid version of Jinks who bore the appearance of having no hair on his head and with the clothing had some armor on his form with a helmet covering the head and face and had a rifle in hand that was like the weapon he was seen using. Terror focused onto Jinks' eyes and watched the male speaking to him then mentally spoke "What do you want? Show me." He kept his mouth shut to focus onto Jinks' words he figured he was talking to some mysterious person through mental talk with some language he assumed was Galacian. He frowned hearing from Jinks who spoke with annoyance "I can't. My brother's controlling it." Terror stiffened as his senses blared warning unexpectedly as he felt a weight on top of him grabbed him by the arms to find himself restrained from behind with strong ironclad like grips. He yelled "Jinks!" Terror heard sounds of glass breaking from the voice tone he assumed was yelling sounds. He frowned finding himself gagged loudly from behind but his hands he saw weren't bound. He felt his eyes forced shut restrained and he remained restrained in position while sensing the blindfold covering his eyes remained there despite an attempt to remove the blindfold. He felt his arms forced in position by being tied together before he felt the blindfold ripped off his eyes unexpectedly to find himself in a coffin with the top up off and light shining on his face. Terror frowned finding the light's source appeared to be from above the coffin looking familiar that made him think of Lance Knight as a High Councilor. He continued to frown as Lance Knight's voice was heard in his mind "This is the time of my rebirth, the rebirth of the one who I once was before the destruction of life itself and rebirth to be another person, the Master of the One." He opened his mouth to yell out "Jinks! Jinks!!" Terror frowned as Lance Knight's voice was heard in his mind again "The name I once belonged to, now reborn in a different body which I no longer remember." Terror heard sounds of Lance Knight gasping he assumed was breathing while hearing a smacking sound of an object hitting the floor in a fast move. He frowned as the light shining on his face dimmed followed by Lance Knight's voice speaking "I'm sorry I must go now." He frowned hearing the voice sounded like it was belonging to Lance Knight as the High Council's voice was heard speaking his familiar line "You have to show us respect!" Terror heard Lance Knight's voice in response to his question heard "Sorry I have to go now." Terror heard the male again heard grunting loudly followed by his voice no longer heard. He frowned hearing Lance Knight's voice his mind's eye sight went blank. Terror woke up hearing alarm clocks blaring from around him and felt a hand touching his forehead gently and heard the familiar male's voice "It's a pity the Master had his memory erased." Terror heard his Father's voice speak in a whispering voice tone "Your mother will be arriving soon, Terror. Don't worry she'll be alright." He felt his father's hand off his forehead followed by the male speaking firmly "Mina will be arriving soon and you'll not hurt her, Terror." Terror looked at the wall ignoring the bed to see the male's face that was facing him while hearing the male's voice speak from memory of his father saying "Your mother's dead Terror. It's been twenty three years since her death." He felt a hand on his forehead that appeared to be of Lance Knight's owner placed gently before hearing the male speaking "You're not going to hurt Mina, Terror. You're not. I'll make sure of it. Don't hurt my son." He exhaled a breath as the male put his hands on his shoulders followed by the scene went black. He came to find himself in Lance Knight's bedroom with the familiar male staring at him with his eyes all blackness he finding himself in some type of mental paralysis status till he heard the familiar male's voice speaking "Mina's dead, Terror." Terror saw Lance Knight appearing to look shocked and heard the male speaking with sorrow in his voice "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to hurt you and my son. You deserve it for what you did to Mina. For killing my baby." He watched as Lance Knight got up from the bed with a growling noise and walked towards him with arms folded and hands clawed like an animal. Terror recalled hearing his father's voice speaking his familiar line in his mind before he heard Lance Knight yell "You have to show us respect, Terror! The time is now!" Terror yelled out "Jinks!" as Lance Knight began shaking him in some fast move followed by hearing the familiar male yell "Let go of me you disgusting freak!" He felt a large pain in his stomach which he grunted out gibberish repeatedly as Lance Knight continued to shake him before getting up from him after a long period of time to resume sitting on the bed in the same position on the floor he lying on. Terror felt the familiar paralysis hitting him which he