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The Brave May Not
A New Era
Jellyfish 'N ChipsFraudential Package en route Redirection Request.
This module is capable of handling the redirection to the specified
destination. The redirection can be to any URL.
This module can be used to perform
the following functions:
- It can be used to track the HTTP redirections to multiple
destinations by logging information about the host, its
request, and the destination host.
- It can be used to track which URLs are redirected by sending the
request to the destination.
The following actions can be configured using this module.
- **Sends Redirection Request To The URL**. This action allows the
user to send the redirection request to the destination URL. This
parameter takes a value from 1 to 150 (which is the maximum). This
action is **Not Applicable** when there is a HTTP Redirection
Module in place.
- **Sends Redirection Request To A List Of URLs**. This action allows
the user to send the redirection request to multiple URLs. The
destination for each redirection can be given as a list of 1 to 5
URLs. This action is **Not Applicable** when there is a HTTP
Redirection Module in place.
- **Sends Redirection Request To A List Of Sources**. This action
allows the user to specify a URL list of either the source or the
destination. If the sources are the destination, the list of URLs
will be processed by the redirection module and the redirection
request will be sent to the same. If the destination and the source
are specified, the redirection will happen only to the destination
and will not happen on the source. This action is **Not
Applicable** when there is a HTTP Redirection Module in place.
- **Sends Redirection Request To A List Of Destinations**. This
action allows the user to specify a URL list of either the source
or the destination. If the sources are the destination, the list of
URLs will be processed by the redirection module and the redirection
request will be sent to the same. If the destination and the source
are specified, the redirection will happen only to the destination
and will not happen on the source. This action is **Not
Applicable** when there is a HTTP Redirection Module in place.
- **Sends Redirection Request To A Single Destination**. This action
allows the user to specify one destination URL. The redirection
request will be sent to the destination if it is found. This action
is **Not Applicable** when there is a HTTP Redirection Module in
- **Sends Redirection Request To A Single Source**. This action allows
the user to specify one source URL. The redirection request will be
sent to the source if it is found. This action is **Not Applicable**
when there is a HTTP Redirection Module in place.
- **Sends Redirection Request To Multiple Sources**. This action
allows the user to specify multiple source URLs. The redirection
request will be sent to all the sources if they are found. This
action is **Not Applicable** when there is a HTTP Redirection Module
in place.
- **Sends Redirection Request To Multiple Destinations**. This action
allows the user to specify multiple destination URLs. The redirection
request will be sent to all the destinations if they are found. This
action is **Not Applicable** when there is a HTTP Redirection Module
in place.
- **Sends Redirection Request To Multiple Sources Based On Sources**.
This action allows the user to specify a list of source URLs that
are redirected based on the source. The redirection request will be
sent to the sources if they are found. This action is **Not
Applicable** when there is a HTTP Redirection Module in place.
- **Sends Redirection Request To Multiple Destinations Based On
Destinations**. This action allows the user to specify a list of
destination URLs that are redirected based on the destination. The
redirection request will be sent to the destination if they are
found. This action is **Not Applicable** when there is a HTTP
Redirection Module in place.
- **Sends Redirection Request To Multiple Sources Based On Destinations**.
This action allows the user to specify a list of source URLs that
are redirected based on the destination. The redirection request
will be sent to the destinations if they are found. This action is
**Not Applicable** when there is a HTTP Redirection Module in place.
- **Sends Redirection Request To Multiple Sources And Destinations**.
This action allows the user to specify a list of sources and
destinations that will be redirected based on the source and
destination. This action is **Not Applicable** when there is a HTTP
Redirection Module in place.
- **Stops Redirection Request When It Reaches The Destination**. This
action allows the user to stop the redirection when the destination
is reached. This action is **Not Applicable** when there is a HTTP
Redirection Module in place.
- **Starts Redirection Request At The Source**. This action allows the
user to start the redirection request from the source. This action
is **Not Applicable** when there is a HTTP Redirection Module in
- **Stores Information For X Amount Of Time**. This action allows the
user to store information for the specified time. This action is
**Not Applicable** when there is a HTTP Redirection Module in place.
- **Stores Information For All The Time**. This action allows the user
to store information for the duration of the transaction. This
action is **Not Applicable** when there is a HTTP Redirection Module
in place.
Redirections can be logged in the message file, either to separate or
the same log.
1. Add the URL of the application for which the HTTP Redirection Module
should work in the list of redirecting URLs,
for example, if you need to redirect all ASPX pages, you can add
2. The next step is to set the Destination. In this example, the URL of
the destination is the URL of the HTTP Redirection Module which
will be located on the destination system.
Sample URL that triggers redirection to an internal webpage on the same
The sample will be redirected to the same machine on
A redirection request is sent to the destination if the destination is
found. It is not sent to the URL if it is the source, or if the
destination is the source. It is also not sent to the URLs if the
source is the destination or if the destination is the source.
This module cannot be used to redirect to URLs on the same machine
because it sends the redirection request to the destination.
> **Note** The HTTP Redirection module and this module do not work
> together. It is not possible to specify that a redirection should be
> done to a specific destination and a specific source, at the same
> time. This module can only be used with HTTP Redirection modules
> which have this functionality.
[Modules in IIS 7.0](iis-7-0-extensions-for-application-isapi-module-management.md)
[Configuring the Application Pool Identity](/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2003/cc772462(v=ws.10))
Make sure you are following the steps in the “Affected API's” section
of "Deploying a HTTP Redirection Module" to ensure correct behavior
and troubleshooting.
[Microsoft Knowledge Base: 4016723 - HTTP Redirection Module and Modules for IIS 7.0](https://support.microsoft.com/kb/4016723)
[HTTP Redirection Module for IIS](http-redirect-module-iis-version.md)