Surprise Enemy Vis
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Tell ’em that it’s
Still Holdin' On
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Elder-care, assist
Wikileaks 0day
Idol Search Party
Horoscope and Astr

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University of
Look Closer: The F
Who else thinks dr
And I’m out at a p
Honeymoon or Not?
Ductile Disfunctio
Purity Test result
Marquesan Vacation
Two for the Price
I could fall asleep and stare in your eyes, I thought I was safe at least while you were sleeping but you never are, you never stop looking at me. Always. But then in your sleep you hold your eyes open. I don't like that. I stare back and you know. The same time you know I'm awake. The same time you know I'm looking at you, staring at you. I turn away, turn away but always the same faces there and eyes looking at me. Eyes and eyes and eyes, always looking at me, watching me. "You see?" It was something I said in one of my nightmares in one of my dreams. "You see?" I asked them and said it in the voice I speak with now and said it and said it again but I didn't see anything but your eyes. "He's gone! My father's dead!" That's what I said in the voice I speak with now. "He's gone! He's dead and gone!" But I didn't say it like that, I said it in my voice and looked back and kept looking, I looked at my eyes and at my face and at my forehead but saw only eyes and face and head and forehead. "You see? You see? You see?" I cried. I cried out for them to see and they saw. It was me that died and I can't die because I have no death to call my own. No death I love. I tried to get away from it all. I went away for a while. I tried to kill them, the ones I see, but I could not die for I was already dead. Dead and dying but not dead. But now I will be dead and I will die and I can die and leave them to live like me. "You see? You see? You see? You see?" There were faces in the darkness, old and young, some young, some old and some young, young faces, old faces, young old old young old. They were everywhere and always. Always I'm in the dark with them and they always ask. "Do you see? Do you see? Do you see?" And I'm dead but I can't die. Dead and dying. Always watching always waiting. Waiting for you. "You see? You see? You see?" I cry out and they hear me. They know I'm dead but I can't die and I can't die and they know it but I can't die. "You see? You see?" "You see? You see? You see?" I cry out and the dead are my voice saying it to me, calling to me. "You see?" They all ask me "Do you see?" And I do. I see and I remember them. I see all of them, they're everywhere always the same faces and the same old ones and the young ones and I watch them. I was here, walking in the dark. I'm here right here and now and here and now and here and now. Here now and here now and here now and here. I'm here and you're there and there and there and they're there and there and there and there. They're watching you. They're not dead but they're dead and they're watching you and you can't die. I can't die for I am dead. I don't think about it, if you're dead you're dead but you can't die but you have to die because I have to die. And I will die and that's the only way you can be gone. So you will be gone for that is the way it is. I will be gone and the dead will be gone and I will be gone. We will all be gone. "You see?" They were my dreams, my nightmares, my memories and the memories of those who died and made me what I am. I remember them in my mind. I remember. I see the faces and then I remember them in their dreams. We dream the dead into memory. We make them real. I remember you. I always remember you. You are there. You are real. You can't die. You're dead and you don't exist. We make you dead so that you will not be killed but we can't change the truth, that you will die, will die and be gone. No more of you can live. You're dead and you will be gone. You will die and be gone, so you're alone and I am alone and we have nothing to do but die. They take me away but I can't die they bring me back but I can't die and I can't die so I'm alone and I know you're there and you know I'm there and you know I'm there and you're there and I'm here and they ask me why and I don't know why. They're here and I'm here and the dead are here and the living are here and the ones who are going to die are here and the ones who are still alive will die and be gone and the dead will stay dead. There are too many of them. It is not fair. It was always just us and all the dead things are too many for us to have and have alone. You and I were too many and the dead were there too and even if they can't talk or look at you or anything else we've become so many that we die. "You see? You see? You see?" And they come and I see their eyes and I remember, you died, you died and there was a little baby and I was there in your life, that was long ago but you still are my friend. We're all dead, it's all the same. It's me and you and all the dead. We are all dead. We were all alone and I'm the last of all the dead. "You see? You see? You see? You see?" You look away so I look away and I don't look at you or speak to you anymore. You don't want me to talk to you. You don't want to know me, don't want me to be with you. You don't want to touch me and hold my hand. You're always waiting and I'm always watching but you can't see that. I see you, your eyes and your face and your body and I see you walking and I hear you and you don't see me. I feel the wind that blows around you and touches you and makes you cold and freezes you but you're all alone like me now and you will be alone forever. "You see? You see? You see? You see?" I shout. "I will be alone, always alone." I feel the air that falls on me and makes me cold and freezes me and it will never leave me and I will never be warm again. We're alone now and the dead are alone and the living are alone and the ones who are going to die are alone and the ones who will be left to die are alone and the dead will stay dead and I will be alone and it will never end. You and I, we're alone, forever, always, I'll be alone forever, always, forever. The dead have left me to live by myself now. I have nothing. I have to be alone forever. Forever! Forever! Forever! It's not fair. I have to be alone and you and the others will be dead and gone, forever! Forever! Forever! I can't die. I can't see them anymore but I see you and I feel you and I remember you and I feel them touching me. All of the dead are there with me. "They're here. You see? They're here." They're touching me and touching me and touching me, touching me. You're gone. "You see? You see? You see?" You're gone and the dead are here and the dead are there and the dead are the dead. You are alone but I'm not alone. I want you to come to me. I need you to come to me. I need you. Come to me. You're gone. "You see? You see? You see?" It was a long time ago but the dead still touch me. There are so many of them that are not alone. They never were alone and they never will be. "You see? You see?" They never can be alone. We never will be alone. It is not fair. I have to be alone forever. "You see? You see? You see?" Forever and always and forever and always. Forever! Forever! Forever! Forever! Forever! Forever! Forever! Forever! Forever! Forever! Forever! Forever! Forever! Forever! "You see? You see? You see?" It was my voice saying it. "You see? You see?" I try to be dead. "You see?" I try to die. But I'm dead and I'll stay dead and the dead will always be here but I am alone. Always alone. Always alone. I've got to go away to be alone. The dead have always been alone and will be forever. That's why I'm still here. You don't believe me? "You see? You see? You see?" I shout and the dead are all around me but I never am alone. "You see? You see? You see?" I shout and the dead can't touch me because there's nowhere for them to go and no one for them to touch. "You see? You see? You see?"