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Ductile Disfunction (ID) is a syndrome defined by a series of common physical disorders of connective tissues (bone, cartilage, joint capsule, and ligaments), and is often but not always combined with fibromyalgia and/or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). The author of ID, Dr. John Yudkin, in his writings stated the case for ID: 'Certain common features are a common factor in many syndromes. All are characterized by the loss of function of a number of interdependent systems of the body – especially of connective tissues, the endocrine system and metabolism – which result in widespread but nonspecific, sometimes reversible, disability.' (Yudkin J, 1967, page 9) There is no single biochemical abnormality or single metabolic cause for this disorder, but there are a number of mechanisms involved, often interwoven. A number of factors must be present for a patient to develop ID. These factors include: ■ genetic predisposition; ■ developmental trauma ■ nutritional deficiency or excess; ■ environmental toxins; ■ infection; and ■ endocrine, immune, or infectious abnormalities. The syndrome results when these factors are present and work in unison to produce a series of changes in the body. When a patient presents with Fibromyalgia, a connective tissue disorder, these problems will probably be present. It is not an exclusive disease but a sign that the patient's system is not functioning as it should. Patients with fibromyalgia are in need of therapy – it is not a natural state. In this chapter I will take the example of fibromyalgia to show you how to improve it. If you are suffering from other connective tissue disorders, you can adapt this programme to suit your needs and goals. I have used this model for many of my patients suffering from various connective tissue disorders. While it is not essential, you can read more about the basic philosophy of the programme in the introduction. The model was originally designed to help patients suffering from Fibromyalgia, but this model can be very helpful to anyone who has connective tissue problems. The Fibromyalgia & Connective Tissue Connection – 'You can't be a doctor if you don't look like one.' – Paul W. Farmer ## 3 **PHILOSOPHY OF RACIAL HEALING** ### **INTRODUCTION** **_'The soul of man is not a vessel to be filled and then left empty, but a temple into which nothing must be introduced that defiles, nothing taken out that is not designed to adorn.'_** Gerald Massey, _Harmonious Integration,_ 1969. **_'There are a few things that are wrong with the world and we are going to change them.'_** Eugene Debs **_'A man must be great in order to give great advice.'_** _Anonymous_ ### **WHAT IS A RACE OF MEN?** A race of men consists of individuals of one blood. Within that race there are several subraces. The main point about race and blood is that all of them form one family group; otherwise the world would be inhabited by tribes who would have no common interest except in war. Any effort which is not for the good of all is to be disregarded because it only benefits a few. Those few may feel the force of the effort of the majority directed at them, but in so doing may get their own people into disarray and, to quote General Montgomery, they are 'worse than traitors'. ### **WHAT IS THE USE OF TALKING ABOUT HEALING?** Aside from that which is purely humanitarian, the main reason for talking about healing is to inform and educate. If the reader wishes to apply the principles of this book then he should have a basic knowledge of the principles of racial healing. I am not teaching a race of men how to kill themselves. My concern is to make sure that they do not allow themselves to be killed by others. If they read my words then the responsibility for their self-destruction is shifted from themselves to others, which is only fair. In this country we have a lot of talk about human rights but we have little action in that regard. I firmly believe that the key to action is education. To say that certain practices are not right does not mean they should be stopped. It simply means that when they are practiced we should do our best to ensure that they are as humane as possible and help to save lives by educating the public as to the best way to deal with such practices. This is something that humans must learn how to do, for they are creatures who should always put their own safety first. There is nothing so safe as being secure in one's knowledge, and any individual who cannot or will not learn and take part in his own recovery is a liability, not an asset. No one should ever have to be treated in such a way unless the patient chooses to do so. Only those who elect to be in pain should be told that they are in pain; not those who elect to be ignorant. The most effective way of dealing with an addict is to ask them why they persist in damaging themselves, and let them answer that question. Their decision may be the best one for them but it is definitely the most foolish decision for anyone else. This applies to many other matters as well, for example it is stupid to be a drunkard, an habitual liar or a wife-beater. I do not subscribe to the general idea that any form of addiction can be treated by 'getting over it' or by any of the other half-baked ideas that have been bandied about. There is only one way out: Education. ### **WHY NOT TEACH OTHERS HOW TO HEAL THEMSELVES?** I have already pointed out that in order for an individual to be happy and healthy he must choose to be so. I have also pointed out that as soon as he chooses to do so he has made a wise decision, and it must be his to make. I am not proposing to treat someone else, but if an individual wishes to seek help then he must apply the rules of healing to himself. I am not qualified to treat other people, but I am qualified to talk about them. So if you want to find out about a treatment for yourself then I am qualified to advise you. No one can help you until you help yourself, for no man can fill your cup so full that it will overflow. You should fill your cup in such a way that it will not spill over, and you can only do that by understanding what causes you problems. You will not be able to help anyone else, nor will anyone be able to help you, until you can identify what it is that causes your problems and work out how to cure it. So, in this chapter I will outline some of the things that cause people problems and what to do about them. ### **UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPT OF RACIAL HEALING** So far I have not used the word 'healing' until now, but I will use it from now on. Healing is the process of making yourself what you are capable of being and becoming, and since all people are capable of becoming something other than the person they are now, I consider that healing is a universal process. I am not trying to teach you to kill an innocent man or a mad dog or a diseased rat or a snake. I am only teaching you to stop yourselves being killed by these creatures. Any species that kills its own kind is not healthy, and although I cannot guarantee that you will make no mistakes in your healing process, I can guarantee that, once you have started to heal yourself, the more progress you make, the more likely it is that you will make good decisions. If you make good decisions you will begin to heal yourself of your own problems, which are the root of your disease, and if your problem is caused by another person then you will need a good deal of guidance to be successful in your healing process. That is not a negative statement – it is an accurate statement. In this chapter I will go into a little more detail about the concepts of racial healing, and talk about its practical implications. ### **WHAT IS THE 'RACIAL' CONNECTION?** Let us take the example of some hypothetical humans who, for some reason, cannot survive in the wild like other animals do. They cannot see very far and are blind to things that are about three to five feet away from their face. They cannot feel the wind or smell a predator from any distance. Because of these and other physical attributes, it has not been possible to train them to be hunters or for them to become soldiers. To complicate matters, they appear to have some sort of disease that causes them to lose their memory once they have passed a certain age. Because of this they are unable to pass on their knowledge, and so they have a very short life expectancy. In fact, an educated guess would place their life expectancy at only about forty years. This sounds pretty hopeless for such a seemingly powerful human species, but it is not quite as bad as it sounds. A major question that must be answered in order to treat someone is why he has a problem. If he has a problem because he is being controlled by someone else, then this problem will disappear as soon as he is free from outside influences. Therefore the first thing that I would expect from anyone trying to deal with my patients would be that he has control of