We've been robbed.
The Young and Untr
If your character
I Have the Advanta
just-the-tip of th
Beautiful, crazy,
Anger, Tears and C
Playing with the D
Dating, LGBTQIA+ a
No Pain, No Gain

Signed, Sealed and
Pulling Your Own W
Football's greates
Let's Just Call Je
Bring on the Bacon
I'm Not As Dumb As
Will There Be a Fe
Cheap Flight and t
Cult Like A Local 10. 3: A Guide to Reading with an Eye for the Hidden 1. Chapter I: Don't Fall in Love with Your Protagonist 2. Chapter II: Know What's Important to the Plot 3. Chapter III: When a Mystery is Not a Mystery 4. Chapter IV: When Readers Meet Their Favorite Book Characters, Again 5. Chapter V: Get Familiar with the Settings 6. Chapter VI: Consider the Direction the Novel Is Taking You 11. 4: Character, Setting, Tone, and Voice 1. Chapter I: Character 2. Chapter II: Setting 3. Chapter III: Tone and Voice 12. 5: Theme and the Story Arc 1. Chapter I: Introducing Themes 2. Chapter II: Introducing the Story Arc 13. 6: Read and Apply 1. Chapter I: Make Reading a Game 14. 7: Read for the Sake of Reading 1. Chapter I: Read for Relaxation 15. 8: Read to Expand Your Horizons 1. Chapter I: Why Read? 16. 9: Read to Reach New Audiences 1. Chapter I: The Problem with Pre-College Reading 2. Chapter II: Ways to Get into College 17. 10: Reading to Excel 1. Chapter I: Reading and Grading on the Advanced Placement Exam 2. Chapter II: Tips for Taking the Exam 18. 11: Reading the World 1. Chapter I: Reading Classics 2. Chapter II: Nonfiction Reading 3. Chapter III: Fiction for All Ages 19. 12: Getting Started 1. Chapter I: How to Read Each Book and Why 2. Chapter II: The Best-Selling Book List 20. 13: Appendix: The Reading and Writing Project 1. Chapter I: Getting Started with The Reading and Writing Project 2. Chapter II: Bookworms in the News: Interview with Michelle Ruff 3. Chapter III: How to Get Into a Great High School 21. 14: Reading Club, Book Club, and Read-a-Thon 1. Chapter I: Reading Club Basics 2. Chapter II: Borrow a Book or Three or More 3. Chapter III: Book or Movie Discussion 4. Chapter IV: A Teen Lit-tual Feast: The Reading and Writing Project 5. Chapter V: Reading Clubs and Their Read-a-Thons 22. 15: Appendix: Books for Teen Readers 1. Chapter I: Children's Books For Younger Readers 23. The Reading and Writing Project Resources ************************************************************************ 1. Table of Contents 2. Acknowledgments 3. Introduction 4. Chapter 1. When Books Are Good 1. The Difference Between Good and Great Books 2. The Reading List 3. Bookworm 4. How the Booklists Work 5. The Booklists 6. Reading Lists 7. Chapter II: On the Reading List 8. Chapter III: Bookworms in the News 9. How to Read a Book 10. Reading to Excite and Inform 11. How Many Books Should You Read in a Week? 12. Where Should You Start? 13. The Last Book You Read 14. Reading on Your Schedule 15. Make Reading a Game 16. To-Read Lists and the Wish List 17. Punctuation and What Makes It Important 18. How Long Should You Read a Book? 19. Chapters and Chapters 20. Chapter IX: The End and The Middle 21. Chapter X: What Kind of Book Do You Want to Write? 22. Books for Writers 23. Chapter III: The Best-Selling Book List 24. Books and Reading for Relaxation 25. Chapter IV: To-read Lists 26. Chapter V: The Read-a-Thon List 27. The Read-a-Thon List 28. The Most Popular Books Ever 29. Punctuation and the Author 30. Chapter VI: The Reading List: Books About Books 31. The Reading List: Children's and Young Adult Books 32. Chapter VII: Good Readers Have Good Habits 33. Chapter VIII: How Do Other People Like to Read? 34. Chapter IX: Books You May Have Missed 35. The Good and Bad of Blockbusters 36. Can't We All Just Get Along? 37. The Reading List: Movies and Series 38. How to Read Books in a Hurry 39. Reading Lists 40. How to Categorize Your Reading List 41. Chapter X: Read to Be Well 42. An Interview with Michelle Ruff 43. Chapter XI: Reading to Excel 44. How to Get Into College 45. How to Get Into a Great High School 46. Reading Clubs and Book Clubs 47. The Reading and Writing Project 48. Chapter XII: Read to Have Fun and for No Good Reason 49. Chapter XIII: Read and Apply 50. The Writing Project 51. How Writing Relates to Reading 52. Writing About What You Like to Read 53. Chapter XIV: The Reading and Writing Project 54. What Does the Reading and Writing Project Look Like? 55. Do You Want to Be a Writer? 56. Chapter XV: Can You Teach Someone to Love Reading? 57. How Reading Changes When You're Ready to Write 58. What Do You Want to Write? 59. Your First Book 60. Reading Lists 61. Writing Is Not All You Can Do 62. Chapter XVI: Books for Writers 63. How to Prepare for the AP English Exam 64. Tips for Taking the Exam 65. How to Study for the Exam 66. The Writing Project 67. Writing and Getting Published 68. The Last Chapter 69. Chapter XVII: A Word to Parents and Teachers 70. In Defense of Nonfiction 71. Reading Nonfiction 72. Chapter XIX: Books for Children 73. Literature and Social Change 74. Reading for Children and Young People 75. How Does the Read-alike List Work? 76. How Long Should Your Child Be in Grade? 77. Chapter XX: Appendix: The Reading and Writing Project 78. Getting Started With The Reading and Writing Project 79. How to Get Into a Great High School 80. The Read-a-Thon List 81. A Book or a Movie? 82. Chapter XXI: Appendix: Books for Teen Readers 83. Children's Books for Younger Readers ************************************************************************ 2. Table of Contents 3. Acknowledgments 4. Introduction 5. Chapter I: When Books Are Good 1. The Girl Who Read Dangerously 2. How the Girl's Story Helps You to Think About the Book 3. The Gorgeous Girls of the New Girl in Town 4. The Story of Your Own Life 5. How the Girl's Story Works 6. The Writing in "The Great Gatsby" 7. How Writers Use the Power of Tension 8. Reading for What and How You Want to Know 9. Plotting and Sequencing the Story: A Brief Overview 10. Read for Relaxation 11. Why Read? 12. The Boy Who Lived and What He Taught Us 13. Why Read and Not Just a Reader? 14. A Girl in Name Only 15. A Poem About What Reading Can Teach Us 16. How to Get Down to Business 17. Chapter II: On the Reading List 18. Bookworms in the News: Interview with David Levithan 19. What You Shouldn't Read, and Why Not 20. Reading and Writing 21. Books for Young People: A Reading List 22. Chapter III: The Best-Selling Book List 23. Chapter IV: The Books in This List 24. The Best-Selling Book List (continued) 25. How to Start a Book Club 26. Appendix: A Book for All Ages (with and without) 27. Nonfiction Reading: A Reading List (with and without) 28. The Children's Books About Books List 29. What Is Read-alike Lists? 30. The Read-a-Thon List 31. How to Pick a Book 32. The Read-alike List, Chapter VI: Read to Excite and Inform 33. The Most Popular Books Ever 34. Chapter V: Good Readers Have Good Habits