A simple way of de
If your character
it was his idea to
Fear of the Unknow
Work From Home, Ho
Off With Their Hea
My favorite, and e
The last mile is c
I'm No Dummy
About to Have a Ru

Damage Control
Like diamond rings
Our Time to Shine
Identify and Credi
Hungry for a Win
Breadth-First Sear
The Past Will Eat
Just Go For It
One of Us is Going
Houdini Magic
on their next attack roll equal to their Intelligence modifier and adding it to their Initiative checks. Their Initiative increases by +1 on subsequent turns. When a kobold dies, they explode in a burst of kinetic energy that deals 4d6 bludgeoning damage to any creature within a 10 foot radius. When a kobold is reduced to 0 hit points, they explode, taking 2d6 psychic damage to each ability score they have above 10. If they do not have an Intelligence score of 10 or higher, they die. If they do have an Intelligence score of 10 or higher, they only take 1d6 damage to each ability score above 10 and do not die. Goblin Warp Spells Goblin Warp Spells Spell Level Spells 1st Detect Thoughts 3rd Alter Self 5th Telepathy 9th Sending 15th Flesh to Stone 17th Plane Shift X Goblins have a deep rooted fascination with warping space and time. As part of their racial trait, they gain the following spells: Echomai (Sp) The goblin warp cantrip allows a goblin to create a portal in the earth that leads to the Astral Plane. It creates a small spherical portal in a 20-foot radius of a point the caster chooses within 100 feet of him. If the portal opens, it appears in an unoccupied space of the caster’s choice within 100 feet of the chosen point. The portal is a 5-foot radius sphere with an AC of 8. The portal lasts for 2 hours, during which time a willing creature other than the caster can use an action to enter it. The creature has advantage on all saving throws against a warping portal’s effects while in it. Otherwise, any creature entering this portal takes 10d8 bludgeoning damage. Any damage dealt by this portal is doubled. At the end of the portal’s duration, the portal disappears. The goblin must finish a long rest before creating another portal of this type. Goblin Magic Goblin Magic Goblins use the Charisma ability score in place of their Intelligence score when calculating ability scores. Goblins’ Magic Ability Score Modifier is +3. Forbidden Lore (Sp) A goblin that spends at least 1 hour per day studying a library or magical text that includes more than 1,000 words gains a bonus to Intelligence or Wisdom (the choice of which is up to the GM) as shown in the goblin’s class table. The bonus granted increases by 1 at 5th level, 3rd level, 9th level, 13th level, and 17th level. An unwilling character can receive this benefit if the GM determines that his curiosity about magic is strong enough to overcome the goblin’s natural defiance. A goblin in this situation can receive the benefit only once. Goblin Traits Goblins share the following traits. Ability Score Increase Your Strength and Dexterity scores each increase by 1. Age Goblins mature at the same rate humans do and reach adulthood in their late teens. They age somewhat faster than humans, however, becoming adults in their early twenties. Alignment Most goblins are neutral. The ones that follow the Warlord are chaotic. Size and Type Goblins stand about 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh about 60 pounds. Your size is Medium. Speed Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your speed is not reduced by armor or heavy armor. Your speed is also not reduced by medium or heavy land vehicles or water in stormy seas. While your speed is reduced by 10 feet or more, your crawling speed increases by 10 feet. Darkvision You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Goblin Names Goblins names often vary from human culture to culture. Your goblin characters might be named after one of the following: a relative, your favorite animal, your favorite food, or a hero from your culture’s lore. Heightened Senses Goblins have a strong sense of smell, able to detect any scent within 100 feet that would give a human a +5 bonus on Perception. Languages You can speak, read, and write Common and Goblin. This grants you the opportunity to speak with other goblins and communicate with their subterranean king, the Warlord. Tunnel Rat Gnolls are often found among deep underground burrows used by the tunnels or caverns they have dug. This is an easy race to role-play as it fits quite easily with a simple choice. It just makes sense to have lots of tunnels, and tunnels are the life blood of a Goblin. Battlemind An individual with a Battlemind has been trained to work together with the warfaring goblins of the Empire. With the use of psionics, the Goblins become incredibly hard to kill and are tough to bring down. Special Attacks. At 1st level, a Battlemind’s base attack bonus improves by +1, to a maximum of +2 at level 5, and the character gains the Fighting Style and Improved Critical feature. At 5th level, your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your base attack bonus improves by +1. You gain the following psionic ability. Psionic Ability: Battlemind Beginning at 6th level, you gain the ability to summon constructs, summoned goblin spirits, an intelligent sword, and a magical wolf with the summoning spell. Your wolf has a base attack bonus of +2, gains the Improved Familiar and Keen Sight features, has a jump of 45 feet, and an increase of 4 to its hit points. You must speak with your DM to learn which construct, goblin spirit, intelligent sword, or wolf you can summon. Improved Critical Beginning at 6th level, you gain a +1 to all critical hit checks with one melee weapon. At 13th level, this critical bonus increases to +2 and you gain the Two-Fisted Fighter Feat. At 17th level, this bonus increases to +3 and the feat it replaced. Fist of the Mountain Dragon At 9th level, you have the ability to manifest the power of your goblin ancestors. As a bonus action, choose one creature within 30 feet of you that you can see. It must make a Constitution saving throw against your Spell Save DC. If it fails, it takes 6d8 piercing damage. At the start of each of its turns, the creature makes a Constitution saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a successful save, the creature takes half the damage from the power instead of taking damage. The creature can’t take this damage more than once per turn. Starting at 17th level, you can use this power up to 5 times per day. You regain expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. Soul Strike At 11th level, you can make a ranged psionic attack as part of your action on your turn against one creature within 10 feet of you that you can see. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 psychic damage, or half that, if the target has resistance or immunity to psychic damage. You can’t use this ability again until you finish a short or long rest. Battle Master (Goblin Spirit) Battle Masters have a psionic bond with their goblin spirits and are often considered by them as another form. Special Abilities. At 1st level, you can communicate telepathically with your goblin spirit. Also at 1st level, you can attack an enemy that is adjacent to a goblin spirit you summoned with your summoning spell as a bonus action. At 5th level, the duration of the bonus action attack is doubled, the bonus action attack deals 1d8 extra damage, and your goblin spirit’s damage die increases to 1d8. Once you use your bonus action attack against an enemy with a goblin spirit you summoned, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. You can still use the attack if you have summoned a new goblin spirit. At 17th level, when you use your bonus action attack against an enemy with a goblin spirit you summoned, that enemy must succeed on a Constitution saving