on their next atta
A simple way of de
If your character
it was his idea to
Fear of the Unknow
Work From Home, Ho
Off With Their Hea
My favorite, and e
The last mile is c
I'm No Dummy

Like diamond rings
Our Time to Shine
Identify and Credi
Hungry for a Win
Breadth-First Sear
The Past Will Eat
Just Go For It
One of Us is Going
Houdini Magic
A Snake in the Gra
Damage Control/Regeneration- Heal 1/Second Round. - Heal 5/Third Round. - If your character receives a death wound, you may move as much as you like (no maximum) before taking the injury, then take a second round to heal your character, allowing them to get back into the fight. - Heal 5/Third Round. Riposte: A simple way of describing this would be: a move used only as an interrupt, allowing a character to get out of an otherwise deadlock situation with minimal effort. - If you spend a fate point, you can attempt a riposte, which can always break a bind. If successful, the character moves to the closest location or place where they can fight without leaving said bind, and is given a dodge action. Fail or dodge out of bounds or over the same spot, and you suffer a penalty. This can be re-used for any further binds, or may be used to escape any binds currently taking place. - During a death wound, a Riposte requires a Fate Point to perform. You may use this to escape the binding effect of, say, a binded character you want to rescue, or to escape being stabbed in the back with your own sword. Each time you Riposte, you add your strength value to your AC and all attacks made against you are at a +4 instead of the normal +3. If you run out of Fate Points, you are stunned for one round. - Riposte can be used as an Interrupt to attempt a parry, and if successful, your character can move up to half their movement and gain a dodge action. If they fail the parry, they take an additional wound. For example: If a L6 character has 4 Wounds and is bound with Wraithbone Blades, he would still be able to use Riposte by spending a Fate point. If he wanted to dodge the Binding effect from the Wraithbone Blades, he would need to spend another Fate point to attempt the Riposte to attempt to parry. If he were successful, the damage would stop, but if not, the character would take an additional wound. During the first round of combat, he would take 1 wound, during the second round, he would take 2, and in the third, he would take 3. If he failed his first Riposte to avoid being bound, he would lose one additional wound on each subsequent attempt. - Riposte can be used as a Binding spell to attempt to grab a character and hold them. However, this can only be done by a Spiritshifter with at least the required number of successes in order to hold an enemy. This includes a DC of 16 for a Spiritbound, and 16+3*wounds for a Cursed. If a Riposte has an effect that requires a Fate Point, this cannot be done on a character that has already used one Fate Point that round. The creature attempting the Riposte must roll a 2d6+8, and needs to score 16 or better to attempt the Riposte. Moonburn- The character must spend one point from their Resolve Pool. If they succeed on the roll, the character gains a number of d6 on their next attack roll equal to their Dexterity modifier. - This allows you to use your Dexterity to make your attacks more accurate. On a successful attack roll, you can add your Dexterity modifier instead of rolling a d20, and you have to spend 1 fate point to use this skill. This can also be used to replace a roll, if you have a Resolve of 15 or less, which will result in a total of 20 damage. - If you wish to use the Resolve Pool as a healing pool, you can use this feature instead of being healed. - If you spend a fate point to get this bonus, you cannot use any other bonuses granted by using Resolve or Regeneration for that turn. Second Wind- A character can use this ability to receive temporary hit points equal to their Resolve Pool. You must use this as a Resolve action. You can also spend a Fate Point to activate this ability as a bonus action. - You cannot use any other bonuses granted by using Resolve or Regeneration for that turn, but if you do you lose a wound. Vitality: After you take damage you must make a roll or receive a Penalty to your Health Points. - You gain a benefit if you make the roll, but if you fail the roll, you take a Fate Point Penalty and suffer a wound. If your character receives a wound on them, but has Resolve Pool left, they can attempt to recover one wound each turn they are attacked until they use up a Fate Point. Spiritbind: You can spend a Fate Point to attempt to bind a target. If you succeed, the character spends a Fate Point to maintain it for an additional round, however, the target may make a Reflex saving throw with a DC of 5+charisma modifier to negate this. Sense: At 1st level, you gain the ability to sense and manipulate the weave of magic. You can cast one level of Spell to determine your level. However, to cast higher level Spells, you must first spend a Fate Point to add a Fate point for each additional level of spell you wish to cast. For example: You need to spend 5 Fate points to cast a L1 spell, 6 to L2, 7 to L3, and 8 to L4. You can use this skill as a bonus action to take a second action to cast an individual spell. - You can only cast one spell per round, unless the spell takes a full round to cast, in which case you cannot cast another spell for that round. - This ability can only be used to cast non-Arcane spells. - If you fail the roll to attempt to cast a spell, you suffer 1d8 HP damage. - You can cast Spirit spells with this skill. - This skill replaces Cast a Spell. Ward of the Ages: You have the ability to sense when magic has been used recently, and may be able to use this to detect magic not made by Spirits. This allows you to sense magic within 100 feet of yourself, and up to 20 feet away. This covers all spell users within 100 feet, regardless of whether they cast a spell. The magic that you detect by this skill does not automatically give you a Fate Point. It may provide clues as to where the spell was cast, allowing you to track the caster by following the magic. - This ability can only be used to detect non-Spirits magic. - You automatically get a roll to cast a Spell for every Spell that you cast in combat, however, this will not increase the number of spells you can cast that round. If you fail the roll, you will take one wound. If you do not have enough Resolve Points to cast a spell, you can still use the bonus action to use a Fate Point and spend a Resolve Point to make the roll. This ability cannot be used on a spell that you know by another source. Reaction Time: This ability allows you to determine your chance to dodge out of an enemies attack. This is used to determine your chance to dodge and parry attacks made against you by other characters. - During a combat action, roll one d6. - On a roll of 1, you dodge, but suffer an additional wound as the attack misses. - On a roll of 2, you parry the attack. - On a roll of 3, you dodge out of bounds, but receive no benefit. - On a roll of 4, you dodge out of bounds and parry the attack. - On a roll of 5, you dodge out of bounds and parry the attack, and make an additional roll to dodge the enemy out of the bind or out of the damage that is caused by that attack. This additional roll cannot be used to dodge or parry if the character has already been wounded in that round. - If you fail this roll, you take an extra wound. - Once this roll has been successfully used, it is reset to 0 for the round. - This ability can only be used for one turn. Petrification: You have the ability to become like the stone in the earth, and can withstand attacks that would break the will of other characters. - During the beginning of combat, make a Resolve roll. - If you fail, your Resolve Pool is reduced by 1, but you do not take a wound. If you do succeed, your Resolve Pool is decreased by 2. - You are considered Petrified during this time, and cannot attack or defend yourself. You can still use your Willpower Pool if it is still unspent. However, if your Resolve Pool runs out while you are Petrified, you suffer a wound for each point it is run down. Tactics: Your knowledge and expertise with a number of martial combat maneuvers, allowing you to engage foes more easily. This grants you the ability to use Fighting Style in place of or in addition to the standard attacks and maneu