We've been robbed.
We Hate Our Tribe
A Snake in the Gra
Houdini Magic
One of Us is Going
Just Go For It
The Past Will Eat
Breadth-First Sear
Hungry for a Win
Identify and Credi

They Both Went Ban
My Kisses Are Very
Beg, Barter, Steal
Worst Case Scenari
I Promise...
Two for the Price
Butte, MT PlugShar
Like a neon dream, you are so far off the hook that you could be at the other end of the galaxy. But in every dream, the stars start dying out, The stars start fading in the light and in the darkness of the night the heart of man is lost in despair "When will you learn?" she whispers from her grave. When will you learn to dream again? She lies there, naked, at my feet And that's when I hear it, on the wind: The voice of the one they call the Master. He calls for everyone to bow. And the ones who dream will be the ones to die on earth, while others go to heaven. So I say, "Who is that speaking? Is it God or the Devil talking? And where's the proof that this is not some lie? What proof do I have that my voice isn't yours? Am I to believe that the world's not real? Am I to let the world die? What proof can you offer me?" But she says, "I'm just a body. Just some woman standing at your feet. It was I who had to go away so that you could find your own voice and have it heard through the open heart. Just open up and let me in. I know you. I know what it's like to feel this way. I'm the song you've always known, the melody that fills you with joy. Open up to me. Listen to my sweet sound." And so, in the dream I'm a king, and she is my queen. And we walk along some enchanted path. We walk along it as long as we can. But one day, she says, "I've got to go away." And so she takes a bow and disappears. Just goes away. I follow her voice into the abyss. And it's a black, deep, bottomless pit. And at the end, you can't even dream, anymore. There are no stars in this dark world. You see no light at the end of the tunnel. No hope. No mercy. So I ask her, "Why do you leave me? Why do you stay?" And she says, "I'm the star you follow, deep down inside. I'm the dream you know that can never die. I'm the love you always loved inside. It's just that you didn't know it until now." And so she takes a bow and disappears. She takes a bow and disappears, and I stand there with my heart in shreds, and I cannot go on. And I reach out and I reach out, for someone to help me. And then I fall. And as I fall, I feel my face crashing into the ground. And I fall hard to this dream world and this cruel, cold reality. But at the bottom I see something there. There is a small light. It looks like fire. And it's in the middle of a black space. And it's in the middle of a dark abyss. It's the only thing there. And I am there too, looking at it, as it opens up its heart. And from the heart of this cold, dark place, we see: we see a bright star that turns and burns and burns. I think she's singing to me. She seems to say, "Love me just the same way that I love you. Love your life just as it is. And love yourself just the same way that you love others. Love yourself, and love yourself, and you'll see that love comes back to you as love returns to you. I'm the way, and the answer, and the hope." And so in the dream, I say, "Who are you? Who am I? Who am I to tell someone that they're not real? Who am I to tell someone that he doesn't exist? Who am I? Who am I?" And then, in the dream, the fire inside the heart grows bright. And the inside of my head and my heart is burning. "What do you want from me?" I say. "Tell me, who are you?" And so she takes a bow and disappears. Just goes away. I follow her voice into the abyss. And it's a black, deep, bottomless pit. And at the end, you can't even dream, anymore. There are no stars in this dark world. You see no light at the end of the tunnel. No hope. No mercy. And in the darkness there's a big black star. And a small light. A small light on the horizon of a black, pitch-black, evil night. And I fall toward the light. And in my heart I can feel my death. And as I fall, my life disappears. And I fall hard to this dream world and this cruel, cold reality. And I see only darkness, and my eyes cannot open. But I fall hard into the abyss. And when I hit the ground, I can feel my heart breaking. But the only way I can save it, is to let it break. And I hear my soul fall into the pit. But I hear my soul come back, too. And I open up my eyes and see the face of God. And I fall into this love and this light, that has saved me. So I fall in love with that love and light. And then, in the dream, I get up and take a bow. And I raise my arms to the sky, and raise my eyes to the stars. And I shout, "I'm a king, and I'm never going back." I'm a king, and I'm never going back. I'm the king of love, and love can be any color. I'm the king of all life on earth, this is how I look. I am the light. I am the truth. And love is what I have. And I see that there's a whole new world, and there's a place that I must get to. And I see a new race of people, and I hear a new song of life. And I realize that the only way to save this new world, and the only way for me to reach my new race of brothers and sisters, is to take my own soul and go down to that place. So I fly, and I fly, to the great and mighty king, and he says to me, "Child, what can I do for you? Tell me, and maybe, I can do it." And I say, "I was here only because I was following your voice. But I need to find my own voice again." And so he takes me in his hand and flies me far above the ground. And he sends me down, and down, to the abyss. And into the black hole. And there I see a king in the heart of the darkness. And his name is Jesus Christ. And so I ask him, "What is it that you want? What is it that you want me to do? And what can I do?" And he says, "Just love, and your will shall be done." And then he takes my hand and sends me to a little girl. A little girl in the middle of a dark dream. And she says to me, "How can I love this place?" And I say, "How can you love this place?" And she says, "I don't know." And then she looks into my eyes and takes a breath. And her eyes open up. And she sees a beam of light. And she lets it shine. And she holds it inside her heart. And so the darkest part of her life begins to fade. And the light begins to grow, and grow. And it begins to move toward her. And the darkness starts to let it in. And the light grows brighter and brighter. And it grows larger and larger. Until it touches her. And as it touches her, she gives in to it. And she gives in to its power. And her tears begin to flow. And her tears fall to the ground, and her tears grow into a pool. And she is full of the tears that come from deep inside of her. And she is full of the tears that are from me, and me from you. And now the pool of tears is bigger than the sky. It covers the world. It covers the earth. It covers the sky.