They Both Went Ban
Like a neon dream,
We've been robbed.
We Hate Our Tribe
A Snake in the Gra
Houdini Magic
One of Us is Going
Just Go For It
The Past Will Eat
Breadth-First Sear

Beg, Barter, Steal
Worst Case Scenari
I Promise...
Two for the Price
Butte, MT PlugShar
Butte, MT PlugShar
My Kisses Are Very Private (But Will Be Shared Everywhere) #FightTheFight" - @therealmorgan She is a strong, bold, and brave woman, who has faced many physical challenges. Her strength continues to astound us. On May 30, 2016, her life will be celebrated through a variety of public and private events. All proceeds from the event will benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Don't forget to sign up for the Gather campaign and get in on the fun with the fabulous Morgan! Click here to get involved. I was really excited for this trip and cannot wait to spend some time getting to know them both. In addition to that, it is in a brand new country so there are a lot of new things to experience. On Saturday morning we headed to check into the hotel and then headed to the city hall, where we got to meet the Mayor of the town and the Prime Minister (and his wife) of the country. It was a moment I will never forget. Meeting these dignitaries while they were both in casual clothing was so refreshing and made a huge impact. With a couple of days to explore, we made our way to the university where they were going to speak. The tour there, by the way, was spectacular. The view of the city from the top and all of the history and beauty that was there, just so happened to include a lovely walkway and bridge that ended at a beautiful square where they were about to have their rally. We had met people who had flown in from across the country for this rally. What we saw was nothing short of awe-inspiring. I did not have the opportunity to film it as the rally was not allowed to be filmed so we were not able to get a glimpse of what was going on. They had a stage and podium and people were lined up all along the edge and on the roof of the buildings across the way. The rally itself lasted an hour. We walked through the university grounds and I could tell that everyone there had been given clear instructions. They were all in uniform and they all knew what to do. Everyone stayed silent except for when the leaders walked in and started to speak and then everyone broke into cheering. It was an incredible day and I can tell you that I was proud to say I was there. We then went back to the hotel and hung out and relaxed a bit before going out for dinner. They all wanted to go to dinner and it took us a while to convince them it was still too early for them to eat, but when I made a trip out to the bakery I got some really delicious brioche for everyone. It was perfect. I knew that dinner was going to be a tough one for me. When we got back from our food run I had a few minutes to spare and there were a couple of people from the group in the pool, so I hopped in and did what I came to do. It was awesome, as always. I am sad it is over, but I am ready to get back to London where my little guy is calling out for me to come home already. For three days now, we have been staying at a place called the Mare Oso, which is a hotel resort on the Costa del Sol in Spain. We left our rented house in BenahavĂ­s after ten days of staying there and drove to a town called Marbella, which is about 20 minutes south. We had chosen this resort over another one as there was an additional person we had yet to meet that was going to come along with us. We had thought about getting two bungalows and staying in them together as we were still waiting to get information from her, but we did not want to waste any time or do anything that was too much for her and decided on a resort. We set out for the resort around noon and I was driving when a man on a scooter nearly hit us head on. The car was traveling on the opposite side of the road when I turned the wheel and started trying to avoid an accident. He was very angry and I guess I felt bad as he would not even look at me. The guy that came from our house said he would talk to him and try to defuse the situation, but the best thing that happened is that the two men stopped and shook hands when he came to meet us. As soon as we turned onto our street, we knew something was wrong. We started running toward the apartment, screaming at each other not to be stupid, but it was too late. The only thing that saved us from being inside the apartment when the police busted in was because it took them a while to reach us. I did not even stop to turn on the engine. I was pulling out of the driveway as the officer was yelling at me. I am sure she will get a call about our driving later. I tried to explain to her that I am Canadian and that we thought it would be safe there and that the area was monitored all of the time. She did not seem to be in a good mood and said that I would be driving my car back to Canada at my own risk. I gave her the keys to the car, but I could see by the look on her face, she didn't care if I took them or not. She told me to leave them in the car and we would take our chances, as long as we were not involved in anything else. I had my hands full with an elderly person and a baby at the time, so I started to pull out and had one foot on the curb when she reached into my car and threw the keys on the ground. I turned around and she threw the keys up to me and then she grabbed me by the arm. I had a backpack that was hanging from my shoulder and my purse and satchel and I told her to let go of me, but she did not. She threw the keys to me again and went to grab me with both hands, which were very large and were gripping me so hard, my ribs were starting to get a bit tender. I told her that I could not breathe. She stopped for a moment and then said to me "Do not even think about driving!" To which I replied "I am not going to drive." And then she said "Fine." She told me to put the keys back in my car and that she would not stop me if I drove away. She told us to go inside and that she would come down and talk to us later. On the walk up to the apartment, I saw our neighbours standing at their door and I said "Did she just hit me with her baton?" And they both said "Yes." And I said "And she called me stupid!" They agreed with me. When we were inside, a man and a woman were standing in the hallway talking about what had just happened. They both happened to be Canadian, which was lucky for us, as I knew they would be able to speak the same language as I did. I showed them the scars on my arms that were from where the baton had nearly hit me and my knees that were bruised from where she had held onto me. They also saw the marks on my neck where she had held my arm against my neck as well. They said that she had just grabbed them and taken them to the police station and that the police had been nice to her. The man said that the police had been going in and out of their house for the last hour, just to say that they had done a good job and that they were good people who always brought the town together. He had no idea what she had done to me. I know I should not have been driving around, but we have been doing it a lot on our trips and it never seemed to be a problem. It just seems so unsafe and it is. On our way back, we drove past a cemetery and then up a hill with a beautiful view of the sea and the mountains. It was incredible. It was so beautiful, I had to stop the car and just watch. The ocean is the most amazing shade of blue and I cannot describe it. When I was done looking, I drove back home and was in tears. I am so grateful that I have this place that I can go back to and remember all of these wonderful times. I feel like I got caught in a time machine