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Gifts for the busy
So let's begin this journey." "I have no interest in your journey." "Then why did you come?" "If you came only to ask me that question..." "We'll go by foot." "What is the matter?" "Are you tired?" "I am not in the mood for conversation." "I came to say goodbye." "But you can stay." "You cannot be on your own in a foreign land." "I have done my duty." "Now let me go." "You can go abroad, but you cannot abandon your daughter." "Please, I cannot hear of it any more." " You're taking a step backward." " No one asked you to stay." " I'm not taking a step backwards." " You had a choice." "You do not have to put on the dress of the widow." "I cannot be the father of your daughter, and a good man at the same time." "I have found that I cannot be with you." "I am leaving now." "It is over between us." "I do not know what brought this on." "I have made my choice." "Please stay." "I have to ask you not to go." "You will not come back." "Is it only your father's life at stake?" "Let the others run away, if that's what you want." "What you want is your freedom!" "You think you are a better man than I, and that gives you the right to be unfaithful?" "You've deceived me." "You don't care if I walk out of this house a cripple... or dead, as long as I leave with dignity, as if I owned my own life." "That's what you want, because there is no other way to leave, is there?" "No other way to say you have had enough?" "No other way to leave with self-respect?" "What has happened to you, Adrienne?" "What have you become?" "Nothing's happened." "I am who I am." "And who are you?" "What are you doing?" "It's all right." "I am still your friend." "We have walked too far." " Come." " I am not coming." "I know why you were there, in your father's room." "I know about the child you're carrying." "My God, what a stupid girl." "The shame you bring upon your family." "No!" "Why do you humiliate me?" "Why do you make fun of my life?" "Because this was not how it was supposed to be, my darling." "I did not spend my life sitting at the feet of a dead man... playing cards... waiting for you to return from your barren exile." "This is not what I was born for." "I have no life!" "And I have no husband." "Not any more." "You must help me." "I will, if you still want my help." "I wish there was some other way." "You must make my sister go away." "I want you to bring a telegram to the Palais Bourbon... at exactly three o'clock." "I will meet you in the private gallery at five." "I must not be seen leaving, or arriving." "What about the police?" "Adrienne, what has happened?" "You're ill." "Come inside, quickly." "Now you must leave Paris." " Is it the police?" " No, the child is well." "They would only have disturbed you." "The child is well." "I did what you asked." "Now I need your help." "We must go to Switzerland, tonight." "What about the funeral?" "We'll see to it later." "You cannot go back to your father's house." "Not now." "Come here, sit down." "If anyone should ask for me, they will know I have gone away." "That's not enough." "We must leave Paris." "No one will ever know of the child." "That's what you want, isn't it?" "I have arranged for someone to adopt him." "Do you understand now?" "Yes." "You want it so much, don't you?" "And you can go on with your music." "Always this music, with this face." "Well, come on, then." "Let's be on our way." "You don't want to touch me." "You want me out of your sight, so you can get away." "You won't even pay my wages." "This child means nothing to you." "It's the only reason you're going with me." "It's why you've been so kind all this time." "I can feel it." "Even now." "We've been kind to each other, haven't we?" "Give me your hand." "You'll go with me if I have to force you." "Good!" "You see?" "You want to leave me, don't you?" "You think I'm going to kill you!" "You think I hate you!" "I don't hate you, Adrienne!" "I've never thought that!" "I don't want to live without you." "I would do anything for you." "This house is yours." "I've always known that." "It's all I've ever wanted... for us to live here." "I'll be good to you." "I'll make you happy." "My God, how I love you." "Adrienne?" "Adrienne?" "No, I'm sorry, she's not in her room." "Can I help you?" "No, thank you, thank you." "I wanted to see her, but I'm a little early." "I have something for her." "I will give it to her." "I don't think she will be able to see anyone today." "If you would like to leave a message, I will see that she gets it." "No." "Thank you." "Thank you." " Good day, sir." " Good day." " Good day, madam." " Good day." " What are you doing, my girl?" " Nothing, Grandfather." "Where have you been?" "I have a message for you from Mademoiselle Lucie." "Oh?" "I hope she is well." "Yes." "Thank you." "She would like me to tell you she is going away for a few days." "She did not want me to tell you." "She said it was better that you should hear it from me." "Very well." "You can go now." "I will tell her that you have called." "She's on the third floor, room 204." "Thank you, Marie-Jeanne." "It was a lovely summer." "A lovely summer." "But it's ending, my love." "I feel it." "All because of your letter." "How did you know it was me?" "I don't know." "I do know." "Do you?" "I think you're losing your mind." "How did I get here?" "I've been looking for you for so long." "How did you get here?" "It was an easy journey." "I was surprised by how easy it was." "I didn't want to tell you." "I was afraid you would be angry." "You were right." "I should have gone away earlier." "You had a year and a half to go." "You should have gone." "It's my fault." "I should have known." "No, you should have written me." "Then maybe I would have replied." "Do you regret our love?" "Yes." "I am so sorry for what happened." "It is hard for me to be here, with you." "Do you have your revenge?" "You were my love." "Please forgive me." "There is nothing to forgive." "I don't blame you for anything." "I could never blame anyone for what happened." "The world hated you." "Maybe it was my fault, but that would be crazy, now, wouldn't it?" "No." "But I was stupid, wasn't I?" "I knew who you were, but I still wanted you." "I think you always knew." "Was it my father's money?" "It was, wasn't it?" "No." "Then what?" "I am very tired, Lucie." "My life here, has been good." "I have been happy." "I don't think there is anything I would change, if I could." "But I cannot live without you." "I need you to be honest with me." "Please tell me why you love me so much." "You don't know, do you?" "Even now?" "How did you find the courage to stay with me?" "To be here with me?" "Because I loved you." "How long do you love me?" "For the rest of my life." "Will you love me in ten years' time?" "Ten years from now?" "Will you still love me then?" "Is it my happiness you want?" "Is that it?" "You must be sure that it is mine as well." "You must promise me that." "I will love you until the day I die." "Until I die." "Until I die." "It's time for you to leave." "I cannot be alone tonight." "I will give you something for your cough." "It will help you rest." "The others will talk." "They have nothing to say." "I don't want to hurt them