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Breadth-First Sear ====== mbrubeck It would be nice to see benchmarks. The author is comparing SQLite to "other SQL databases" (PostgreSQL and MySQL) but does not provide any comparisons with SQLite's own non-relational DBMS. ------ jbert I'm wondering why SQLite doesn't use SQL's GROUP BY, rather than the string join based method. From a quick look at sqlite_master, you can see why. For example, to select all unique customer rows: select customer_id, count(*) from customers group by customer_id; (note this does allow duplicate counts for a given customer, but I'm guessing that's the most important part of the 'group by') A quick comparison shows that there are (from my limited sampling) over 20 unique customer_id values in the system. For some smaller databases I might expect that a string join based query might be faster (probably only by a few percents, but 20% is significant when concerned about database tuning). However, as tables grow, it will probably be more efficient to use normal aggregate functions (e.g. aggregate on a group of sales transactions). How does one use a query like this with sqlite? I would expect it to be very slow. ~~~ tlrobinson SQLite already implements DISTINCT, so the only real benefit of this function is to group by on a column of another table, which is a very specialized case. ~~~ stcredzero DISTINCT was added in SQLite3 3.5.0 ------ thomaspaine I'd love to hear the benchmarks for SQLite's query planner. I've read that it is really fast and that it out performs other SQL databases at querying. The query planner is the one part that makes writing an object relational mapper for SQLite like ActiveRecord in Rails possible (it uses SQLite's query planner to generate a query plan), so if you're writing an ORM for SQLite or any other relational database you should be extremely interested in this topic. ~~~ thomaspaine If the query planner is really so great, why do you think you need SQLite's query planner for ActiveRecord? I think the reason for that is because of SQLite's query planner. ------ Tichy How much space does it need for the "normal" (relational) tables? ~~~ jbert It's quite trivial to construct a database with just simple rows (i.e. just a file as large as the data), so for smallish data sets (say 100k rows), you'd use something like 5MB. That file can grow quite big though, for example a 1GB sqlite database has ~2 billion rows. ------ lacker Postgres' query planner is really fast, too. ------ Hexstream Doesn't MySQL use a similar mechanism? ~~~ babo That's the general idea. I've heard some time ago that modern Linux kernel also has an improved query plan. ------ TweedHeads "A more modern SQL language, with a complete query optimizer that works correctly and efficiently, with a straightforward language syntax." More like "SQLite needs a bit of a makeover, but is still quite a nice piece of software" ------ TweedHeads "Modern" SQL It was created in 1991. What a surprise, it didn't change much since then. ~~~ Zak This is a bit harsh. It doesn't change much in large part because it has a very fast execution engine. A common complaint about other RDBMS is that their query engines aren't that good. Maybe I'm not familiar with others' complaints, but I find SQLite's pretty impressive in that regard. ~~~ TweedHeads The syntax is too verbose for my taste. Why do they have tables and columns? It should be much easier to express what you want without all that nonsense. I do agree that SQLite is very fast but it isn't really much faster than MySQL, Postgres, Oracle or SQL Server. But they don't care about the complaints so the best thing to do is to tell them to change the syntax. ~~~ maximilian I like SQLite, I think it is a great programmig tool because it has an SQL interface with which to query databases. The problem is you are limited in the size of the database you can use with it. If you were limited to 2 gigs, then it would be great. but when you can have 20 gigs, then why use it? I tried and couldn't come up with a good answer. With that said, the syntax isn't so bad. Its actually a very easy to learn and use query interface. I personally don't like it so much because I don't like that it is a relational database. ~~~ babo SQLite's relational interface is not its main value. Its most valuable feature is that it implements a SQL-92 compliant database engine and the engine actually works like that. This allows developing new modules and extensions on the database backend without loosing support for SQL92. The fact that it is a relational interface is just a side-effect.