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Kindergarten Camp
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Gifts for the busy
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Your Job is Recon: Let’s get right into it and I will answer your questions after. Do you wear a suit, or slacks and a nice shirt? I wear suits to work most of the time, but occasionally I do dress a bit more casual. It all depends on the meeting or event. A suit really is the most appropriate attire, so this really is a preference as much as anything. Since I wear a suit most of the time I think it is important to have a suit that fits well because there are more important things to pay attention to like looking the part. One of my biggest complaints is when someone wears a suit and it fits, but they wear an undersized shirt, giving the impression they are much larger than they are. They are often wearing a suit that was purchased because they are larger. This is why I am not someone who really cares much about designer brands because it only matters when it fits right. Do you have a desk in your office? Most of the time I work from my home office, and I also have a desk at the office. It all depends on the size of the event. I would recommend having a desk if you plan on doing a lot of on site conference calls or phone calls while at a meeting. Are your meetings mostly 1 on 1? I like to mix up meetings and events with no more than 30 or more people in them. I personally prefer the 1 on 1 meetings over any other type of meetings. They are more productive, and I like the conversations with the person who is interviewing me. I feel more connected to people when I have a 1 on 1 meeting than any other type of meeting. One on one meetings are also much less stressful because you have the opportunity to really get to know people, but I also feel a lot of people have a fear of 1 on 1 meetings because they don’t want to be seen as overly friendly. The reality is no matter if you are a man or woman, everyone will appreciate your 1 on 1 meeting because people understand that they are the most important part of the meetings and interviews, and you are there to help them. You won’t be the one person that got interviewed, you will be the one person that provided them all the information they needed to make the most informed decision. When it comes to interviews, people want a connection that can tell them everything about your company, how you work, and why they should pick you over another candidate for the position. So Why Does a 1 on 1 Meeting Work Better than Other Types of Meetings? How many interviews have you had where you are trying to fit your best and most polished behavior for 30 minutes into a meeting or interview? How many times have you been trying to figure out how to manage your nerves and not come off as an overly friendly, social and approachable person when the only person that really cares about what you are wearing, or how you look is the interviewer? I think the answer is probably too many times to count. And this is one of the reasons that I make sure to meet with my clients for a 1 on 1 meeting in advance of scheduling an interview. This is because if I don’t know you personally it is likely that I will not know if you will be the type of person that I will want to work with. A 1 on 1 meeting gives me the opportunity to learn who you are as a person and learn if we are a good fit for each other. This is because if I do not know you or the other person that I am meeting with I will not have much of a sense of how you will fit in with the team. One on one meetings also give you the opportunity to learn more about the company. You can learn the values, and vision of the company and what they are trying to do, and it gives you insight into if it is a place that you would be interested in working with your potential employer. There are very few companies where you don’t have to meet in a conference room. Most meetings are done in conference rooms or other places that give you a good space to interact. Sometimes meetings are even done in meeting rooms where you have a chance to network with other people that work in the building. This is because it is hard to meet in person without really networking. When you have the opportunity to mix business with socializing, it is very beneficial to meet with as many people as possible. Often the more people you meet with the easier it is for you to get a good feel for what the company and the people who work there are like. So you need to consider not only the networking opportunities, but also the amount of trust you have in the company, and if you will be given the opportunity to network and interact with other employees. Networking with others can often help you figure out whether or not a company is a good fit. As you learn about your potential company, and the people who work there, it becomes easier to figure out what your career trajectory could be at the company. You can learn as much as you can about your potential company, and hopefully even if you do decide to work with them, you have an idea of how long you will be able to work there. This will allow you to prepare yourself for what you want to do and what you will need to do for the next several years. If you love what you do, then you should have no problem working there. Now that you understand what a 1 on 1 meeting is, why you need to meet in person, and what it means to your career, I hope you will use these interviews to learn as much as possible about your potential company, so you can make the best decision for your career, and your future. The fact that companies don’t normally have a one on one meeting with the people that they will hire to work with doesn’t make a lot of sense. So many people look for their next job, and job through the internet, and by searching the web for job postings and the different types of employers that are hiring. The problem is when you do your job searches on the internet, you will only be able to see a few employers that have jobs in your area. This is because you are limited to what your computer can find. If you want to get a good idea of what companies are hiring, you really have to go out and find them. That’s the only way to get a realistic idea of how well they can get along with you, their current staff, and most importantly what type of career trajectory you could be on. How Do You Pick The Company You Will Work At? This is another one of the many things that is going to change based on where you live, your personal preferences, your skills, and a number of other things. Even if you do like your current job and you are happy with your current employers, you still have to learn how to pick the right company to work with you. I want to take the opportunity to talk about what you can do to get a better idea of the types of employers that are out there and what kind of people you want to work for. The more research you do the more you will be able to talk about the different factors that influence the kind of people you will work with, and the type of companies that will attract you. The more you learn about a company the more opportunity you will have to make a positive and meaningful impact on your future. You are going to want to find companies that understand how long it takes to move up the ladder in the company. I do not recommend companies where you will have to start off with some of the entry level positions. If a company only has positions at the entry level, then you are likely going to be limited to how many years you will be able to work there. Many companies are now offering positions that have more room for upward mobility. This is good news because it shows companies are moving towards developing career development plans for their employees so they can move up in the company as they become more senior. You need to look for these kinds of opportunities and look for companies that understand what you need to do to be successful in the future. Once you find out what your potential employer wants from their employees, you can discuss with them your skills and how your previous experience matches up with what the company is looking for. The more knowledge and experience that you have the more likely you are going to be able to move forward and possibly work at a company that has better career development plans for its employees. Many times you will not know the exact type of career development plan you can expect until you have an interview and discussion with a company’s human resource staff. However it is important to find out what kinds of career development plans your potential employer is offering to their employees so you know what you should be expecting and how the company wants you to develop your career. Many companies are now offering job postings online. I understand this makes it easier to search for jobs and you do not have to go out searching for a specific job that you are interested in, but it is important to find out what types of employers are posting jobs online. This is because many companies do not put their jobs online. I recommend this is because you should not use job postings as a way to get a good idea of the type of company, or the people who work there. If you are trying to find the job that fits you best, and what your skills and the type of