A Thoughtful Gestu
Your Job is Recon
Skin of My Teeth
A Diamond in the R
Breadth-First Sear
A nice fantasy wit
Vigilante Internsh
Kindergarten Camp
I plan to make

A Line Drawn in Co
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We've been robbed.
You Started, You'r
Havoc to Wreak
Plan Z
Fasten Your Seatbe
Pulling the Trigge
Tastes Like Chicke
If you feel insignificant, you better think again. The universe is trying to tell you that you are more important than you think. The fact that you’re a part of the universe makes you valuable. I don’t know about you, but I’d like to feel important. 2. There are no rules. The universe follows no rules. It is full of surprises. No matter how strange life is and it is, it is what it is. Trust the universe will work itself out. We often say things like “It’s a matter of life or death.” Or “It can’t be.” Well, guess what, it can be. Take a breath and allow for magic to happen. If you’re afraid, you might not be ready for magic to show up. 3. Time is a construct of the mind. Everything happens in Now. To not be in the now is a failure to live in the moment. The sooner you can just be, the sooner you can let your magic show up. We can never plan out our lives, but it’s okay to act in the moment. Let things unfold. 4. You never lose your power. At any given moment, you always have the ability to be whatever you choose. What you want to do, think and feel is yours for the taking. We can’t control everything that happens, but we can always control ourselves. You’re in control of you. 5. You are a creator. Your life is not what you’re doing. Your life is what you want to do. The way we view the world shapes our experience of it. If you look at life as something to get done, it’s not going to feel good. We get more of what we focus on. When we want things to be a certain way, they will be that way. Life is what you make it. Your perceptions shape your reality. Our perception of life changes over time. By focusing on how you want to feel, you create the energy to feel that way. 6. It’s OK to ask for help. Don’t be afraid to talk to someone or get a therapist if you feel like something isn’t right. Most of us have a difficult time asking for help, but we all need it. We sometimes get in the way of magic. If something isn’t right, our mind will want to figure out a way to fix it. Let go of that idea and surrender your power to a higher power. 7. You cannot solve everything with logic. Many of us believe we can take control of the universe. That is a myth. If we try to control our world, we are not being fully present with ourselves or the experience of our lives. If we take control of our mind, we’ll experience stress and problems will arise. The best way to solve life’s problems is with mindfulness. We can be present with whatever is showing up. 8. Magic is everywhere and always. You cannot run away from magic, but you can run toward it. Magic is present whether you feel like you are having a good or bad day. You can choose to allow the magic or not. Magic is present no matter what. 9. You are always exactly where you need to be. At any moment you can choose to see the beauty in whatever is happening. If you see the magic, you have achieved balance and harmony in your life. If you don’t, you have to work on the magic. Your thoughts have power over the way your life goes. They can either lift you up or tear you down. If you are having a bad day, use mindfulness to bring you back to balance. 10. You get to decide how you will feel today. Your thoughts determine your emotions. Allow yourself to notice if your thoughts are causing you to feel bad. If you do something that makes you happy, make sure you give it your gratitude. You’re never stuck in a bad situation. We are all connected to each other. If you do something in an unhealthy way, you will be holding on to that story for a long time. Life changes every moment. It can go from bad to good or good to bad in a split second. Let go of how you are today and focus on creating how you want to be tomorrow. 11. You are never too old to do things. You have infinite possibilities ahead of you. Every day you have the opportunity to set a new standard for yourself. No matter what you are going through, things can change quickly. You can’t take life too seriously, or you will miss out on the joy that life offers. Life isn’t about a bucket list. It is about being alive and creating a legacy. Focus on what is good about the present moment and move forward with courage and grace. 12. Always tell someone how you feel. You are always a child of God, even when you do the most terrible things. We are not in control of how we feel. We are also not responsible for how we make other people feel. We always have a choice and a way to change our experience of life. We should not act like we have control over everything and everyone. We can’t always control the way we feel, but we can always change how we feel by releasing stress, worry and anxiety. Mindfulness can help you rewire your brain. It can show you how to stop yourself from doing things that sabotage your happiness. It teaches us how to get in touch with how we feel. Mindfulness is our greatest ally in making the world a better place to live. It will help you be present in your own life, and more willing to make magic happen. Our next course is in April and is all about mindfulness. The retreat will be in beautiful Bali at the Temple of Enlightenment. You can find more info at: https://sophiafoundation.org/mindfulness-retreat/ There is a saying, “Mind over matter.” Sometimes I feel like we should change that to “Mind over magic.” The universe has a way of bringing us exactly what we need to help us feel better. It might not be what we think we want. If we can trust in the universe, we can make magic happen. We often get frustrated, worried or upset that things are the way they are. What we don’t realize is that everything is happening for our benefit. The past can teach us what didn’t work, and the future can show us what will work. All we have to do is accept what is here in the present moment and be willing to experience the magic that is all around us. So many of us live with a story about our lives that does not match reality. We are trapped in stories that hold us back from being present. It’s hard to live a life of magic if you think it is something other than what it really is. Sometimes we need to focus on what we want our life to look like. If we don’t know what we want, it’s hard to have magic. We have to get in the right frame of mind so we can use the energy of the universe to help make our dreams come true. Our body is our best friend and worst enemy. If we use the energy of the universe, we can heal ourselves and change our own experience of our life. This way we can transform our reality. We all have the power to use our thoughts to make our life happen. Life is magic. It can be joyful, magical, sad, or just OK. It doesn’t matter what you think. It’s all about the experience. When we have so much fear, sadness, and pain in our lives, it can be hard to be in the moment. Life isn’t supposed to be a race. If we can be present and enjoy the magic of life, we can heal our broken places and live a life of magic. Our stories about life tell us who we are and limit our experience of life. What if we re-wrote our story and created the life we wanted instead? Most of us have a story about how