Fractured fairy ta
Japenese vending m
Big Balls, Big Mou
This is Going to H
Me and My Snake
Desperate Measures
Keep It Real
This Camp is Curse
Beg, Barter, Steal
Tribal Lines Are B

Trojan Horse
A Big Surprise...
The Underdogs
Drone Capturing an
Biblical Praportio
Password Policy Re
Loose Lips Sink Sh
Holy cow after 32
Crazy Fights, Snak
I promise that you
Let's Make a Move! So let's make a move! Make your own move, right here and now! And if you don't want to do that, then just sign and send the petition, because, as I wrote in the title of this piece, every letter makes a difference! Every move makes a difference! This is how you can help to make a difference by making your own move: first of all you can give a call to the phone numbers or write an e-mail to the addresses that you find below. But there is also a more active option: call the numbers you see below and give them a call, or write them an e-mail. It doesn't matter which one you prefer, it is equally effective and does the job. The phone numbers: +49 30 730 70 50 The e-mail addresses: +49 30 730 70 50.0 @ If you choose the phone call, you'll get the same answers to your e-mails and letter, because a phone call is a letter and a letter is a phone call, I believe. So let's make a move: let's call, write, click, hit, and give them your move. You're all doing it, so do it. Every move, every small help and every piece of advice is making a big difference. If we all do our share and work together, we can do it, together, for good! This has been translated from the German version (my German is much better than my English). I'll be very happy if you read it and pass it on to other people. If you are too shy to pass it on, you can just as well read it and tell me about your reactions here. But you better have the courage for it. Update: The text on top was translated from the German version (as far as possible) and the text at the end from the original german version. This text belongs to the German version. I added the information about the English version at the end, because if you didn't know, you might have wondered about it. Greetings, I think most of you have already seen my last few posts on the subject, or will see it soon. It is the last chance you'll get to make a difference, before the petition on the English version has reached the end of the line. So there are some last chances. The website I just mentioned is, the page of the police of the German republic, but as we all know the first letter is missing in that domain name. But don't forget, this website is in German. And I think this is a good thing. It is probably easier to create a link to the English version of it, if you don't know German. So what I did is that I put a link in this post and another link in the post that's coming up. If you don't understand German you might want to read the German version first. I just hope you won't have difficulties with the accents. They should be easy to understand. And if you get lost, please give me a call and I will explain you where you should be looking and how to get there. I have written a lot about this whole subject and a lot about every detail of it. I was a witness of all the hard work, the long nights, the sleepless nights, the work with a computer screen that was going down all the time, the arguments, discussions, and a lot more. And I know very well how the police of the German republic reacts to changes, to a change of the situation, or what's your expression? What's he doing? "The shit hits the fan" and that means: "everything explodes and becomes a big mess". But this was no disaster, this was a success. You have to know, when you make a move. It is not easy and some of you could tell a thousand stories that start with: "I don't know. At first I ..." But who cares? We are all still alive. And I think this shows that we have all made a success, a big one. This post is one of the last before the petition goes online, and it will really go online in three weeks from today, a few days before the petition runs out of time. And we are all counting on you. So make your move and make a difference! You have seen me complaining about the police of the German republic. Well, there were other police I didn't like at all. But if I were you, I would go for this new one and I think it will change the entire situation. You don't have to send just one email or one signature in a petition. The police of the German republic has this as a motto: "every little bit helps and changes everything!". And you have to believe that too. I know, I know: We'll never have any more big parties again, we won't be able to gather at any of our places. We will meet very seldom now. We won't be able to meet a lot of times at the last place that we met. We won't be able to see each other often. We won't have that many chances to see each other. The chances are very few that we will make contact with each other any more. And it's a pity, but there is no way to escape the fact, that some of us will probably never see each other again. I think the others will try their best to stay in touch with each other. But these friendships will never be the same as they used to be. And they might even end after some time. And it is sad, but we have no choice but to face the fact: life goes on. We have a chance to make a difference. But make it! Maybe you'll still get some more times to make some real contact with your favorite friends, because there are some events that are coming up and some more chances will come up again, like this one, to meet and say good bye to some old friends. I don't think the police of the German republic will be too happy with the result of this event. There will be some people with blue uniforms or brown uniforms that will have very little to say about it. But they don't have to worry. This is for the police of the whole world, not only for the German republic. I also want to thank some policemen from the US, Great Britain and other countries. I hope you all will be at least a little bit at least pleased with the results of this event. You will see that there will be people from all over the world. They want to say good bye and to wish you all well. Some of them have met each other for the first time on this event. I think it was very nice and this result shows, how much you have changed. If you do your own move, make a big difference and make a difference for every other person with his move, I think this will be the happiest day of your life. We'll never have any more big parties again, we won't be able to gather at any of our places. We will meet very seldom now. We won't be able to meet a lot of times at the last place that we met. We won't be able to see each other often. We won't have that many chances to see each other. The chances are very few that we will make contact with each other any more. And it's a pity, but there is no way to escape the fact, that some of us will probably never see each other again. I think the others will try their best to stay in touch with each other. But these friendships will never be the same as they used to be. And it's sad, but we have no choice but to face the fact: life goes on. We have a chance to make a difference. But make it! If we all do our share and work together, we can do it, together, for good! PS: If you think it might not be possible to meet for some reason or another (maybe you live in a different country, maybe you live in different parts of the same country, maybe you are busy, maybe there is some other reason...), remember: you are part of the community and you are not excluded. Many friends of mine who are active in the community didn't meet for a while. But I can assure you that they will meet again. It is just a matter of time. Please don't wait for a miracle that doesn't happen. You make this miracle yourself by making a move and by going to