Holy cow after 32
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Password Policy Re
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Drone Capturing an
The Underdogs
A Big Surprise...
Trojan Horse
Let's Make a Move
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## Index
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations; page numbers with a _t_ refer to tables.
_Note:_ The index is arranged alphabetically. Page numbers for tables are in _italics_.
abortion, , ,
accommodation: age and sexuality in, –, _–, , , , ;_ family size and, ; intergenerational gender roles and, –; life stages and, ; marriage and, ; nationalism and, ; women as resources and, ,
affection: homoeroticism and, , , ; in Sibling Proximity Pattern, ; terminology of, –. _See also_ attachment
affective disorder. _See_ depression
Affective neuroscience,
affine marriage, –
age difference in sexual liaisons: age preferences and gender role prescriptions in, –, ; dating preferences in same- and opposite-sex relationships and, –; dating preferences in same-sex relationships and, –, , , –; dating preferences in same-sex relationships and, –; dating preferences in same-sex relationships and, –; economic factors in dating and, , –, , ; evolutionary models for, –, ; gender role prescriptions in, , –; homoeroticism and, –, , , , –; as indicator of potential, ; normative development and, –; as predictor of marriage, –, , , –; self-enhancement bias in women and, –, –; sexual and physical attractiveness in, –, , –, –, –; sexuality as social role and, –; stereotypes of sexuality and, ; sociosexuality and, –; variation and, –; women's preference for older men and, –, –; younger men's preference for older women and, –. _See also_ dating preferences
age preferences: in couple marriage patterns, , , –, , , –, ; dating preferences in same-sex relationships and, –; marriage patterns and, –, –, , , ; mortality selection