Biblical Praportio
Drone Capturing an
The Underdogs
A Big Surprise...
Trojan Horse
Let's Make a Move
Fractured fairy ta
Japenese vending m
Big Balls, Big Mou
This is Going to H

Loose Lips Sink Sh
Holy cow after 32
Crazy Fights, Snak
I promise that you
Earthquakes and Sh
The Past Will Eat
That Girl is Like
He Has Demons
We Hate Our Tribe
Password Policy Reuse Abuse If you have an account on our old system, there is a high chance you will have an account on our new system, with some slight changes in password. We would encourage everyone who currently has an account on this website, to log in to your account and change your password. This will ensure you do not become a victim of any potential breach. We have contacted all users who had active accounts with us previously to inform them of this change. To change your password: Email: (please include your email in the subject line) Please note: Your current password will be changed to an encrypted hash when you log into the new system (this is our recommendation to ensure you cannot use a compromised password to access the new site). You will be asked to provide a new password when you log in to the new system for the first time. Please use the same password as before, or you may experience delays accessing your account until you can be confirmed. If you were the person that logged in and set your password at the start of the day yesterday (20/11/2015), that account is active and will automatically login and be valid until the following day. We can however, create an account for you with a new password at this point in time. To avoid any delays in your access, please send us an email at with the following information: New Email New Password Retype Password Once the account is created and validated, you can use it immediately. Your previous account will automatically be deleted. Please ensure your email is correct at this point. This will help us to make sure no mistakes are made in duplicating your account details. Thank you for your cooperation, and please keep an eye on your email for future communication from us. About XanX XanX is a free, premium news content site for people who love soccer. We are 100% ad-free and will never ask you to pay to access the content. There is no subscription or membership fee for our site and no banner ad. To get started, follow the link below. For more information or to contact us, please email us at: