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Worst Case Scenario: If you’re a small business, you can quickly see yourself going out of business if this bill passes and becomes law. If it’s the wrong kind of business, and you are already struggling to keep your doors open, it could mean bankruptcy. If you have a government contract, you could go out of business. Businesses are already feeling the squeeze. A recent survey from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago shows that the vast majority of small businesses do not have enough cash to weather a recession. They aren’t going to be able to fund payroll if they’re forced to comply with the mandate. But they also won’t be able to afford health care if they have to pay for everyone else’s, either. So they’re going to lay people off, which could lead to more Americans losing their jobs. And that’s just the start. How many people are going to see their private insurance policies disappear because they’re so expensive? That’s going to put a lot of people at risk. We’re going to see the quality of our health care drop as insurance companies stop paying for high-risk patients. We’re going to see insurance premiums skyrocket. I’m all for creating new jobs in this country, but that’s not going to happen if employers are forced to offer insurance coverage to their workers. We could end up creating the new jobs overseas if it becomes too costly for companies here at home. Why would we want to do that? It’s also a false choice to say you have to choose between jobs and health care. There are a lot of things we can do to help Americans have both good jobs and access to quality health care, like increasing taxes on the wealthy, expanding access to public education and expanding Medicare so that every American has access to high-quality care. Worst Case Scenario: A family could be at risk of losing their home if they owe too much on their mortgage. What would happen to those families who may lose their houses is that lenders will change their standards and that the current housing market and prices will plummet. The banks might be at risk as well. Mortgage insurance companies could end up failing. Homeowners are not going to get their homes back or be able to keep their jobs when their homes go into foreclosure. In addition to all of that, you’re going to have Americans losing their homes. Worst Case Scenario: It’s not just homeowners and business owners who are going to be affected by this bill. It’s also small businesses. Because of the bill, the cost of health care for the employees of these companies will skyrocket and that could put them at a disadvantage because they’ll have to spend more money than larger companies to stay competitive. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy. The fact is, our economy depends on every single one of us being able to own our own business. It can’t function without the people who own small businesses. It’s a bad bill and we’re trying to stop it from becoming law. This kind of thing is an inevitability when a bill of this magnitude is written in secret with one-hundred percent of the focus on appeasing industry and lobbyists, not the American public. We must act now. If you want to make your voice heard on this issue you can call your representative and ask them to vote against this bill. You can also send an e-mail to and ask for your representative to take a stand against this bill. Do what you can to get the word out. If you’re still not sure about this, imagine your loved ones being put into a position where they could lose their home, job, and health care all in one fell swoop. That is what’s at stake here. We cannot allow this bill to become law. Join the fight to get Big Money out of our politics Get this blog post and others in your inbox by subscribing to the blog. 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Disclaimer The Money Madness cannot be held responsible for any decisions made based on information contained on this blog. Any references made to financial situations or topics that may be compensated in an affiliate or advertising sense must contain a link to a reliable source of information.