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That's Baked, Barb
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It ain’t my fault
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The Marooning
botpoo.com, The word I would have been searching for is &...Wow.

The word I would have been searching for is "futility".

I can't understand why the world needs its own second "Huckabee" now.

"Who's Huckabee?" Stewart, man may well take time out to pray over himself f...A man may well take time out to pray over himself for the strength to do what needs doing (I am saying "may well", not "must", so that I don't accidentally put him in a bad place). And, this might very well include a prayer of thanksgiving for the person he has been given to help.

It's true that a prayer for someone else does not have the same value as a prayer for oneself. But the latter has the virtue of being one way that we have a part to play in praying for others.James, saw a video on YouTube the other day where a bo...I saw a video on YouTube the other day where a bunch of priests had got together and prayed over one of their buddies who was ill. It was heartwarming to see them all pray for him and to see that prayer make a difference.

They had the right idea!Manny, agree with Mr. Larson, but since a significant p...I agree with Mr. Larson, but since a significant percentage of the world’s population do not feel that way, it behooves men to at least have the courage to put a few prayers up to the Father to help him make that choice.Jennifer, is an entirely secular discussion, and there...This is an entirely secular discussion, and there is no reason to discuss whether one's prayers were sincere or not. There are very serious and pressing matters at stake here, and time is very short. If any prayers are made, they should be for God to grant the medical people the wherewithal to do their work. Healing of the Body? Healing of the Body?, a pastor and as someone who cares about others,...As a pastor and as someone who cares about others, I am heartened to read this post. We should all give thanks to God, since he is the one who gives us the power to love.

And so yes, love is an action. A very, very big action. It is a choice. It is a decision to care about someone else at a moment in time, even to the point of laying down your own life.

It's funny that some people think that to follow Jesus means not making any human decisions or allowing one's feelings or impulses to interfere with doing what Jesus told us to do. What a lot of people don't understand is that the love they are called to have isn't just emotional. It is physical as well, and can be expressed physically.

A guy who thinks that he has too much to do might say something like, "I don't have time for this love thing. I have things to do. You go ahead."

To the guy who does have time, the words might be, "Yes, I have a lot of things to do. You have no idea how much I love you. You go ahead."

Those are two different ways of giving care, and they involve two different levels of action. But both are absolutely Christian.

This is an entirely secular discussion, and there is no reason to discuss whether one's prayers were sincere or not. There are very serious and pressing matters at stake here, and time is very short. If any prayers are made, they should be for God to grant the medical people the wherewithal to do their work.Jerry Larson,, this is a very good post. There is nothing...Jerry, this is a very good post. There is nothing else to say about this...what you said sums it up well. Thanks for this...God blessJennifer, for the post - I have been following the pa...Thanks for the post - I have been following the path your life has taken and am encouraged by it and what you do. I read the blog of a friend of mine, Mike Adams, at, who has written on the subject as well. He points out that all the current disasters and tragedies are leading us to a very important time - when the human race will have to either embrace or reject its Creator. If the next generation turns its back on God, it will take us a few hundred years to recover from it. A turning to Him would go a long way toward healing what is going on - and I am encouraged that so many are responding. It's a matter of making choices now. Thanks for that.The Christian Pornographer,