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A Sinking Ship, 08 Apr 2011 14:31:33 +0000 I write this I’m sitting on my bed typing on my Macbook and I can’t see my feet! It’s getting warmer outside and my thoughts are drifting towards summer as it’s still a few months away. Summer months are always busy, especially with the kids, and we’ve been having some great sunny days here in my hometown. So for now I’ve been running and walking outside, but the sun has been pretty much in my face when I’ve walked and I’m starting to feel a little sore in my legs. So this week I decided to get myself some new running gear to keep me motivated and keep me going. I bought myself a pair of running shoes and was able to negotiate a discount on the pair of Nike+ running shoes that I bought. The discount didn’t cover the tax, so I think the price I paid was £49.99, so I’m pleased I got the bargain. I’m not the biggest fan of this treadmill because it’s very noisy, but it does the job and can be very useful for those who live in flats and don’t want to get up at 5am to go out for a run. I also bought myself a FitBit. I’ve been following the product for a long time but only got around to buying myself a Fitbit after being contacted by a blogger I really admire, Emma. She suggested I take the FitBit up to the mountains with me to try it out for 3 weeks. I took it on one of my morning walks, and it really made a difference in motivating me to walk a bit further than I normally would. I set it to my daily step goal as Emma had suggested and it has made a difference in getting myself up and moving every day. For the first week I was averaging 2,000 steps, now I’m averaging 3,000 steps and that difference is enough to make me feel a lot better. So as I write this I’m wearing my FitBit as I’m working away on this blog on my Macbook. My last blog post was on the 28th March, so it’s time to make a commitment to keep on going for the next few weeks! I’m a member of a group called Wear Your Shoes and we have a weekly theme so that we can try and make our running a bit more interesting. The theme this week is called “Blue” so we are wearing our shoes that are blue! This week is all about the new Fitbit Zip which I recently received from the lovely bloggers at My Daughters Pants, so here are a couple of snaps of what I’m up to! This week the Fitbit Zip has inspired me to do more in the evenings to make sure that I get some more steps in during the day. This week I’ve been out running around town after the kids have gone to bed. I know running after 8pm when it’s dark can be a bit scary but I love it, so I’m determined to make the most of my evenings! On a more personal note, my eldest son got his braces off the other day and was so excited. But with it now off, he’s been struggling to eat the right stuff to get his teeth to stop hurting. I’ve been looking around at some of the teeth-friendly foods out there and I’ve found a fab new blog called Super Nanny which talks about all of the best foods to eat for teeth. You should take a look at the fab blog too. She posted a couple of days ago about cheese, bacon, nuts and seeds. My son is loving the taste of cheese and bacon sandwiches, so that’s what I’m going to have to try to replace him with as much as I can get away with. I’m going to let him make the sandwiches with the cheese and bacon as this is a nice treat for him. But he can’t get away with eating lots of cheese and bacon in between meals. I don’t want him to have braces again for another three years. I also wanted to say a massive thanks to a blogger who goes by the name of Miss Minimalist. She got in touch with me recently and kindly asked me to check out her blog as she admires mine. I really enjoyed her blog and have left a couple of links below so you can get a better idea of the blog that inspired me. This weekend I’m going on a mini camping trip with the family and I’m going to take the Fitbit along so I can get some steps in while I’m away. I’ll be sure to blog about it next week. So that’s what I’m up to now. Thanks for checking out this week’s weekly blog post and thanks for reading! ]]> for Gents, 01 Aug 2009 17:09:51 +0000 for Gents is a new weekly blog post that will feature my favourite gadgets. The weather seems to be getting warmer which means that I need to be ready for running when I get the chance. If you’re anything like me, then you’re probably very fussy about what you choose to put on in the morning. So to help myself make some decisions on what I will wear, I’ve decided to have a blog post for the week on this topic. During this week I had the chance to review the Nike+ Sport Band, which is available from As a blogger who writes about fitness and sports, I was happy to write about this gadget as it comes from one of my favourite companies. If you’re not a big fan of tech gadgets, then the name Nike may not mean a lot to you, but the brand is a household name when it comes to sports and fitness. I’ve already purchased the Nike+ Sport Band, which is a product from Nike, and I had a chance to test this and provide my review. I’ve also added some links to some of the gadgets that I bought myself for running and sports. As you can see it’s not just a one for me, as the family are also enjoying the benefits of these new gadgets too. A few weeks ago I had the chance to review the Nike+ Sport Band from This gadget is ideal for anyone who wants to monitor their workout or who wants to monitor their progress. I love this gadget because it’s not like any other fitness gadget I’ve ever seen, because it allows you to keep track of your workouts and give you some feedback about your progress throughout the day. The gadget arrives in a cute package that looks a lot like a book, and it’s easy to keep this on you so you can wear it on your wrist throughout the day. The battery is pretty long lasting, as I’m able to wear this all day without charging it and still have battery power remaining. I had some help from a friend who was nice enough to send me some pictures while she wore the gadget. As you can see from the photo above, the gadget has a little heart monitor on it. This features takes up the centre of the screen and has a button that runs through various different colours of the same colour. As you press the button, the colour changes. This is a great idea as it alerts you to when you’ve reached the heart rate zone you need to get into to run further. If you want to see your progress as you run, then you need to turn this on. The gadget does this by taking the heart rate from the watch and comparing it to the heart rate sensor to find out where your heart rate should be at each point of time. For anyone who would like to read further about this product, please check out this link on Well, how many of you are running and running and then you feel like crumpling up and saying “enough already”? Or for those of you who have children that are just getting too big to wear them or to run with them, why not think about getting some baby joggers? I love these gadgets because you can run and play with them, but without the little one getting too hot. As you can see above, this product comes in many different sizes and designs so you can be able to choose what is