Once thought of as
That'll learn 'em
UFC Contender
On this day, in
This day, on
Proposition bet
JoJo then
Rent insurance
Ultra rare, but

Our Time to Shine
I can’t help but s
Pulling the Trigge
Rectal Rodeo clown
Slay Everyone, Tru
I'm Not a Good Vil
What About Me?
You're a Rat...
Betrayals Are Goin
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Thought lost forever, but he remembers." "She's a nurse." "She's just doing her job." "Still, better do it from outside the hospital." "Your dad." "How about visiting him?" "Why?" "Well, he needs a familiar face, someone to talk to." "That's a really good idea." "Thank you, Miss Watson." "It's just Emily." "Thank you, Emily." "Well, tell your dad hey." "You've never met my father." "You don't know what he's like." "And he doesn't know what I'm like." "I'd like to keep it that way." "Maybe I can meet him sometime, and then he can tell me." "I'm sorry for what happened to Joe." "I can't even imagine how you feel, but you need to know, your father was not responsible for what happened to Joe." "I know that now." "I know it wasn't him." "Hey, Joe." "Oh!" "You've grown, huh?" "Look at you." "You want a soda or something?" "No, thank you." "Let me help you with that." "Thank you, Mr. Holmes." "I know you want to talk about what happened, but I don't think I'm ready to talk about it." "I know." "I thought maybe I could go back to work." "Good, you're back." "I'm going to take a couple of weeks off and spend some time with my dad." "Hey, that's great." "You're a good man, Joe." "If you're ever interested in an easy, well-paying job, you let me know." "I just may take you up on it, Detective." "Thank you, Mr. Holmes." "You're welcome, Joe." "Hey, Mr. Holmes." "Who do you think broke that lamp in your office?" "I know exactly who broke that lamp in my office." "Oh, hello, Ms. Watson." "How was your trip?" "It was lovely." "I was thinking, um, that this weekend I may be able to take the kids to a park or maybe out for ice cream." "Emily's coming over for dinner tomorrow night." "I'll be home late." "Mr. Holmes, um," "I'm afraid I can't have dinner with you tomorrow." "I already have plans." "Oh, really?" "Do I know these plans, or are they perhaps plans that are yet to come?" "I'd appreciate it if you'd give me a bit more warning next time." "I'm sorry." "I" "Look, I thought we were beginning to communicate." "We are, and we're not." "I mean, when you're actually here in the same room, we talk and communicate quite well, and I ask you about your day and you ask me about mine." "When you phone me, it's usually just to tell me you can't make dinner." "I would like to spend some time with my daughter and perhaps have a conversation that isn't entirely one-sided." "Perhaps, in addition to the ice cream, we could go for a walk." "I'd like that." "Good." "I'm looking forward to it." "Me, too." "Aah!" "Aah!" "You're going to be seeing a lot more of these." "What do you mean?" "It's okay, it's okay." "I know what you're thinking-- that it's not fair that I can be here and he can't, but I thought I'd make up for it tomorrow night, going for a drink or something." "Would you mind?" "Whatever you like, dear." "We can do something tomorrow night." "Sounds good to me." "Mm." "Can you get Watson on the phone for me, please?" "She's not answering her phone." "Don't tell me you taught her that." "What time do you expect her back?" "Mr. Holmes, it's Sunday night." "I highly doubt she's teaching tonight." "And you know this because..." "Because that's when she tells me she's on call." "You may be right." "In fact, I probably am." "Yeah, I do that, too." "Watson?" "What are you doing here?" "I'm, uh, just making sure you're both okay." "Yes, we are." "Sherlock has been gone all night." "Holmes?" "Mm." "Just like Watson." "Mm-hmm, no one else has been here." "It's quite a vigil you're keeping." "I thought you were on call." "I was on call." "You weren't home." "I'm not really here now, am I?" "== sync, corrected by elderman =="