You're a Rat...
What About Me?
I'm Not a Good Vil
Slay Everyone, Tru
Rectal Rodeo clown
Pulling the Trigge
I can’t help but s
Our Time to Shine
Thought lost forev
Once thought of asBetrayals Are Going to Get Exposed," _Boldly._
Moyers, Bill. (2005). "Interview: Bill Moyers and Bernard Wysocki on the Politics of the Environment." _Common Dreams NewsCenter._ September 17, 2005. .
"Moyers Exposes Monsanto's War on the World's Poor." _Boldly._ February 5, 2011. .
T. K. Durst III, "Ex-BP President: Gas Pipelines to the US Gulf are 'Absolutely Necessary.' " _ThinkProgress._ March 1, 2010. .
Debra Sweet and Jennifer Loven, "BP President Says Gulf of Mexico Oils Release Was 'Well Intended.' " _CNN._ January 30, 2010. .
"Battle in the Gulf," _The Economist._ June 27, 2010.
U.S. Congress. (2009). "The BP Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico—Fact Sheet." U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. .
"Senator Holds Hearing on BP Oil Spill." _Huffington Post._ June 16, 2010. .
"Senate Hearing on BP Oil Spill." _The Common Dreams._ June 16, 2010. .
"Hearings in Washington on BP Disaster Expected to Bring Much Scrutiny to Bush Administration." _CBS News._ June 21, 2010. .
Robert Dreyfuss, "BP Pays $7.8 Billion for Deepwater Horizon Spill," _New York Times._ June 26, 2010. .
Durst, T. K. III. (2010). "BP Oil Leak: No BP Inspection Leak; No BP Accountability." _ThinkProgress_. April 20, 2010. .
Robert Draper, "How BP Won the Media War in the Gulf Spill Coverage." _The Atlantic Monthly._ August 27, 2010. .
Robert Draper, "The Gulf Oil Disaster: What the Crisis Reveals About American Values," _The Atlantic Monthly._ June 27, 2010. .
J. H. Eaves, "BP Pays $50 Million Fine for Oversight Failures," _Scientific American._ April 27, 2010. .
Steve Benen, "BP Spill Settlement: The Bottom Line," _The Washington Monthly._ April 30, 2010. .
"BP Settlement Rejected," _CNN_. March 30, 2011. .
"BP Oil Spill: How Much Damage Did It Do?" _National Geographic._ May 6, 2010. .
"BP Oil Spill: How Much Damage Did It Do?"
David Stubbs, "BP Oil Spill: A Year Later, Exxon Mobil's Stock Pays the Price," _Slate._ April 19, 2011. .
Alexei Barrionuevo, "BP Oil Spill: 'We Should Have Seen This Coming,' " _The New York Times._ May 11, 2011. .
"BP Oil Spill: How Much Damage Did It Do?"
Renee Sonnen, "Report: BP's Crude Oil Lobbyists Won Over Administration." _The Huffington Post._ July 23, 2010. .
"Feds Probe Possible BP Oil Spill Criminal Charges," _The Huffington Post_. July 23, 2010. .
Robert Dreyfuss, "Big Oil and Politics: Big Money and Big Profits Are Controlling Climate Change Policy," _The Nation._ August 31, 2010. .
"Hurricanes and Oil: BP Oil Spill Examined in Context of Disaster Risk," _Bhopal–News_ _International._ July 27, 2010. .
Marc Gunther, "Hurricanes and Oil: BP Spill Contamination Likely to Expand Coastal Zone," _EIR_. October 19, 2010. .
"Senate Debate on BP Oily Rain Exposes Obama Admin's Limits of Power," _Truthout._ June 15, 2010. .
"Obama: BP's Oil Spill a 'Skin Deep' Problem," _The_ _Common Dreams_. June 16, 2010. .
"Obama: BP's Oil Spill a 'Skin Deep' Problem,"
"Senate Debate on BP Oily Rain Exposes Obama Admin's Limits of Power," _Truthout._
"Obama: BP's Oil Spill a 'Skin Deep' Problem,"
"Hurricanes and Oil: BP Spill Contamination Likely to Expand Coastal Zone," _EIR._
Rob Stein, "BP Oil Spill Likely to Have Crippling Environmental Impact," _The Huffington Post._ June 16, 2010. .
Paul Thacker, "Oil Cleanup Plans: Why Hasn't It Worked?" _The New York Times._ June 16, 2010. .
Robert Draper, "BP Leak: Why Don't You Learn, BP?" _The Atlantic Monthly._ June 15, 2010. .
Robert Draper, "BP: Why It Keeps Failing," _The Atlantic Monthly._ June 25, 2010.