Don't Bite the Han
Blinded by the
Don't be Blinded b
Do or Die

Don't Say Anything
Don't You Work for
Double Agent
Double Tribal, Dou
Down and Dirty
A nice fantasy wit
Earthquakes and Sh
Eating and Sleepin
Don't Cry Over Spilled Octopus,_ , Dondero, Joe, Donegan, Lonnie, Donegan, Thomas, Dorsey, Thomas A., Doss, Stephen, Doty, Mark, Doubleday, Nelson, , , , Dowling, William F., , , , , , , , , , , Downs, Larry, –39 Doyle, Arthur Conan, , , , –32, , Doyle, Arthur Conan ( _cont._ ) and the Sherlock Holmes stories, _The Sign of Four,_ , , , , , , , , _The Lost World,_ _The Valley of Fear,_ , , , _The Hound of the Baskervilles,_ –31, , , , _The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes,_ , –33, , , –41, –47, Drake, B. A., , , , , , Dreiser, Theodore, _Dreiser's Magazine,_ Dreyfus, Alfred, –35 Dreyfus Affair, –35 Dreiser, Dorothy, , , Drew, Benjamin, , –44, Dugdale, Richard, –62, , , –96, , , , Duncan, Charles Wallace, , Dunckerley, E. P. W., Dunne, J. T., –95, , –24, , , Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, –63 _Dust Tracks on a Road_ (film), Dyson, R. W., , –33, , Eberhardt, Isabelle, , –73, –77 Edison, Charles, Edwards, A. W., Edwards, John, Ehrlichman, John, Einstein, Albert, , Eisner, Kurt, Eisenhower, Dwight D., , _The Crusade: Europe Remembers the World,_ Ekirch, Arthur, –95 Eliot, Charles William, –23 Eliot, T. S., , –38, , , , –59, , , , , Elliot, Hugh Morton, Ellis, C. Ernest, –59 Emancipation Proclamation, –30 _Elm Tree Farm_ (play), –35 Emergency Quota Act (1922), Emerson, R. W., , , _Encounter,_ , –69, –78, , , , , , , , , , , , –85, , , , , , –42, –45, , , , _Encounter: The First Complete Record of a Shaping Cultural Revolution,_ –69, –72 _Encountering British Fiction,_ , , –86, –88, –91, , , , –36, , , , , , –70, , –82, , , , , , , –39, –45, –49 _Encounter: Perspectives and Projections,_ –78 Epstein, Jason, –41 Epstein, Seymour, Erhard, Werner, _Esquire,_ Estrella House (Milton's house), Eugene O'Neill Theatre (New York), Evergood, William E., , Evita Perón (Maria Eva Duarte Perón), _The Exile of Lady Clare_ (film), _An Evening's Entertainment_ (radio show), , _Exile's Return,_ _The Family of Man_ exhibition, Fanon, Franz, , , –58, Farmer, Henry George, , _Father Dowling's Children_ (play), –47 Faulkner, William, , , , , , , –29, –33, , , , , , , , , , , , –12, –16, , , Faulkner, William ( _cont._ ) _Go Down, Moses,_ , Fearnley-Whittingstall, Jane, Feinstein, Howard, Fellows, John W., , –96 Fenwick, Anselm, Ferguson, T. Arnold, Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, Fielding, Henry, –20 Fields, W. C., , –59, –61, , , , , Fields, W. C., Jr., Fisher, Rudolph, , , , –87, –91, , –96, –98, , , , , , , , _The Enemy: The Book of Lenin,_ –92 _The Lonely Crowd,_ –91 Fisher, Vinnie, , Fitzgerald, F. Scott, , , , –18, –27, –33, , , , , , –99, , , –42, –45, –49, , –60, , –66, , , _The Great Gatsby,_ –17, –27, –32, _Tender Is the Night,_ _Zelda_ (the woman), , –18, –22 Flint, F. Stuart, –25 Flood, Richard, –79 _Flower Garden,_ Foote, Horton, _Forces of Darkness: U.S. Army and the Elite Guard of Dictatorship_ (Fenwick), Ford, Barbara, , , , , –97, _Formula for a Murder_ (play), , –45 Forsythe, William Lindsay, , , , , , , , , , –70 Foster, William, _A Double Life_ (Strange), –8 Fowlie, Wallace J., , France, Anatole, Frank, Robert, , –47, –50, , , –78, , , , –18, –24, , , , , Frankfurter, Marion, , –27, –29, , , , , , Frazier, Benjamin Black, –33, –38, –41 Freedman, Carlton, –62, , , , , , –17, _Freedom and Growth_ (Dreiser), , –20 Freidenberg, Saul, Freund, Ernst, Frey, James Francis, –41 Friedan, Betty, Fries, Paul, , , –18, –22, , , Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop (New York), Frost, Alison, Frost, Robert, , –41 Frus, Phyllis Rose, –63, , , , –9 _Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings,_ –57, , Gaines, Ernest M., , , Gaines, Steven, , , –41, , Galbraith, John Kenneth, –79 Galicia, Leonard G. (Lefty), García Márquez, Gabriel, , –62, , , Gardner, Alexander, Garland, Hamlin, Garland, Gail, –98 Garnett, Tay, Gass, William, Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., _Gates of Eden,_ –19 Gaul, Gilbert, , , , –44 Geisel, Audrey, Geismar, Maxwell L., , , , , , –72, , , , , , , , –48, –60, , , , –79, , , –87, , , , , , –29, –37, , –43, –45, –49, –54, –57, –59, , , –71 _A Blow for Liberty,_ –40 _A Man Without a Country,_ Gelpi, Albert, , Gianini, Sergio, Gibbons, Leo, , –65, Gideon, Henry L., Gielgud, John, , –62, , , –80, , , –16, , , , –35, , , Gill, Brendan, Gilliam, Harold, _Globe and Mail_ (Canada), Gloucester, Massachusetts, Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, , –45, , , –52, , _The Confessions of Nat Turner,_ Golden, William K., , , , –59, , , , , , , , , –47, –49, , –65, , , , Goldenson, H. B., –17 Goldstein, Richard L., , , Gollancz, Victor, –78 _Goodbye Wisconsin_