Chapter 1. Once
Tiffany, you reall
Chris! I told you
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Quietly, Quiggly s
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Stop dancing like
Stop dancing like

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Chapter 1. Once
Quitetly, Quiggly
Quietly, Quiggly s
We've recently dis
Joe's Bar and Gril
Quietly, Quiggly s
Tiffany, you reall
Concrete may have
Concrete may have
Quitetly, Quiggly stepped into the darkness as he stealthily approached and steeled himself against whatever it was he was about to see and hear. Slowly, Quiggly crept around the corner and over towards the entrance of the cave, as he did so, the sounds of the caged beast he had seen earlier that morning began to emanate from the cave, as if someone had flipped on a light switch. Allowing the darkness to help conceal his figure, Quiggly quickly scooted into the shadows of the cave, just as a giant beast with a thick hide scuttled out into the cave's entrance, and in doing so, it had unlatched the door to the cage that housed it. The beast quickly came to a halt, and immediately began clawing at the cage door as it attempted to force its way through. Quiggly, seeing what was happening, started hurrying towards it, making his way as fast as he could, but just as he was about to get close enough to it, the animal turned around and noticed Quiggly, and gave a frightening scream! Quiggly quickly dived down into a ball as he tried to shield himself from the monster's powerful eyes, however, he soon lost the battle and rolled right off of a steep, unsteady ledge he had been standing on. Quiggly quickly came to a rest, however, just as his body rolled over the edge of a steep precipice, he looked up, and into the most frightening face he could ever possibly imagine! A face with two giant, glowing eyes of a red shade of red! Quiggly's body froze, his mind began to scream in pain and terror, and the sound he had been hearing came pouring out of the beast's ears! It was a noise much like the roar of a monster, the sound of a beast's anger, a creature's rage, and the sound of a predator's hunt, Quiggly! Quiggly's life flashed before his eyes, his life was never going to be the same again, no matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise. Quiggly's mind quickly began to run through all of the places he had ever wanted to go, all of the places that he might have visited had his life never had ended in so sudden a manner. Quiggly struggled to breath, his chest ached and burned, he never felt pain like this before, it was as if his whole body had been injected with a vial of pure adrenaline, his mind had begun to race, and his heart was pumping out of his chest like the pistons of a modern day locomotive! His mind was spinning, however, as it began to feel increasingly more like he was in a nightmare, where he was unable to wake up from, but rather, he was simply trapped in a never ending nightmare. This, despite the fact that he was still conscious, but even as this began to happen, he still felt the sting of pain from the claws of the beast as it attempted to stab him right in the heart, but it was nothing like the pain of being sliced open from the inside, by a human's knife, Quiggly! Quiggly slowly started to back away as he tried to maintain his distance from the beast, all the while his heart still felt like it was going to burst from its confines as he struggled to continue breathing. The beast, for its part, began to back away as well, and began charging down the steep hill, but was stopped by Quiggly as he leapt out into its path and landed on its back, as he did so, the beast's eyes started glowing, and a great gust of wind blasted him backwards as it began to run at the top of its ability to avoid hitting Quiggly, all the while, Quiggly managed to maintain his grip. The stench of death filled the air, as Quiggly and the beast both started to climb, as they climbed they continued to roar, the beast attempted to throw Quiggly off of its back, but Quiggly maintained his grip as he had to the beast's skin with a death grip! Soon, Quiggly's grip started to become more difficult, as his breaths became shorter and shorter, his body shook from the exertion, but even so, Quiggly managed to remain on the beast's back! Quiggly desperately struggled to keep from losing grip and falling to his death, for in that moment, that would have been the end of Quiggly's life, but in the time that it took him to get a hold on the beast, the beast leapt into the air, and in doing so, the beast carried Quiggly out into the air, where he hung for only a brief amount of time, before falling thousands of feet to the ground, where he crashed and rolled, until finally ending up in an unconscious heap at the base of the hill! It was an unconscious heap that Quiggly had to hope that would be his last, for that was one of the worst feelings he had ever felt. And finally, Quiggly was able to catch his breath, before coming to a stop, as he lay there, he breathed heavily, but with no sounds, for his breaths sounded like those of an old man at the end of his life! At last, Quiggly's breathing stopped, however, his mind was still very active. Quiggly felt as though something terrible had happened, as he tried to regain his bearings, Quiggly remembered what the beast had done, and what Quiggly himself had done! With a start, Quiggly remembered what he had done as he heard the beast charge, and a loud roaring sound fill the air! Quiggly suddenly remembered all of the horrible things he had ever done, all of the terrible things he had inflicted on the beast, and suddenly felt as though he had lived a life that had been all for naught, Quiggly had only one last memory, one last memory that was all he could hope for, and the last thing that Quiggly had ever wanted! Quiggly looked up at the moon, which glowed like a glowing beacon, and in it, he saw an arrow, with a bow upon it, pointing right to his heart, and in the arrow, he saw the name Quiggly, he saw his own name! However, Quiggly was not surprised, he had been expecting this to happen, for he had never wished for his life to end in any other way, except for the way it ended right there! Quiggly closed his eyes, however, he opened them right back up, for he knew that this was the one and only time he was going to see the stars, so he might as well make the best of it. Quiggly laid there in pain, waiting to die, though, surprisingly, his death did not occur that night, for after what felt like an eternity, he was suddenly jolted back to life by a loud thump as he had been beaten hard across the chest, by a hard, wood and metal object. When Quiggly came to his senses, he saw that he was still lying on the same hill he had climbed out of earlier that night, with the only difference being, he was not on the bottom, but rather, he was on the top! Quiggly looked around for the beast, but saw only darkness, he stood and looked all around him as he searched for anything that might have been there, however, he found nothing but the darkness of the night. Quiggly turned back around, as he looked down, and saw the path that the beast had charged down just moments ago. At the same time, however, Quiggly also noticed the arrow that he had seen just moments ago, which had his name on it! Quiggly walked over to the arrow, and began to look over it, there were four words inscribed upon the arrow, though, he had never been the type to read, or write, so he did not understand the words! Quiggly stood there for a long time, trying to figure out the words, and, in the end, it turned out that he was actually going to have to work to figure them out, though, it turned out, that it was the one and only thing that he had actually wanted to do that very moment! However, Quiggly continued to wait, to find out the meaning, for Quiggly had spent the last year of his life not knowing what he wanted out of life. Quiggly closed his eyes, and he thought of his parents, as he did so, he felt as though he was looking back on all the times he was ever alive. After all, Quiggly spent a lot of time looking at other things, rather than the ones he should have been looking at. Quiggly thought about the very little good things that he had done in his life, and the few bad things, as well, for that was the main reason Quiggly had spent so much time looking at the past rather than the present. However, Quiggly felt as though it had all been worth it, for though there was little to none good things in his life, at least he had seen that one good thing that had come from it. Quiggly soon found himself on the verge of crying