Joe's Bar and Gril
We've recently dis
Quietly, Quiggly s
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Once
That turned dark q
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Once
Tiffany, you reall
Chris! I told you

Tiffany, you reall
Concrete may have
Concrete may have
Chapter 1. Our st
We've recently dis
FTL is not possibl
Quietly, Quiggly s
FTL is not possibl
Chapter 1. Once
Quitetly, Quiggly
Quietly, Quiggly stepped into the darkness as he stealthily approached and steeled himself for what was to come. He had never fought a Grimm like this, certainly never attacked one with his sword. A loud grunt sounded as the Grimm took a step in Quiggly’s direction. He jumped back, and began kicking the Grimm hard on the side. He continued his assault until the Grimm was lying on the ground. He jumped onto the Grimm and pulled his sword. The Grimm groaned loudly before it’s head burst into flames. It was finally dead. Quiggly put his sword away and shook his body. He felt a little winded and the cool air would feel nice. He walked over to the body and began slicing it up. He wasn’t sure what kind of meat this was, he was hoping the Grimm didn’t taste that bad. After the Grimm was entirely sliced up and nothing could be salvaged from the insides, he turned back and picked up his pack and slung it over his shoulder. Quiggly began walking to find the camp. [End of Session 1] [Intermission] [Session 2] The party continued through the forest for a while. Finally, when they could see where they were, they could smell something. On the edge of a small clearing in the forest, a small campfire was smoldering in the ground and a small pot of water was boiling on it. “What do you make of this?” Zan asked motioning toward the camp. Ty was the first to respond. “Militia.” Zan nodded, she was afraid of that. “Maybe they see us, or maybe it was scouts. If they are that close, there must be a lot of them.” “That is a good sign. Our presence was probably noted. I think we should camp here for the night and we can scout out of here first thing in the morning. If we are being followed, we’ll have to move our location.” Ty was nodding, he looked to the others, awaiting a response. “It sounds like a good plan. Tomorrow we will leave before the scouts have a chance to spot us. If they are right, we should be able to move our location easily. We should get some sleep now, so that we don’t get up and be able to spot the scouts ourselves.” “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Zan asked, she was still slightly nervous about the scouts. “I think it is, I’ve been thinking it through. If we move, and the scouts decide to follow us, it’ll probably catch them off guard. This way we will have the advantage.” She nodded and walked over to the camp. Zan was relieved when they set up camp. No sooner had they done so, than there was a noise coming from a small tree. Zan drew her sword and walked up to it to see what was going on. On the ground, just beside where the tree was, was a very large Grimm. “Tap, tap, tap, Tap tap tap!” Zan called to the Grimm before she slit it’s throat. Zan walked back to the group, putting her sword away as she did so. Ty and Ly did the same. “The forest is crawling with Grimm. Why would they hide in a forest?” Zan asked, as Ty walked over to a fire he built to see if he could get it to burn. “That’s a good question. Unless they are being followed.” Zan pondered for a moment, her eyes glancing over the forest they had already passed through. “If that was a scout, then they would want to do it before we could get them. Let’s get some sleep. We will see what tomorrow brings.” [End of Session 2] [Session 3] They woke up before the sun was up. They were sitting and eating breakfast when Zan noticed a glimmer of light on the horizon. “What could that be?” Zan asked, she was curious to the light and where it was coming from. “Probably a small town up ahead.” Ty said looking through the pack, he didn’t look too pleased at all. “I hope it is.” Zan answered. “I’m sure it is. Why else would they be there, and why else would there be a town here?” Ty said as he put his back to the town and walked out into the wilderness. “Let’s get going. The longer we wait, the more people that could be at the town.” Zan looked up at the sky, she was nervous about moving through the woods and being spotted by a Grimm, or any other creatures. They made their way through the woods as fast as they could. It wasn’t long before they found a path through the trees and started moving in a southerly direction. They travelled along the path for a while, each step was a tense one. Zan wished the path would lead to safety, instead it seemed to lead them closer to the Grimm. After awhile, they came upon the edge of the forest. In front of them was a vast field of tall grass. In the distance, the top of a small building stood. Zan hoped that was the town they had been hoping to find. The grass continued to grow taller and taller as they made their way to the town. The buildings were just beyond them. In a small clearing in the middle of the fields were a group of strange machines. Zan and the others walked past them toward the town. The buildings looked to be some type of fortification. They were well armed and there were several small Grimm walking around, watching everyone that went near. Zan had no idea what the creatures were called, she wasn’t even sure they were Grimm. They did appear larger than the normal Grimm she had seen, and they looked a bit more angry than a regular Grimm. “They look rather grumpy.” “Like they are preparing for a war.” Ty said as he watched the creatures. Zan nodded and walked past them without looking at them. “Zan! Stop!” Ty yelled at her. “It is dangerous, we don’t know anything about them. Why should we worry about them?” Zan shook her head and walked through them. They made their way into the town and found a small place that sold fruit and bread. “We will get out of here as soon as possible. Find what supplies we can. I will be over by that building. Watch my back. If there is any trouble at all, get to higher ground.” Ty said walking towards the building they were in. Ly and Zan watched him walk over to the building, as he did so, they noticed there was something behind him, they looked up and saw a large tree branch. At the end of the branch was a Grimm. “Uh oh. Let’s go and find some supplies before that thing attacks us.” Ly said. “It looks like Zan will be doing that. I’m going to grab some food and walk around, if we don’t hear from her in a few minutes, we’ll head back out.” “Are you sure you want to leave, they look to be pretty tough.” Ly said as they walked over to the fruit stand. Ty looked around, watching the few people move about. “I think they are as hard as it gets, but we need to get out of here. I don’t like the look in their eyes. They got their fruit and headed back to the place they had decided to camp. As they walked back, Zan and Ty went behind a building to get some firewood. While Zan was cutting down a large tree, Ty suddenly dropped the wood he was carrying. “Zan! Watch out!” A loud noise echoed through the town. Zan jumped to the side, just in time to see the branch fall and strike a building a few feet away from her. Ly saw the giant Grimm run towards her and hit the ground, leaving another loud sound. Zan took cover behind the building and sheathed her sword. “Ty, are you all right?” “Yeah, but that thing just ran right past me. It must have seen us. If that thing is there, then there are more around. I think we should go before something happens.” “Alright, let’s go. Grab your pack, let’s leave as soon as we can.” Zan watched as he walked through the town. Once he was in a new location, he suddenly froze in his tracks. He dropped to the ground and did a sweep motion with his arm. Zan saw something moving in the grass a few feet from them. She drew her sword and ran toward it. They ran after the thing as fast as they could. Zan suddenly saw something huge fly toward the ground and she watched it rise back up. She ran in the direction she thought it was going, just as the thing reached the ground. “The ground! We have to run for the ground!” Zan saw something running past them and she pushed Ty