Once considered th
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Stop dancing like
Stop dancing like
Stop dancing like
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Stop dancing like
Joe's Bar and Gril
Chapter 1. Our st

Once considered th
Once considered th
Chris! I told you
Tiffany, you reall
Chapter 1. Once
Quitetly, Quiggly
That turned dark q
Chapter 1. Once
Quitetly, Quiggly
Quietly, Quiggly s
Quietly, Quiggly stepped into the darkness as he stealthily approached and steeled his heart against possible danger. The moment he was in the darkness, a voice from the far reaches of the darkness told him to step forth. The man stepped forth from the shadows and asked the man if he had any more gold. Quiggly went back to her master. She knew that what the man asked for was more gold because he said that it was going to be a gold mine. The man told her that she needed to go to the bank and to get more gold for him. She asked him how much she was supposed to bring, but the man did not answer. She asked if he wanted her to take him to the bank and she said that she was afraid of him. He assured her that he was not dangerous, but she did not believe him. The man told her that he would not harm her and not to be afraid. His hands touched her, and she cringed as he pulled her close to him. Then, she heard him speak to her, she heard him tell her that she was going to make a lot of money. The man had Quiggly call her boyfriend to the bank to take her there. When they arrived, the man stayed in the back, but Quiggly had to go in with her boyfriend. Then, the man said that he could see through the wall of the bank. Quiggly's boyfriend thought that it was Quiggly who was seeing through the wall because the other man did not want to go near the wall because it would have hurt his hands. Then, Quiggly's boyfriend told Quiggly to go back outside to her, but the man told her boyfriend that she was a little to young to go home with him. Then, the man told her boyfriend that they should work together. He told him that the woman inside was hot. Then, she heard her boyfriend say that she was a child. The man spoke again and said that he was not that old either. The man told him that they would be an even match. Then, the man told her boyfriend that he needed a little help. He told him to sit down because there was going to be a little fall. Then, he asked her boyfriend if he had ever heard of someone being buried alive. Quiggly's boyfriend told her that he had not heard of that happening. Then, Quiggly saw her boyfriend start to cry. The man told him that he had a feeling that he would find a way to get rid of him later. Quiggly's boyfriend told Quiggly that she needed to go get her mother. Quiggly said that she would if she could, but there was nowhere to go. The man told her that there would be a way, but not to worry. Then, the man told her to go back into the bank and to get her mother. Quiggly did not want to go back in because the man was creepy and made her skin crawl. She asked her boyfriend if he was OK, but he said that it was a joke. Then, she saw the man smile at her, and it creeped her out more. He told her that everything was going to be fine. She told him that she did not think so and that she was not going back in the bank. Then, he turned to her boyfriend and told him that he was going to give him his own little woman to take home. He told him that he would be able to have his own woman soon. He told him that his woman would like him more because she had been around him. Then, the man told Quiggly that he would never let her boyfriend have her. He told her boyfriend that he should leave his things there because he had been fired. Then, Quiggly saw her boyfriend pick up his things and leave the bank. She asked him if she could help him, but he said that he was fine. She then told him that she was going back home to get her mother, but she did not want to go. She asked her boyfriend if he had any other plans. Then, the man told her that she could come with him, but if she did, he would never let her go. Quiggly told her boyfriend that she did not want to go. She told the man that she just wanted to leave. He told her that it would be too late because her mother was going to be there. He told her that she had better hurry. She told him that he was scaring her and that she did not want to go with him. He told her that she had to because she could not leave. Then, the man told her that if she did not go with him, he would kill her brother and sister. The man told her that if she did not go with him, he would kill them. Then, she told her boyfriend that she was scared and that she would do what he wanted her to. She told him that if she was going to die, she was going to die with her boyfriend. The man told her that she had better hurry because if she was not out of the bank in thirty minutes, she would never see him again. She told him that she was not going with him because she wanted to keep her boyfriend. He told her that she needed to get her mother to help her. Then, the man told her that he would let her be if she helped her. Then, Quiggly told her boyfriend that if they were to leave, it would have to be soon. The man told Quiggly that she had better hurry because her boyfriend was in big trouble if he was not able to get her out. She told her boyfriend that she was sorry, but that he had to leave if he wanted to get out of the bank with her. Quiggly's boyfriend knew that he had no choice, so he told her that he would come with her. He told her that if she did not help him, he would be next because he would not be able to defend himself from the man. She told him that she would get her mother, but then she told him that she could not go because he would be there. He told her that he would not leave if he knew that he could hurt her. He told her that he had just broken up with her and was going to be in town and he would look for her. Then, she told her boyfriend that she would leave her boyfriend alone, but she would help him. She said that she had to because she did not want him to go to jail because of her. Then, she walked out of the bank and went to the other side of the bank where her boyfriend had left his car. He told her that he would stay hidden and that she should wait for him there. He told her that she should hurry because her mother was not going to leave her brother. She told him that she would hurry and that she was very sorry. She told him that she could not say goodbye to her, but he told her that he did not care. Quiggly went around the corner and she saw her boyfriend standing there with the gun in his hand. She could see that her boyfriend had something in his hand and that it looked like a gun. He shot at the man, but he missed the man. The man was not there, but Quiggly saw him standing in front of the bank. Then, she heard her boyfriend say that she was a "fucking little bitch." She saw him hit her with the gun. Then, he knocked her down and told her that she should have left him alone. Then, she saw her boyfriend hit her in the face. She knew that he had hit her with his hand because she could hear the smack of the blow. She could not move because she was on the ground. The pain was so great that she could hardly breathe. She then saw the man in the back of the truck. She knew that he was going to take her boyfriend with him. He was going to torture him, but she could not see that. Then, she saw her boyfriend die, and she knew that it was because of her. She told the man that she was sorry, but he told her that she should have never left. Then, the man started laughing. She then saw the man raise his arms and told him that she had kept her promise. Then, she heard him say that she should not have let her boy fall on her sword. He told her that he had him. She knew that she had been right. The man was going to torture her boyfriend. She told him that she should have never been put in that situation. He told her that it was not her fault that the man was in the back of the truck. He told her that the man was going to kill her, but he had not done anything to her. He told her that she had a chance, but she had ruined it for everyone. He told her that he was going to punish her for ruining his business, but he knew that she did not have a choice because he would have taken her against her will. He told her that he would never forgive her. He told her to get up and started walking in her direction. She could see that he was going to kill her with the knife. He told her that she should not be so naïve. He told her that the reason he was going to kill her was because he did not need a reason to kill her. He told her that she should not have talked back to him. He told her that he had the right to do what he was going to do. Then, he told her that she should watch him carefully because he had learned everything that he needed to