Eating and Sleepin
Earthquakes and Sh
A nice fantasy wit
Down and Dirty
Double Tribal, Dou
Double Agent
Don't You Work for
Don't Say Anything

Everyone's Hero
It started rough,
Everything Is Pers
Exile Island
Fasten Your Seatbe
Fate is the Homie
Fatigue Makes Cowa
Fear Keeps You Sha
Here’s your merit
Eruption of Volcanic Magnitude 4 on Mount Kiluva, Kiribati The eruption on Kiluva on April 5, 2015 marks the first time there has been a volcanoes in the South Pacific that was considered a VEI 4 eruption. While on May 1, 2016, the eruptions stopped and now the lava is no longer visible to the naked eye and it has only been a few weeks since the eruption. The Kiluva volcano erupted on April 5, 2015 and this was the first time there has been a VEI 4 eruption in the South Pacific. It took the volcano 10 hours to erupt and the eruption caused lava to move 4 miles down the volcano’s side. The lava stopped just 3.4 miles down the volcano from the volcano’s summit. This is said to be an incredibly long eruption, even for a volcano that is 3,600 meters high. Kiluva, also known as the Kiribati volcano, is in the South Pacific Ocean and is part of the Fiji Island. It erupted for 10 hours, starting at 3:30 am on April 5, 2015. The eruption lasted until 3:40 pm. The eruption started with a plume of smoke and ash being blown more than 10 miles into the sky. When it erupted, it was the most massive volcanic event in Kiribati for a few decades. The ash cloud reached more than 2 miles into the sky, and this is incredibly far for a volcano that is only 3,600 meters in height. At one point during the eruption, hot lava was observed being ejected more than 3.4 miles down the side of the volcano. This was even further than the previously observed eruptions in the South Pacific that occurred in 1987 and 2000. The ash cloud from the volcano reached a distance of more than 1.5 miles in the air, and it came from a volcano that is the least active in the whole region and is believed to be overdue for another massive eruption. There is speculation that it could erupt again at any moment, and this was a major concern because, when the volcano erupts, it could easily lead to the devastation of large parts of the island chain, especially when the ash clouds are in the air as they can travel great distances across the Pacific. Kiluva is also known for being the most undersea volcano in the world. The ash cloud made its way down to the ocean’s surface and covered a 3.3-mile-wide portion of the ocean. This led to the creation of a 1.9 mile-long channel in the ocean. The channel has been identified as very dangerous due to the great depths at which it was created and the fact that it could be a way for dangerous gases and ash to escape. The eruption that happened on the Kiluva volcano was classified as an explosive eruption that created the large plume of ash and caused the volcano to erupt. During this volcano eruption, it is believed to have also created a new 1,000 square-mile island off of the coast of Kiribati, which is a small island nation in the South Pacific. The erupting volcano has been known to have been active and had frequent violent eruptions since 2001, but after that eruption, it did not erupt again until 2015. This was only a smaller eruption that was classified as a VEI 4 event, which is a very large, violent eruption. This volcano could erupt at any moment, and if it does erupt again, there will certainly be a large presence of ash being blown into the air which is going to cause severe damage. Fires burning in California, United States The wildfires in California have killed a number of people and the wildfires burning in the state have burned approximately 90,000 acres of land since early October. At the same time, wildfires in the US state of Washington have burned 10,000 acres of land. It is believed that many of these wildfires have come to be in the form of man-made fires, as fires have destroyed entire towns and cities in this area of the US. It is believed that a number of these wildfires are man-made due to people setting fire to forests, grasslands, and farmlands throughout these areas. The fires have become so large that they are being classified as “mega-fires”. Due to the increased size of these fires, they are able to burn up to 25,000 acres of land a day, destroying everything in their path and burning buildings. The current situation in California is incredibly devastating for the land and the people. The smoke from the fires are covering entire towns and other areas in this area of the US and is causing the air to be full of carbon monoxide and other deadly gases. In this disaster, over 600 homes and buildings have been destroyed as a result of the wildfires. The fires in California are said to be just one of the wildfires that have occurred in the state of California. As of April 4, 2016, there were only two major wildfires that were still burning in the state, with at least 4 people have died as a result of the wildfires that have been raging in the state. The current wildfires in California are burning over 90,000 acres of land and have destroyed about $3 billion of property, with many farmers losing more than $1 billion from their destroyed property. The current wildfires in California are continuing to increase in size and they have been raging out of control for some time. A very large number of fires are still burning and this is because the fires were so hot and that they continue to grow and burn at such a rapid rate. Although rain has been reported in this area for the last two weeks, there has only been a light rain in the region and nothing that has had an effect on the fires. Smoke from the fires has been found in over 12 countries around the world, which has caused a great deal of concern for people who live in those areas. In fact, there are some cities in France that are under a state of emergency because of the smoke from these wildfires. One of the largest wildfires in California has been known as the Thomas Fire and this wildfire has burned over 110,000 acres of land in the past week. The fire has been named the Thomas Fire because it was named after a former CalFire Capt. Daniel A. Thomas who fought against the fires in 2008 and was killed in 2009 by the Camp Fire in Northern California.