Havoc to Wreak
Greatest of the Gr
Gouge My Eyes Out
Gotta Risk it For
Got My Swag Back
Good and Guilty
Going for the Osca
Going Down in Flam
Go Out With a Bang
Go for the Gusto

He's a Ball of Goo
He's a Snake, But
Head of the Snake
Hell Hath Frozen O
Hello, I'm Still a
Let the burning br
High School Friend
Hog Tied
Holding on for Dea
Honesty Would Be C
He Has Demons by Michael W. Dean In The Wicker Man, the pagan fertility god of Summer Solstice rituals is a dark and powerful being whose cultic rites are so vile that even the High Priest cannot comprehend them. In fact, the only place in all of Britain where the cult is still practiced is at the one place that is forbidden to all. To the people of the British Isles, who regard even Rome as the “greatest, most cultured and most enlightened Empire that the world has ever seen,” such atrocities would be heresy. The very fact that they are kept under wraps by a supposedly civilised people demonstrates how evil and depraved this society is. Like King Arthur, its leader, the cult’s members are either psychopaths or complete dupes. But that’s not the worst of it. Not only are they in tune with something they do not understand but the people whose bodies they desecrate are still people, their Goddess murdered, and they are treated like cattle. This is why the Church of the Three Trees (Holy Mother Church) is righteously indignant at the actions of the cultists. It isn’t any old bloodthirsty cult either. These people practise a Black Ritual to the god who is synonymous with evil, death, witchcraft, and perversity. Their rituals involve killing, torturing, dismembering and defiling their victims. The Blood Ceremony The High Priest of the Cult tells his followers that the death of a human or animal brings them closer to the god, but what that really means is that they become closer to Satan and his minions and should be avoided. Blood itself is evil and so they take it from sacrifices so that their cult’s members can have access to it. They perform Black Magic rituals to bring rain and stop it from raining so that they can use people’s blood to summon the spirits of the dead. At the end of the film, when the High Priest has been sent a final sacrifice, we see the people being herded off to their deaths. The man was sacrificed as part of a human sacrifice ritual. The final shot of the film is of a dead sheep in a pen and the blood is clearly seen flowing from its throat. The same is true of other films about black magic, witchcraft and sacrificial rites. Witch’s Oven (1989) presents us with a case of mass murder and Black Mass in its depiction of the satanic murder rituals conducted by black magicians. In The Believers, a woman takes her daughter to an occultist so that he can help her daughter “find God.” But she becomes one of his victims, although in his sick mind he thinks she is a good sign for his cult and his followers. When he finds her broken and bleeding after she has tried to leave, she becomes one of the women he sacrifices to “give her soul to God.” The same thing happens in A Witches Tale (1999). Three people who think that they are psychic move into the same building as the psychic for the same reasons and eventually share a dark secret. The film’s ending shows us a picture of the dark side of psychic powers in the form of the sacrifice of one of the young women. The film’s subtitle tells us that it is “an encyclopedia of Witchcraft.” The occult is always associated with sacrifice and Satan. In the case of the cult in the film, its members are willing participants in their own ritual murder. The cult members are like mindless, primitive creatures. They don’t question what is being done to them and just like cattle on a cattle market, they are the property of the most powerful animal in the herd. And the same was true of those who followed the cult’s leaders in Wicker Man and Witch’s Oven. The Cultists As we have seen, cultists are mindless creatures who are not capable of making rational choices for themselves. They are not people with their own self-interests at heart, they are followers who can only act in accordance with the orders given to them by their leaders. That is why people who are followers of a cult will never leave a cult because, if they do, they will no longer be able to see themselves as a being who is subordinate to a god, instead they will see themselves as having their own will and their own sense of morality, and they won’t be able to tolerate their actions being seen as the actions of a “follower.” And that is the fundamental mistake that people make when considering what they regard as a “cult.” From all other perspectives, the cult members are acting like humans, but viewed through the lens of a follower, they are the actions of mindless automata who cannot act on their own behalf. Anyone can choose to ignore their human nature and, by so doing, they can choose to ignore the human condition. By so doing, they are like those cultists who are following their cult’s orders. And that makes them the same as animals being herded and slaughtered. In the same way that animals can be transformed into commodities and used as a replacement for human beings, those who belong to a cult can be treated as if they are commodities and discarded. They can be put to use and abused and killed, and their lives, souls and suffering can be treated like the flesh of cattle being used for meat. But that is all they are, commodities used to make the leader of the cult feel powerful and fulfilled. When they can be made to contribute to the cult leader’s power base, he or she is only interested in those who are completely disposable. The Wicker Man (2006) is a fantasy film based on the Brothers Lee novels that takes place in the fictitious and mystical land of Summerisle. A corrupt society in which everyone is obsessed with the pursuit of power and wealth that has been brought to a climax through the rise of Fascism and Satanic cults. But this film, although fantasy, and a science fiction fantasy at that, is very much based on real-world examples, of Fascist, neo-Nazi and Satanic cults. Those organisations and cults are inextricably associated with the elite ruling class that rules over the masses of people who have no chance of challenging them, let alone overthrowing them. So, while the film may present us with fiction, it doesn’t do so in a way that excludes any of the details that lead us to believe that it is grounded in the real world. The film is a science fiction fantasy which could happen because it is rooted in fact. This is a topic which I will be covering in a later article about the secret history of Western civilization. * * * Read more on Cults and their influence on society at Occult Cults, Politics and Psychology and Occult Society. This article is an extract from the book Occult Cults, Politics and Psychology, which includes the complete text of the previously published analysis in PDF format. * * * The books in the The Secret History of the World and The Astounding Story of Secret Societies, their Origins and Their Influence on World History The Secret History of the World Series Book One: Secret Societies and Their Influence on World History Volume 1, The Hidden History of the Human Race, by Professor Jan Westerhoff Buy Now from Amazon The Astounding Story of Secret Societies, their Origins and Their Influence on World History Book Two: Secret Societies and their Influence on World History Volume 2, The Astounding Story of Secret Societies, their Origins and Their Influence on World History Buy Now from Amazon