Hell Hath Frozen O
Head of the Snake
He's a Snake, But
He's a Ball of Goo
He Has Demons
Havoc to Wreak
Greatest of the Gr
Gouge My Eyes Out
Gotta Risk it For
Got My Swag Back

Let the burning br
High School Friend
Hog Tied
Holding on for Dea
Honesty Would Be C
Honey Badger
Hot Girl With a Gr
Houdini Magic
Hungry for a Win
I Am Goliath Stron
Hello, I'm Still a Person and I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. All of the pictures and information I have on here are of me, my family and the random stuff I like or don't like. :) Feel free to comment or send me a message if you want to know anything else about me. Thanks and enjoy! Sunday, April 18, 2010 Saturday, April 10, 2010 So much has happened in the last few months. First of all, we have a newborn daughter. Her name is Mia and she is darling. To me, her name really doesn't fit her since Mia is probably one of the cutest girls ever and is really into girly things. I think her name fits her perfectly :) Just look at that face. So, the last time I was on the computer (to check up on this site) I received a message from an old friend of mine who had just given birth to her little girl two weeks prior. Well, a few days later she messaged me with a picture and a request to have her family do a Lamanite family picture. I totally loved that idea. So we had a fun night and everyone did a great job. Thanks again for a fun night and good job on the photos :) Friday, April 2, 2010 Hi, I'm Krista :) I'm 26 years old and have been happily married to the love of my life for three years. My husband is LDS and was recently called as a seminary teacher in our Stake. So we're currently living in a town outside of Utah. I have a degree in Nursing from Utah State University and while we didn't have all our kids while we were in school I did do most of the work during all of that so I am very close to getting my RN. I really hope to go back and get it though, I really miss being a nurse :( It's an awesome job. My husband is also an LDS, we're both very active members. We attend church all the time, we have tons of friends we're always doing stuff with and we're both very involved in our families and our jobs. Our families are pretty much the main things we live for, it's just what we were put on this earth to do. We have six kids so far, we've had our sweet baby girl for 6 months now and she is the greatest little girl ever :) Next will be our third baby who is due in October. My husband also has two adopted sons from Eastern Europe. So here's a little background of who we are and what we do. Me: I'm Krista, I'm 26 years old and just recently got married to my very own wonderful man. I've always been very active, I've loved the outdoors my entire life and never seen a reason to stop doing the things I love and enjoy so I never have. Growing up, I've always loved being a nurse, ever since my own little sister got sick when she was 3 months old and I had to spend countless days at her side holding her hand and making sure she was going to be okay. Well, nursing and helping my family was my life for about the first 5 years I was married. I then became a nurse for 6 years and absolutely loved it. I then became pregnant with my first child. The experience has been great, but I am ready to go back to work. My husband is an LDS missionary and has been out serving in Eastern Europe for the past four months. Husband: Well, I met this wonderful man when he came to the Ward Mission Leaders meeting where I was leading. At the time, my husband was only about 1.5 years out of High School and was just working at the mall. Well, as luck would have it, he found himself working with one of my investigators, a girl named J. He helped her with her bags of clothes as she went out to work that night. She couldn't afford the gas to come all the way out to the mall to buy groceries and he was willing to help her out. So that night he went over and got some milk for his little brother who was with him and his new friend J. Well the next day, J came to Church and found that my husband was her Ward Mission Leader. They went out a few times and she loved going out to his house and just hanging out. On Christmas morning he helped deliver and clean up her house because she had no family to help her out and it was freezing cold in her house so he went and delivered and cleaned for her to help her out. Well, the next thing I knew they were married, I was so excited I had been a great friend of J's since I was 13 or 14 and I've been super jealous of how much closer she's been to our husbands for the past few years. Our kids are so cute and love the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ. Our Baby: My husband went to serve a mission after being in school for two years and came back and was waiting for the school to close down so that they could move him out of the school and into the seminary program. He had to wait for 6 months before his program started so he had to work and save money for school. Anyway, our daughter is a beautiful little thing and I'm pretty much done with school, so if she gets hungry I figure I'll just get her something to eat. I told my husband once that I needed to be ready and prepared because I was going to be a working mom. Hahaha! Anyway, so far she has eaten all kinds of fruits, vegetables and food of the earth. My Family: Our family loves the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ with all of their hearts. I mean we all absolutely love to go to church and read our scriptures, read our scriptures and read our scriptures. I want to be like my husband and learn all of the teachings and be prepared for what is to come. That is what life is really all about. It doesn't matter how we start, it's the choices we make to follow Christ and take that journey that makes up who we are in the end. I'm so glad that we have the gift of the Holy Ghost and our Savior Jesus Christ to guide us, keep us on the right track and make us into what He wants us to be. It's amazing to feel how He has blessed my life and my family. Well, that's it. Hopefully you all enjoyed this little article that I put together. It was fun doing it, but it took forever for me to do! haha. I'm so glad that our family gets to enjoy everything and grow closer to each other and our family members are such a blessing. They all teach me something each and every day, it's incredible and one of the best experiences you could have! I will try to post more stuff, but if you want to know when I post I will put something on the home page and leave a little blurb here! Hope you all have a wonderful and productive day! :)