Head of the Snake
He's a Snake, But
He's a Ball of Goo
He Has Demons
Havoc to Wreak
Greatest of the Gr
Gouge My Eyes Out
Gotta Risk it For
Got My Swag Back
Good and Guilty

Hello, I'm Still a
Let the burning br
High School Friend
Hog Tied
Holding on for Dea
Honesty Would Be C
Honey Badger
Hot Girl With a Gr
Houdini Magic
Hungry for a Win
Hell Hath Frozen Over." "Right, 'cause you're so goddamn pure." "You just need to give your little girlfriend here a chance." "She's a fucking baby!" "I can play the part." "I can play the part." "I just need some direction." "All right, look, if you play it cool and just keep fucking with us," "I think I can work with you." "But if you get too fuckin' comfortable, you're out." "What do you think?" "I can do it." "All right!" "Let's rock!" "(# punk rock)" "(crowd chanting) One second, I gotta speak with this gentleman." "Yo, bro, you're in." "So what's your name?" "Bez." "Bez?" "Like Bezak?" "Like B-E-Z-A-K?" "I know how to spell my name." "What'd you say your name was?" "Burger." "Burger?" "Your name is Burger?" "Burger." "Your real name is Burger." "That's a terrible fucking name for a clown." "It's my real name." "It's my professional name." "And you're F-U-C-K-E-D?" "Yeah." "Fuckface?" "That's your real name?" "Fucked-up Frankenstein?" "Yeah, it's a... a family name." "It's a Jewish name." "My mother won't let me change it." "Whatever." "Don't F- me with this shit." "Look, you got this gig, you have to do it." "I'm gonna tell you something." "That guy who just walked out of here is named Mr Pink." "He is the number one accountant in all of East Hollywood and the only person I give a shit about." "You understand?" "If I wanted someone to pay me back... he's the guy you want." "Mr Pink is in?" "Come on." "You got this." "You got this." "Okay, dude, you're about to go on." "(# crowd cheers)" "It's gonna be okay." "(man) I love you." "Let's go!" "Ladies and gentlemen, now introducing at nine-feet tall, with a body weight of over 200 pounds," "Clown Nose!" "(crowd groaning)" "You suck!" "Ladies and gentlemen, I can't take this bullshit." "There's a new face in town, and she is terrifying." "(man) Let's hear it for F-U-C-K-E-D." "(applause)" "(# punk rock)" "# You're the shit, baby, when we're on our way" "# We don't know what you're doing" "# You do what you want while we sit back and go to the mall" "# Shoplifting?" "No, shopping" "# You could get it all at the dollar tree" "# Shoplifting, and, baby, we know that you're the shoplifter" "# I'll never get as much as I could if you don't take it" "# You'd love that shit, baby, if I let you in" "# I need you to know I'ma use your ass" "# Get up and do what I do" "# Get up and do what I do" "# Get up and do what I do" "# Well, I told ya" "# Get off the street, baby" "# You can't make no dough, so why don't you quit?" "# You know that you're not what they want, you wanna be hip-hop" "# But you don't know how to dance, why would you go?" "# You ain't gonna get nowhere, where you come from is a bummer" "# The way you dressed is a major bummer" "# You just walk around trying to look so bad and dress so crazy" "# And get girls on the dance floor, you're so hard" "# Like "I'm cold," but you're hot" "# You're such a liar!" "# How could I be with you, baby?" "Get up and do what I do" "# Get up and do what I do" "# Get up and do what I do" "# Get up and do what I do" "# Get up and do what I do" "# Get up and do what I do" "# Get up and do what I do" "# Get up and do what I do... #" "(song ends)" "(# punk rock)" "What's up?" "(clapping)" "I can't believe it!" "You're on fucking Broadway?" "What the fuck did you do?" "It's all because of you, right?" "Right?" "Right?" "Yo, man." "I got something for you." "Wait a minute." "I got something for you." "This is just a little token of appreciation." "Here." "Hey, buddy!" "What's this?" "This is for you." "You did this for me?" "Thank you." "You're welcome." "(hissing)" "Your first fan." "What are you doing here?" "I wanted to see what you were up to." "What's up?" "I'm hungry, man." "Let's get something to eat." "(# punk rock)" "(song ends)" "(guitar playing)" "# And I'm cold and I'm hungry and I'm sick of this town" "# I'm sick of being lonely" "# What's up?" "That's what I was gonna say" "# What's your question, man?" "#" "I've been trying to get this CD for two weeks and I can't get it anywhere." "So you're the only one who can help me?" "Yeah, man." "I can help you, man." "Hey." "All right, what's your name?" "Bez." "Bez?" "Like Bezak?" "Yeah." "But my name is pronounced "Bex"." "You know?" "It rhymes with "vex", like vexation, like when you're really vexed." "Or, like, vexed." "But here... rhymes with "bez"." "Is that a problem?" "Is it a problem?" "Is it a problem?" "No." "(clapping)" "(# punk rock)" "(song ends)" "This is really nice." "(rock song playing)" "# Now she tells me not to look at her" "# That's what she said to me" "# And I won't listen to what she said" "# I'll just look at what she do" "# And she's looking really good" "# And when I look it makes me feel so glad" "# When I look at her good looks" "# I feel really glad" "# Oh, that makes me feel good... #" "Well, what did you think?" "It was good." "I mean, it's a classic, you know?" "I guess it was a little confusing when he was singing to Bez, but other than that..." "No, that wasn't confusing at all, man." "He was talking to her the whole time." "It was very clear." "No, I think that's confusing, man." "I don't think you understood what he was saying." "I'm gonna take care of that kid." "You should stay away from him." "Hey, hey, what do you think?" "Do you think I need a little help with that?" "What are you talking about?" "How would you like to get rid of Bez?" "I just..." "I can't believe you said that to me." "I'm gonna kill you." "You should stay away from her." "It's you, right?" "Me, man?" "What are you doing?" "Help!" "She's trying to kill me!" "Hey!" "What the hell?" "Hey, what's up?" "Where's that girl?" "Who are you?" "What's up?" "Well, I'm getting rid of her anyway." "You're gonna be so lonely." "Yeah." "What are you doing with her hat?" "What are you doing with her hat?" "Hey, you can't take my hat, man." "You have no right to be taking my hat." "That's mine." "I'm sorry." "I'm really sorry." "I'm gonna give you this." "All right?" "Good." "(sighs)" "(# punk rock)" "(song ends)" "(guitar playing)" "# I'm a man" "# What am I gonna do" "# I'm a man" "# What am I gonna do?" "# I can't decide" "# I don't have a plan" "# You made me think about it" "# I want you" "# I'm a man" "# What am I gonna do?" "# I can't believe I got you" "# I'm a man" "# What am I gonna do?" "# I can't believe I got you" "# I'm a man" "# What am I gonna do?" "Subtitles by Visiontext" "ENHOH"