I Like Revenge
I Have the Advanta
I Don't Like Havin
I Can Forgive Her
I Am Goliath Stron
Hungry for a Win
Houdini Magic
Hot Girl With a Gr
Honey Badger
Honesty Would Be C

I Need a Dance Par
I Need Redemption
I Promise...
I See The Million
I Should Be Carrie
I Trust You But I
Let the burning br
I Vote You Out and
I Wanna See If I C
Let the burning br
I Lost Two Hands and Possibly a Shoulder in a Car Crash On my way home from the grocery store, I was cut off by an idiot driving a pickup truck. I ended up hitting him broadside and taking the windshield off of his truck. The truck spun into a lamppost and the driver's side door flew open. I looked to see the driver, a guy, dazed and bleeding. At the same time I felt a wave of pain and lost feeling in my right arm as the truck bounced off of the lamppost. I was on the ground when someone came over and helped me up. She screamed at me not to move my hand. She took my hand and pulled it away from the truck. There was a bloody glove laying in the road. I went to help the guy in the truck. There was no way I was going to leave him. He had been thrown about 5 feet away from the truck when it hit the lamppost. He was bleeding, but seemed to be fine. I felt my shoulder and found that it was only dislocated, but that's about all I could say at the moment. I looked around the scene of the accident and asked people if they were okay and the person who I had help up but found no one else was hurt. The cops had arrived, a woman officer who was driving a police cruiser and a man, her partner. They both looked at the scene for a minute, then went to get the guy out of the truck. He had a bad gash in his forehead and his face was bloody, but he seemed to be okay, but he was more annoyed than anything. The cops helped me up and my vision blurred a little. I think I lost a bit of sight in my right eye. I could only see out of the side with my left eye. A minute later, I could see out of my left eye again. The cop who had helped me up asked what happened and I told him. He took out a pad and started writing. The policewoman asked me if I was okay and I told her I was. She asked if I could use her cell phone to call someone. I took her cell phone and went back to my car and tried to call 911. That failed because my phone was sitting at the bottom of the river. I had to drive home, which ended up taking an hour with the detour to the bridge where the river passes. My cell phone was toast. That sucked. I needed it for my job. I didn't have the money to replace it, and even if I did, I didn't have a charger for it and couldn't really borrow one without the police knowing. My cell phone wasn't toast for good, just a little melted. But it would never work again without replacing the battery, and I couldn't do that myself. It took a lot of explaining before the insurance company agreed to pay for the replacement phone as well. The police officer also asked me to report the accident to my insurance company and get a copy of the accident report. * * * I came out of the supermarket after work to find a police cruiser with the lights still on. There were a couple of police cars and an ambulance, but I didn't pay any attention to them. My car was in the parking lot, which was odd. But I had it parked facing away from the store with the doors open and the seat back as I got into my car. I went into the store and looked around until I found my car and a cop. I asked the cop if she could tell me where I parked. She told me and I got in my car and drove to the store to find my car in the middle of a crowd of onlookers with flashing lights. It took some explaining, but they let me back in the store. By that point I had passed the point of no return. I walked into the store to a crowd of customers and told them I was the idiot who hit the other car. I got to work late, having to walk back to my office after it closed because I couldn't find the store with the flashing lights, and ended up being asked to leave because I was making people nervous and didn't make any sales. It was too late to stay at home with a black eye and a dislocated shoulder. I got away without talking to anyone about it, thankfully. A while later I had to go to the hospital with my shoulder, which had been reset and put in a sling. After that, I had to visit an emergency room for my black eye. I had both eyes patched for three days. The police got back to me and had filed charges against the guy in the pickup. He was driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, but because he only went to a farm, it was treated as a DUI. It took the insurance company three months to pay out. That was annoying. But at least I had my car back. * * * I was driving to an interview when I found myself hitting a car in the intersection. I panicked, but then it hit me. The driver of the other car was going to be okay, but I was the idiot who got the black eye and probably didn't get his car fixed for a long time. I would be off work for the next couple of months. In fact, the insurance company kept me out for three weeks, then off for another week. I missed almost a month's work total, with a big red slash on my record. It's pretty rare for a company to take someone off work for an injury, but then the driver of the other car was the Vice President of Marketing. Apparently she had gotten a nice fat insurance policy. All I got was a company credit. * * * I was driving home after dinner and stopped at a stop sign when someone tried to run it. I couldn't see where he came from, and as I looked up and around, I heard a scraping noise and heard the impact. There was a bit of a bump and then it all went black for me for a second. I came to in a cold sweat and saw a person sitting in my car. I saw an arm coming from under the dash into the passenger side. The arm stopped short of the passenger seat, so the driver was there, too. The driver was a blonde woman wearing sunglasses and driving a silver sports car. I didn't remember seeing anyone drive up while I was waiting at the light, but she must have hit me while I was still in the car and that's why she stopped. I heard her call 911 and then get out of the car. I got out of the car and looked in the back. There was a woman lying on the floorboard. She was still breathing, but I didn't think she would make it. I took out my phone and tried to call 911, but I was afraid I was going to lose consciousness if I didn't move fast enough. I started walking away from the car, but I wasn't going fast enough. The blonde lady got back in the car and asked me if I wanted her to drive it to the hospital. I got in the car and we went to the hospital, but not for a second before I heard the police arrive and yell for us to get out of the car. I didn't want to know what they were going to do to her. * * * I was on my way home when I found a guy with a gun in his hand. He shot at me, but I saw him coming and swerved to avoid it, hitting a mailbox. He went up on the sidewalk to avoid the mailbox. It took him a second to get over his shock, but then he came at me again. This time I swerved to avoid the gun and drove right into a fence and into a tree. I was knocked unconscious and when I came to I found a car parked in front of the house and two cops standing over me with a pair of handcuffs. I was handcuffed and given my phone back. The cops put me in a police cruiser, which took us down to the station. The cops who were sitting there were very nice and asked me if I was okay and if I needed any help. I told them I needed a drink and they agreed and I got some coffee and some water. I told them my story, but there wasn't much that they could do. They had the guy. When they asked him what happened, he tried to say that he was robbed by a guy, but he still had a lot of blood on him, so it seemed like a lie. * * * I'm driving home on the freeway and my headlights are out, so I pull over. After a while I decide that I'm waiting for the police, so I turn my headlights on again and drive up to the next exit and pull over. There is a cop car behind me. They pull up beside me and I hear a cop yelling for me to get out of my car. I can't see what they want to see, so I put my hazard lights on and roll my window down and wait. I had my seat back, so they asked me if I was okay. I said I was and asked if there was a problem. It turned out that the cop was a friend of mine who couldn't see through my blacked out front windshield and wasn't sure if I was dead or alive. They rolled up the windows and got out to walk to my