I See The Million
I Promise...
I Need Redemption
I Need a Dance Par
I Lost Two Hands a
I Like Revenge
I Have the Advanta
I Don't Like Havin
I Can Forgive Her
I Am Goliath Stron

I Trust You But I
Let the burning br
I Vote You Out and
I Wanna See If I C
Let the burning br
I Was Born at Nigh
I Will Destroy You
I Will Not Give Up
I'll Show You How
I'm a Mental Giant
I Should Be Carried on the Chariot-Type Thing!", and "Where You Can See a Slightly Older Spike That's Still on His Knees". While Spike is initially hesitant to become a guardian, he soon is drawn into the world of Slayers by Buffy and later by Faith, and becomes one of the more experienced warriors on Buffy's team, despite occasionally proving a liability when he lets his guard down and ends up in some fairly awkward positions. Though generally a serious person and sometimes a bit stoic (not always something Buffy herself takes lightly), Spike usually maintains a rather endearing sense of humor and often has a good sense of humor at the expense of his own situation. He is sometimes given to expressing cynicism and sometimes more misanthropic or misanthropic views on life, in line with his rather selfish and misanthropic personality (which tends to shift to more selfish attitudes when something or someone important to him is threatened). At other times, though, he can be somewhat more optimistic (notably during the height of his friendship with Xander and his relationship with Dawn), and at his core, Spike usually believes in some form of higher power and a sense of fate (or destiny, as he once declared to Buffy). Sometimes he acts as a leader, though often this tendency is limited to things like Buffy's Scooby Gang, while he is often the voice of reason and/or more objective view on whatever cause or situation they're in. This is evidenced by how often he serves as an advisor or mentor figure to Buffy in the face of a moral conundrum or problem. Over the course of the series, Spike has, at one point or another, saved Buffy's life and the lives of other Slayers when their own lives or fate was at stake, making him the "Baddest Slayer of Them All", the one they were willing to go to war with (either for themselves or for a higher cause). On one occasion he saved his younger brother, William, from becoming a minion of the First Evil during the series premiere. Spike (more commonly referred to by his surname) and Joyce were a vampire/human couple living in Los Angeles. They originally met in Sunnydale after being attracted to each other, and although Joyce initially rebuffed Spike's initial advances towards her, Spike would later become attracted to her again after his life was in danger, and had his feelings returned in turn by the older witch. After Spike's first encounter with Buffy and the Slayer's gang, Joyce decided to move with him to Sunnydale. Though she had originally planned to be Buffy's ally from the very beginning, her feelings and the events in Sunnydale made her turn on the Slayer and become her nemesis. After witnessing the deaths of Buffy, Joyce, and many of her family members during the First's assault on Sunnydale, Spike and Buffy's sister Dawn formed a deep friendship. Buffy's brief friendship with Spike would also lead to the birth of Dawn, whose mother's bloodline was passed on to Dawn via her own mother's eggs. Despite Joyce's deep contempt for Buffy, Spike and Buffy would form a strong friendship, and Joyce's love of Spike would eventually grow into love as well. As Spike and Joyce's relationship continued to grow and their love for each other deepened, Spike's sense of morality and what was right and wrong continued to deteriorate until his own vampire nature became fully reasserted. He eventually killed his own brother (Spike never saw William's body as he left for France, but it was found later in an alleyway with his head ripped off) and the human vampire he tried to save. By the final episode of season five, he had killed hundreds of people in the search for the blood of a slayer's first kill. Spike had also, at one point, been considered the leader of a group of vampires who attempted to kill Angel in his mind, though he later changed his mind. Spike was later killed by Giles after being mortally wounded by Angelus, but Joyce arrived to revive him, and then left him to die with the rest of the slain in order to protect him from any suspicion of being a traitor. In canon, Buffy's mother, Joyce Summers, was a witch who had a relationship with Spike, and was killed by vampire Drusilla after she stole her magic amulet, thus putting her in a coma and losing all memory of the person she loved. Spike would then continue his relationship with her, as a human, until she was murdered by Angelus. Later, Spike became a vampire again while Buffy and the Scoobies watched him being killed by Giles, at which point he would regain his memory. However, this was merely a fake memory implanted by the First Evil to trick Buffy into destroying her love, the real memories being recovered by the First through the Scoobies' minds. In Season 9, Spike is revived, and given a new body, by Giles as part of a plan to control the power of the First Evil's body. Spike joins the Scooby Gang and forms a romantic relationship with Buffy, leading to the breakup of her relationship with Angel. In season 10, he was seemingly killed by Drusilla, after discovering the body of "Joyce" in his house and then killing his "wife" at her request. Upon revival, he reverts to his former identity, and begins a long and complex relationship with Willow Rosenberg. He later helps Xander defeat the First Evil, and is briefly sired to Angel by the end of the season. He is revealed to be the first of the Slayer's five Watchers to have been present during the First's rise, due to his previous relationship with the Slayer. In season eleven he aids the Scoobies in their war against the Elder Gods, and helps Willow find the cure for her condition; later he chooses to end his relationship with Buffy, and has an initial (unofficial) engagement to Buffy's ex-girlfriend Willow (though it ended immediately upon Spike's return to life). Despite all of this, it is eventually revealed in Season 12 that Spike was never sired to Angel and had in fact been a secret agent of the Watchers' Council all along, a fact he reveals in hopes of protecting his friends from the Council's wrath. During this time Spike developed an attraction to his best friend Xander, and though Xander is at first angry and betrayed, they become good friends, eventually ending up kissing. After learning of Spike's former affiliation with the Watchers, Buffy cuts her ties with him. He begins dating another woman at the time. He comes to terms with losing Angel to the soul-sucking demon from Hell that possesses him, and resumes a relationship with Buffy. After the resurrection of Buffy's mother in season 12, he admits to Buffy that he has loved Buffy all along, and that he wants to make her the mother of his child. After Buffy shoots her mother dead (in self-defense, as she mistook her for a demon) in "Bargaining", the events lead to a full on custody battle between the two women over the Spike they both still have deep feelings for. Spike later attempts to kill Buffy to ensure she would never have to make that decision, but she is saved by her future self. In Season 13, Spike has to kill his girlfriend Cassie, who is a part-demon who is the mother of Buffy and Faith's future child in the future seen in "Normal Again". It is revealed by her spirit that he was her Scythe (someone who kills for the First Evil), but he was changed by his experiences with Buffy and Faith to not be, and it was Buffy's belief in him that helped him change. In the final season, Spike and Buffy have to battle for custody of Dawn's child. Spike and Dawn end up staying together because of the events in the previous two seasons and Dawn and Spike's eventual mutual recognition of their feelings for one another, even though Dawn will remain human. In Season 14, he is killed by Glory, who plans to sire the First Evil. However, the First is freed by Willow, who turns Spike into a human being with the help of her magic-restoring spell. With her help, he is resurrected to continue his life with Buffy and Dawn. In "Get it Done," a flashback of him (as a human) and Joyce in an old home shows them to be a typical couple, sitting in the living room together. Spike continues to live with Buffy and Dawn. In the fourth season of Buffyverse spin-off Angel, Spike is working as a private detective, but is in love with Fred Burkle. Later, he marries another woman and they have a son named Joshua. In this timeline, he is still a vampire and has a demon army under his control, having defeated the Senior Partners. He later comes to realize that the Senior Partners were right in the beginning and that when he used them, all he got was to make the world worse. However, his wife divorces him, claiming his attitude had become too different since he had met Angelus. Spike then finds Angelus' "home," the Hyperion Hotel, and convinces him to restore Angel's soul. After learning that his wife is dating Mayor Richard Wilkins, he starts a