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Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Once
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Chapter 1. Our st

Release me. Now. O
Joe's Bar and Gril
Quietly, Quiggly s
That turned dark q
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chris! I told you
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Release me. Now. O
Tiffany, you reall
Release me. Now. O
That turned dark quickly. Instead of leaving to go on to where my father and Uncle John were staying, and get our new house, Mom just went home. Then, she went to see my Aunt Susan and spend a few days with her. We didn't hear from her until about a week later, when she sent us a postcard saying that she had met my Aunt Sue's brother, Brian and they had fallen in love. He was a good man, she wrote. She never saw my uncle John again. Brian bought the house right next to us. We became best friends in our adolescent years. He is an ex CIA Agent and was the original undercover in the 80s who was a friend of Bill Murray in _Stripes_. We are still very close. I told you it was kind of odd, right? Anyway, that was our Christmas this year. She came back from Italy in January, and told us her news. We flew up to Boston, and went to see her and my mother in her new apartment. Then, we all went and got our hair cut. Then, we went to the country club with my mother and her friends. The next day, she gave me this really nice hairdresser and he did my hair. She came and did it and took pictures. Then, we went back to her apartment for lunch. She told us that we were going to be moving to Florida to live with her and her sister soon. I told her that I really wanted to go. I felt like I wanted to see and do some things before I was too old. She agreed, but said that it would be a few years first, and we'd all do it together. So, we hung out, and took a road trip up to Vermont for a while. Then, back to Boston. She gave my hairdresser $500 for cutting my hair. I told him not to look at the price, and that I just wanted to see how it would go. Well, I'd never get this haircut again, I told him, and he smiled. Anyway, that's pretty much what happened this past year. I'm not done with school yet. There's still 2 1/2 years left. But, my parents are taking care of me. They own a big old house near Montauk. It's been their dream house for a while now. It's a big old colonial with a porch out front. I'm going to be able to write for a lot of hours. I might have to have my laptop in bed, though, so I don't get too bored. At least, I won't be bored when you're over. That'll be cool, I'm sure. Anyway, I guess that's all. I should probably get off the computer. Time to go to the gym. I'm going to lift some weights and work out. Be home later. Maybe, we can get some food from those people we used to call the pizza men... the guy that drives around and sells pizza. Anyway, see you later. Love, Matt P.S. Look up "shredding" on the internet. It's pretty cool. P.P.S. I looked up "pizza men" on the internet and found some good ones that might help us out. One of them actually went to college. I'll send you an e-mail when I find them. I'll let you know if you have to go down to the school. Matt _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp - C.DTF