Too Close For Comf
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To Quit or Not to
To Betray, or Not
Tiny Little Shanks
Time to Bring Abou
Ticking Time Bomb
Thunder Storms & S
That sure doesn't
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Tribal Lines Are B
Trojan Horse
Trust Your Gut
Truth Kamikaze
Tubby Lunchbox
Turf Wars
Two Brains Are Bet
Two for the Price
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Total Dysfunction 1.03±1.11 1.44±1.09 \<0.001 0.17 Social Functioning 94.17±10.11 89.77±13.26 \<0.001 0.13 School Functioning 87.53±13.16 85.45±15.44 0.034 0.04 Emotional Functioning 84.77±12.39 80.76±14.09 \<0.001 0.10 Performance Scale 70.77±18.37 60.64±18.21 \<0.001 0.18 School Experience Index 101.53±13.19 96.59±18.09 0.002 0.07 Global Assessment of Function 71.41±14.42 71.77±17.38 0.77 0.003 Mean scores of HRQOL subdomains, total mean scores of HRQOL, and total mean scores of QOL of adolescents with CD were significantly lower than those of the adolescents without CD, and all mean scores of HRQOL and QOL subdomains for the adolescents with DSTs were significantly lower than those for the adolescents without DSTs. The total mean scores of HRQOL and QOL of the adolescents with DSTs were not significantly different from those of adolescents with CD. The mean scores for HRQOL and QOL subdomains of the adolescents with TSTs were not significantly different from those for the adolescents with CD. This study showed that the mean scores of HRQOL and QOL in the adolescents with STHs were not significantly different from those in the adolescents without DSTs and TSTs. The means scores of QOL subdomains and the total scores of HRQOL of the adolescents with STHs were significantly lower than those of the adolescents without DSTs. The means scores of the subdomains and total scores of the QOL of the adolescents with STHs were significantly lower than those of the adolescents with CD and DSTs. The total mean scores of QOL of the adolescents with STHs were significantly lower than those of the adolescents with TSTs. [Table 3](#T3){ref-type="table"} shows the mean scores of QOL subdomains and the total scores of HRQOL for the adolescents with CD, DSTs, and TSTs. Mean score for the total HRQOL was significantly lower among the adolescents with CD than that among those without CD (P=0.03), whereas this difference was not significant in the case of DSTs (P=0.18) and TSTs (P=0.13). The mean scores for the subdomains of QOL were significantly lower among the adolescents with CD than among those without CD in the cases of physical functioning (P=0.007), social functioning (P\<0.001), emotional functioning (P\<0.001), and performance scale (P\<0.001), and significantly lower among the adolescents with DSTs than among those without DSTs in the cases of emotional functioning (P=0.04), and school experience (P=0.02). In addition, the mean scores of physical functioning (P=0.04) and school experience (P=0.007) were significantly lower among the adolescents with TSTs than among those without TSTs. The results showed that physical functioning had the highest mean score, followed by social functioning and school experience, and the emotional functioning and performance scale had the lowest scores among the adolescents with DSTs, TSTs, and CD. [Table 4](#T4){ref-type="table"} shows the HRQOL and QOL mean scores of the adolescents with major depression, dysthymia, separation anxiety, general anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, and delinquent behavior. The mean scores of HRQOL and QOL of the adolescents with major depression were significantly lower than those of the adolescents without these disorders (P\<0.001), and this difference was not significant in the case of dysthymia, separation anxiety, general anxiety, OCD, social phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, and delinquent behavior (P\>0.05). The mean scores of QOL subdomains and the total scores of HRQOL were significantly lower among the adolescents with major depression than those without these disorders (P\<0.001). The mean scores of QOL of the adolescents with dysthymia were significantly lower than those without dysthymia (P=0.01). However, the mean scores of QOL subdomains and the total scores of HRQOL were not significantly different from those without dysthymia. The mean scores of QOL of the adolescents with separation anxiety were not significantly different from those without separation anxiety (P\>0.05). In addition, there was no significant difference in the mean scores of QOL among the adolescents with general anxiety and OCD. The results showed that social functioning and school experience were the domains of QOL with the highest means, followed by the emotional functioning and performance scale. The physical functioning had the lowest score among the adolescents with dysthymia and separation anxiety, while the emotional functioning and school experience had the lowest scores among the adolescents with OCD and social phobia. ###### Comparison of Mean Scores of HRQOL and QOL Among Groups **Scales** **Major depression** **Dysthymia** **Separation anxiety** **General anxiety** **OCD** **Social phobia** **Post-traumatic stress disorder** **Substance abuse** **Delinquent behavior** -------------------------------------------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------------ --------------------- --------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- Physical Functioning 79.05±9.75 82.71±11.15 84.07±11.39 81.65±10.23 85.13±8 79.92±11.46 80.35±14.57 86.26±12.13 78.48±12.15 Role Limitation- Physical 78.41±13.09 80.63±17.08 86.21±12.37 81.07±16.39 88.26±8 85.63±11.64 79.62±17.09 79.31±16.98 86.09±16.27 Role Limitation-Emotional 83.07±15.16 88.11±10.16 79.63±14.44 85.25±13.14 85.88±9 84.45±13.68 88.53±12.17 83.54±14.11 86.32±14.14 Social Functioning 81.15±15.45 82.95±11.31 80.65±12.17 80.55±14.32 79.87±8 77.05±13.41 84.13±15.08 79.74±15.05 84.56±14.36 Emotional Functioning 76.93±14.03 79.65±11.44 75.48±13.07 76.41±12.94 76.54±7 72.41±12.41 80.27±11.65 75.27±13.06 76.77±12.97 Cognitive Functioning 82.03±12.37 83.48±11.31 85.47±10.63 82.23±11.26 82.09±8 85.39±12.45 82.62±13.69 83.45±11.52 80.64±11.56 Psychosocial Health & Environmental Domain 83.32±9.83 85.03±12.31 84.24±9.72 84.08±8.66 85.48±7 84.07±8.77 84.39±13.45 87.46±11.25 85.24±10.23 School Functioning 79.13±11.92 81.33±12.78 85.57±10.46 80.07±12.35 82.61±9 80.03±11.43 83.03±11.71 81.05±12.42 79.46±11.67 Global Assessment of Function 76.38±13.22 76.87±14.23 81.31±12.54 77.51±14.09 80.56±9 79.21±11.84 84.19±12.53 81.19±11.69 82.45±11.71 Total Dysfunction 62.94±15.17 68.62±12.54 72.24±14.36 64.89±13.98 66.47±7 63.65±13.28 69.69±17.29 65.39±12.98 68.63±12.63