Two Brains Are Bet
Turf Wars
Tubby Lunchbox
Truth Kamikaze
Trust Your Gut
Trojan Horse
Tribal Lines Are B
Total Dysfunction
Too Close For Comf

Two Tribes, One Ca
United We Stand, D
Vibe of the Tribe
Villains Have More
Vote Early, Vote O
Walking on Thin Ic
Want to See the El
War is Not Pretty
We Did it Guys
We Found Our Zombi
Two for the Price of One." _Psychology Today,_ November/December 1998. Sethi, Sunil. "Ford and the Death of the American Dream." _Time,_ June 24, 2010. Sinclair, Upton. _The Jungle._ New York: The Free Trade Publishing Company, 1906. Smith, Al. "Amid the Suburbs, an American Dream." _New York Times,_ October 12, 2010. "Sons, Daughters Often Support Single-Parent Families." _Science News,_ August 14, 1964. Steiger, Paul. _Life in a Northern Town._ New York: Harper and Brothers, 1945. "Stock Market Glut: How Good Is It for America?" _The Economist,_ January 7, 2008. Taylor, Paul M. _The Invisible Wave: Essays in Cultural History_. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1983. ———. _Modernism and the New York Intellectuals._ Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Thompson, E.P. _The Making of the English Working Class._ London: Victor Gollancz, 1962. Van Buskirk, Robert A. "Changing American Family Patterns: A Longitudinal Study of Changes in Marriage and Divorce Rates." Unpublished master's thesis, Stanford University, 1987. Waldman, Milton. "Why Are Americans Falling Out of Love with Their Country?" _Time,_ November 8, 2010. Walsh, Michael. _Stolen Wishes: Dreams and the Black Economy._ Boston: Beacon Press, 2004. Watson, John B. "Divorce." _Scribner's Monthly_ 18 (August 1887). Welter, Barbara. _The Consumer Movement: A Study in the History of American Family Life._ New York: Pantheon Books, 1973. "Why We're Not a Winner." _New York Times,_ August 22, 1969. Yudin, Leon. "The Americanization of Life." In _The Americanization of the World,_ edited by Richard Ingersoll. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1948. ———. _Mass Marketing to the Masses: The Story of Modern Advertising._ New York: McGraw-Hill, 1949. ## INDEX _Please note that page numbers are not accurate for the e-book edition._ **A** Adams, Abigail, – Adams, Brooks, Adams, Henry, – Adams, John, – Adams, John Quincy, , – Adams, William Howard Taft, Adler, Felix, , , –, , – afternoon classes, – Adorno, Theodor W., , – Advisory Council on Juvenile Delinquency, Aeschylus, – aesthetic and psychological experience of music, – Aguilar, Grace, , Algren, Nelson, – Ali, Muhammad, Allen, John A., – Allenson, Helen, , all-white high school, – Alzheimer's disease, Ames, Adelbert, – Anderson, Clinton P., – Anderson, Edgar D., –, –, , , –, , – Anderson, Marianne, –, –, –, – _And She Was_ (Algren), – animals, _see_ dogs, cats, etc. Annas, George, –, , , , – anti-Semitism: and advertising, –; and baseball, –; black, , –; and football, –; literary analysis of, ; and music, –; and television, , ; and war, – apartheid, Aquinas, Thomas, Arbus, Diane, , – Arendt, Hannah, , – Aristotle, Artaud, Antonin, , , – _Arztpräsidentenwunder,_ – Auchincloss, Mrs., Australia, – Austria, , , , – Austria-Hungary, , – Austrian School of economics, – automobile accidents, , automobiles: assembly-line production, ; death rate per year in, –; production of, , , , , , ; safety issues, , –, , , –; and suburbs, –. _See also_ cars automotive industry: and advertising, ; bankruptcy of, –; and Detroit's decline, ; and financial crisis of 2008, –; and highway construction, ; and mass production, –; and marketing, , , ; and political issues, , ; and politics of the personal, ; and professional engineers, –; and public policy, ; and size of production, Automobile Manufacturers' Association, automatic writing, , – automobile safety issue, , –, , – **B** _Back to Bataan_ (Sinclair), Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhailovich, – Balanced Bill of Rights, Balzac, Honoré de, Bancroft, George, Bannister, John, Barabba, Mario, – Barr, David, – Barrymore, John, Bassett, Angela (Sterling Hayden's lover), – Battie, David R., –, – Bates, Harry, – Battle of the Bulge, Beaumont, Hugh, Beecher, Lyman, – Bell, Daniel, – Benét, William Rose, Benjamin, Walter, – Benny, Jack, – Berkeley High School, Beth-Israel Hospital and Medical School, Betjeman, John, Bettelheim, Bruno, – Biddle, Bower Lee, – _Big Black Mariah,_ – Big Brothers, – Big Daddy (drug), Billings, Josh, – Billington, Ray R., , , –, –, , – bin Laden, Osama, , – _Birth of a Nation,_ , birth control pill, – _Blackboard Jungle,_ , Black Death, – Black Panthers, blacks: and advertising, –; and automobile production, –; and crime, , –; and football, –; and jazz, ; and jazz musicians, , ; and labor issues, –; and mass transportation, ; and music, –; and popular music, –; and public transportation, ; and self-destruction, –; and sports, , – Blake, Harry A., , – Blyden, Edward W., Boggs, James F., – Bolívar, Simón, Bolshevism, Boorstin, Daniel J., –, – Borah, William, Borgeois, Jean-Paul, – Boston Public Garden, – Boston Riot, Boston Red Sox, , _Bowery_ (musical), Brando, Marlon, , Braque, Georges, Brashear, Henry, – Brill, Alexander T., British colonies in India, Browder, Earl, – Brown, H. Rap, Brown, Irving, Brown, John, Brown, Jerry, Brown, James, – Browne, Jackson (fictional character), – Browne, May, – Browne, Ray, – Bryce Report (1910), – Buckley, William F., – Bundy, Edgar, , – Burdick, Charles E., – Burger, Howard J., – Burnham, Walter Dean, – Burroughs, William, Bush, George W., , , , , , –, , , , , , –, –, , , –, – Butler, Nicholas Murray, Byron, George Gordon, Lord, Byron, Robert F., **C** Cadbury company, Calhoun, John C., California, , Calvinism, , – Camden, William, – Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, , – Campbell, Joseph, Cantor, Eddie, – capitalism, , – Carey, Robert A., – Caribbean, , – Carpenter, Walter B., – Carter, Jimmy, , cars: and advertising, , ; and automotive safety issue, , –; changes in size and number of, ; and death rate per year in, –; and death rates of the young, –; and highway construction, , , –; and interregnum years, –; and jazz, –; and marketing of, –;