Vibe of the Tribe
United We Stand, D
Two Tribes, One Ca
Two for the Price
Two Brains Are Bet
Turf Wars
Tubby Lunchbox
Truth Kamikaze
Trust Your Gut
Trojan Horse

Vote Early, Vote O
Walking on Thin Ic
Want to See the El
War is Not Pretty
We Did it Guys
We Found Our Zombi
We Got a Rat
We Hate Our Tribe
We Made It to the
We'll Make You Pay
Villains Have More Fun** _by_ MARIA T. FRY ## **In a nutshell** Every day, people use your web site to do all sorts of things—find your address or phone number, send you an e-mail, visit your company's website, buy something from you, make a donation, or download a free pamphlet. It is a _web site_ , after all, and not a doorstop. Your web site needs to be more than an information delivery device. It needs to be something your readers or visitors _want to be_. The site must meet an underlying goal: to serve your visitors in one way or another. If your web site is to succeed as a business tool and an information medium, it must support the goals of the organization whose activities it serves. In order for it to do that, it has to address your readers' and viewers' needs in a meaningful way. There are no hard-and-fast rules for creating a web site. Each site is different, but if you can identify commonalities among them and take advantage of them in your site's design, you can position your web site to take advantage of the latest technology and gain a competitive edge. ## **In a similar vein** Eric Sink _The Zen of CSS Design_ _Cruel Summer_ _Coup de Foudre_ Christopher Bartel _Creating Websites That Work_ (Illustrator: Michael Crawford) _Your Own Little World_ Dave Zilberman _Adobe Muse: The Missing Manual_ (Author) _Adobe Muse: The Missing Manual_ (Author) ## **Required reading** Chris Coyier, Mac Tweaker _Css Tricks_ A blog about how to improve your site Kevin D. Sommer, Jeroen Baert _Learning CSS_ (O'Reilly) A book written for new web designers J. David Eisenberg, Chris Coyier, Dave Shea _CSS Secrets_ _Essential CSS3_ (O'Reilly) A book for CSS beginners Marsden Jones _CSS: The Definitive Guide_ (O'Reilly) _CSS: The Definitive Guide_ (O'Reilly) A book written for web developers Todd Zaki Warfel, James Edward Rogers _CSS Layout_ _The Definitive Guide_ (O'Reilly) _CSS Layout_ (O'Reilly) This book is a very thorough discussion of how to lay out a site J. David Eisenberg, Alex Walker _CSS: The Missing Manual_ (O'Reilly) _CSS: The Missing Manual_ (O'Reilly) A book written for experienced web designers Aubrey J. Miller _The Book of CSS3: A Designer's Guide_ (Falk Studio) _CSS3: The Book_ (Falk Studio) _A Book Apart_ (A Book Apart) A book of CSS experiments Laura Kalbag _CSS3: The Definitive Guide_ (Morgan Kaufmann) _CSS3: The Definitive Guide_ (Morgan Kaufmann) A book for a more advanced audience # The missing manual ### Mac OS X #### Matthew MacDonald **Mac OS X** **The missing manual** Published by O'Reilly Media, Inc. 1005 Gravenstein Highway North Sebastopol, CA 95472 Our e-books may be purchased in bulk for promotional, educational, or business use. Please contact the Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department at (800) 221-7945, extension 5442, or by e-mail at eISBN 978-1-491-87618-7 **Other O'Reilly Media books** --- | | | | **_Web Performance for Dummies_** **Andy Davies** A pragmatic guide to how the Internet works and how to use it to make your website better **Publisher:** Rod Stephens **Associate Publisher:** Kelly Ewing **Development Editor:** Meghan Blanchette **Technical Editor:** Kelly Ewing **Editorial Assistant:** Rebecca Rider **Production Editor:** Angela Rufino **Cover Design:** Mike Sierra **Illustrations:** Mike Sierra **Compositor:** Jeff Dinitz, Happenstance Type-O-Rama **Proofreader:** Kim Cofer **Indexer:** Ty Koontz **Special Help:** Todd Saks **_CSS: Visual Quick Reference_** **Eric A. Meyer** A handy visual guide to the fundamental properties of CSS2 and CSS3, updated for all current versions of CSS. **Publisher:** Eric A. Meyer **Production Editor:** Eric A. Meyer **Associate Editors:** Josh Bartlett, Matt Davey, Doug McClenahan, Martyn Vick **Editorial Assistant:** Amy Smith **Technical Editors:** Eric A. Meyer, Doug McClenahan, Martyn Vick **Designer:** Todd Zaki Warfel **_Web Design in a Nutshell_** **Todd Zaki Warfel** A concise how-to guide to designing websites for screen and paper, from laying out your pages to styling, using HTML and CSS, and finally adding images and multimedia. **Publisher:** Michael S. Dewar **Associate Publisher:** Kristen Brown **Managing Editor:** Jennifer Griffith-Delgado **Production Editor:** Jennifer Griffith-Delgado **Interior Designers:** Michael S. 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Some titles in this series may be more advanced than others, depending on the difficulty of the material in question._ Click the icon to go to the web page for this book, or use the navigation bar at the side of the page. # Copyright & Credits **Copyright © 2011 David M. O'Brien.** All rights reserved. O'Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are also available for most titles ( For more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales department: (800) 998-9938 or Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O'Reilly logo are registered trademarks of O'Reilly Media, Inc. _Web Design in a Nutshell_ , Second Edition, the cover image, and related trade dress are trademarks of O'Reilly Media, Inc. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. 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