You Guys Are Dumbe
You Get What You G
You Can't Hide on
You Call, We'll Ha
You Better Be Wear
YOLO, Let's Play!
Y'all Making Me Cr
Wrinkle In the Pla
Would You Be My Br
Worst Case ScenariYou Mangled My Netsuke"_
_Mummer's Wax_
Munro, Alfred
Myers, F.W.H.
_Fur Trade Narrative_
_Origins of the European Working Class_
_Canadian Annual Review_
Napoleonic wars
Nathan, George Jean
_Notes on Canadian Fiction_
Ngai, Sianne
_Ugly Feelings_
North America
agriculture in
colonialism in
as "country"
inhabitants of
institutional racism in
languages of
military actions against (first war of 1812)
as "new world," n26
population of, in 1600s (est.)
settler colonialism in, see settler colonialism
slavery in
see also settler colonialism
_North American Review_
_Notes on Canadian Fiction_ (Nathan)
Nowell-Smith, Simon
Nouvelle France
Nye, Russ
Oakeshott, Michael
_European Civilization and Its Discontents_
Obama, Barack
ocean crossings, see shipwrecks and sinkings
"Operation Dismal" (1810)
_Origin of the European Working Class_ (Myers)
_Origins of the European Working Class_ (Myers)
Pacific Ocean, slave-trading in
Palmerston, Viscount (George Henry Gordon)
Parker, Theodore Henry
patriotism, British, and Canada, see Canada, patriotism for, British
Paveluk, W.E.
Paxton, Nancy
Perley, Sidney
_Permanent Settlement_
persons of unsound mind
_Piers Plowman_
Piercy, Margeurite Ann
Pietrykowski, Edward
_Polestar,_ wreck of
pomes for Canada (puns)
Porter, Lucy and Francis, _Voyages and Travels_
portolan charts
Port Louis (Mauritius)
_Port Royal Gazette_
Port Roseway (Saint John Harbour)
Port Royal (Prince Edward Island)
Portugal, Portuguese ( _see also_ Lusitanian connection)
Post, J.A.J.
provinces, English colonial ( _see also_ colonies)
_Proper Studies_ (Munro)
Prowse, George
_British Emigration to North America_
"Cabin-Bill, the" (with Hall)
"Pumpkin Mourns for Johnny" (Stubbs)
Puritans, and New England
Quakers (Society of Friends)
Quebec City
racism in Canada, post-WWII
_Rambling Racist_ (Sellers)
of enslaved women ( _see also_ enslaved women)
of indigenous peoples, by _habitants_
rebellions and insurrections ( _see also_ rebellions and insurrections)
"Red River Colony," _see_ Red River Colony
"Reformed in Exile," _see_ Saint Botolph, Massachusetts
_rescues,_ Canadian, in WWI
_Returned Soldier's Land Settlement Scheme Act_ (1915)
Ritvo, Harriet
_The Animal Estate_
_Letters to a Young Feminist_
Roberts, George
Robertson, Kay
Robinson, G.F.
Rodger, N.A.M.
Rodgers, Daniel T.
Rodrigue, Richard
_Boat People_
Rogers, John
Roosevelt, Kara B.
Rose, Arnold
Rose, William
Roseway (Saint John Harbour)
Russell, Thomas
Russia, Russians ( _see also_ Lusitanian connection)
slave-trading, Russian ( _see also_ slave-trading, British; slaves)
Saint John Harbour
Saint Louis (Moseltoast)
Saint Rose (Mary Island)
Saint Botolph, Massachusetts
Saint Mary's County, Maryland (Lusitanian connection)
Saint Rose (Mary Island)
Saints-Séjour (Mary Island)
St. Anne's (Quebec City)
St. George, Catesby
St. John, New Brunswick
St. John's Island
St. Joseph, Missouri
St. Louis, Missouri, ( _see also_ Saint Louis)
St. Mary's Island (Mary Island)
Saint-Sauveur (Acadia)
Saint-Sulpice (Terre-Neuve-de-Lusitanie)
Saint-Vallier, Guillaume de Laval, see Laval, Marquis de
_The Song of Roland_
Sammis, Randolph Guthrie
Sanger, William W.
Sarmiento, Domingo Martinez de
Sartor, Jean-Baptiste
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
Scott, W.T.
_The Searchers_
Second Great Migration, _see_ Great Migration
_Secular and Religious History of the People of the United States of North America_ (Shattuck)
Sellers, Norman
"A Sermon in a Railroad Station at Rosedale," ( _see also_ "Rambling Racist")
settler colonialism
in Canada, beginnings of
in English colonies ( _see also_ colonies)
"settlers" (French _habitants_ of New France)
in Nova Scotia, beginnings of
in New France, beginnings of
in Newfoundland, beginnings of ( _see also_ Newfoundland)
Seventh Province
Sharon, Douglas, _The History of the Acadians_
Sheldon, George
Shipwrecks and Sinkings (Halifax)
shipwrecks and sinkings
1746 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1747 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1756 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1775 ( _see also_ Royal Navy, and slave ship _Sally_ )
1785 ( _see also_ Quebec shipwreck)
1797 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1797 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1810 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1810 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1815 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1832 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1860 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1861 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1862 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1884 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1888 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1893 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1897 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1910 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
1910 ( _see also_ shipwreck on Anticosti Island)
Sillery (Montreal)
slaves, _see_ enslaved women and children; enslaved people
Slocum, J.A.
slave-trading, British ( _see also_ slave-trading, French; slavery, French)
_Sloop John_ (L. Cook)
Slavic connection, and place-names
Slaveship Act (1794)
slaveships ( _see also_ slave-trading, British)
slave trade, in Nova Scotia, beginnings of ( _see also_ Nova Scotia)
Smith, Samuel, _A Planters Prefer'd_
Smith, Violet M., _Loyal Subjects_
Smith, William
Smith, William Robertson
Smith, Winslow, _Captain Jonathan and the King's Cause_
snowshoes ( _see also_ boots and shoes)