You Mangled My Net
You Guys Are Dumbe
You Get What You G
You Can't Hide on
You Call, We'll Ha
You Better Be Wear
YOLO, Let's Play!
Y'all Making Me Cr
Wrinkle In the Pla
Would You Be My Br

You Started, You'r
You're a Rat...
You're Going to Wa
You're Looking at
You've Got That Pu
Young at Heart
Your Job is Recon
Zipping Over the C
They Hate Me Becau
Skin of My Teeth
You Own My Vote And I Owe You Nothing!: (Candidly the title is inspired by the recent, very expensive & over-hyped, Hillary documentary entitled 'Hillary', so I thought, who does a movie like that for an unknown (candidate) you supported? Well, apparently that candidate would be Obama, and just before this, Hillary herself, in order to appear 'candid' had a talk with David Geffen and 'revealed' her true feelings on Obama (after all the hard work they put in)!...and of course this was reported on CNN in a 'front-page' headline, while no one thought anything of Obama's new ad which has been reported all over the internet. I know Obama is a friend of Hillary Clinton and she is running for president on his coattails and has said it's because of him...but even if I know that, it doesn't change the way I look at things when I vote. As I said before, I'm not voting on the color of his skin and I don't care if it has been said that she is the first woman president. We know that isn't true, but I still don't care, and as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter either way who wins. I will be voting for the person that I think will make the best president. I don't believe that the color of the skin of the candidate has anything to do with it. I know you don't either, and if we were told that it would make a difference, then it would, but I doubt that that's going to happen here. I know this is true because once again there are the same lies being told, and once again many of us are willing to believe them. It is very sad to me that this could be going on, especially since it was just a few years ago that it was being said by (supposedly) respectable people (like Jesse Jackson, and Barack Obama himself) that we are past this, and that black folks can vote in confidence that their vote won't be taken away because they aren't American citizens. Now we have to go through this nonsense all over again and here's what is really telling: Jesse Jackson's endorsement of Obama is being used against him! I know what you're thinking: 'If Obama is going to be 'black-spited' by Jesse Jackson, then he's had it made!'. Well, in reality, by making this kind of move, he and Jesse are sending a clear message to the rest of us black people who supported Hillary. We have been listening to all that 'black-hype' and we actually believed it! Now with a mere endorsement of a candidate coming from that family, (a group of people who have been described as the most powerful in the country) it's enough to know that it's just another way for those not on our side to keep us in their grasp...and of course this is in no way to be construed as anything but a blatant move to keep black people from voting for the candidate who won the nomination. I know, a lot of you are out there saying, "I am a Hillary supporter and am going to vote for her and I know the other Obama supporters are going to do the same thing". Okay, first off, for me this makes me very sad because you really have fallen for all this hype too...and secondly, you're wrong. Many of the Obama supporters won't be voting for Hillary and many of the Hillary supporters won't be voting for Obama! The fact is we know who our friends are and who our enemies are, and one of the very biggest enemies to us all is the right-wing racist extremists. They are so blinded by the need to see things in their favor that they will even resort to this, since they have been trying so hard to paint Obama as an outsider that might not know what he's doing, but because he is Black, will eventually harm us all. But that's just not the case! They have no clue what they're talking about. I can only go by the statements made by Obama. If I don't like the statements that he made, then I might want to vote for someone else, but that would never be done on the basis of his skin color, for this wouldn't happen in a movie, or in an interview, but in real life. You only do what's right and what's good for your people, and for the good of this nation and mankind. This is all to say that as far as I'm concerned, his skin color has nothing to do with it. I don't care if people support him or not. All I care about is who is right and who is wrong. That's it. That's all that matters. This endorsement that Jesse Jackson gave is no different than Jesse telling us that he thought John Kerry would make a better President than President Bush, even though I know he voted for Bush in 2004. That's just common sense, it's called politics, and they work both ways. I can also go on to say that once again some of the people who claim to be our friends are telling us that we have to be careful because the same people who supported Reverend Wright and Reverend Jackson for years, are now supporting Obama, and even though I would never tell anyone that they have to follow Jesse, (I wouldn't even go that far) we have to be careful because there will be a price to pay. What Jesse said was, 'Don't just vote on the color of Obama's skin'. Nowhere did he say you shouldn't vote for him because you don't like what he has done for black folks. All he was saying was not to buy into the media hype, and the hype that Obama is the 'black messiah' that will take us from being number 46 in the world, to number one in less than 5 years. The hype that America is going to fail without his leadership. The hype that a Muslim can't be a president, and the hype that he will change everything! If we are all being fooled by this hype, and we do fall for it, I have no doubt that we will pay a terrible price for it. You will see the same type of crap that happened when Jesse sent out that letter to the black people of the world telling them that they should not vote for Obama in the general election. That letter will be used against us all, even though the only way Jesse could possibly know the difference between right and wrong is by going to church, where he was taught that God is perfect. If Jesse said something and was wrong, then Jesus would be wrong, and if the bible says that we shouldn't think for ourselves and have to follow the teachings of others, then Jesus was wrong too! Jesse wouldn't want to be wrong in any of his speeches, and why do you think that we haven't seen any endorsements by Jesse? Could it be because he knows that it is not right for a person who claims to speak for all of us to tell us who we should vote for? He also knows that it is not right to attack the integrity of another man as he did Barack Obama and his wife. As far as I'm concerned, in this case, Jesse Jackson is giving us his true feelings, and I don't think I could be wrong about this, so I guess we can't be too upset about his beliefs and opinions either. Now, as far as I'm concerned, the way we are supposed to vote, is on our values, our morals, and our intelligence, not on the color of Barack Obama's skin. He does have nice hair, but that's not what the majority of people care about...but the color of your skin can be very important because it shows how close you are to us. We have all been brainwashed into believing that it is the color of our skin that most people in the world hate. That is what so-called scholars have claimed in all their books about us. So, if they hate us, then we should hate them back. Well, I don't hate anyone. That's not even a good thing to do, because the real truth is that hate only makes both of us weak. It's like a person who is sick and has to give up drinking because he's sick. He's no longer healthy, and he doesn't want to drink anymore. So he gives up drinking, but the illness still exists. Then the disease he thought he was getting rid of returns to attack him again. We all know the 'D-word'. Discrimination. In order for us to be able to hate someone for who they are and not for their color, we must first know that hate to be the worst thing that we could ever do. If we truly look into ourselves, we will see that it is a very ugly thing. It doesn't do anything to anyone, and only harms ourselves. It can destroy the lives of our children, and our children's children. When this country was in its darkest days of slavery, I'm sure that all of us heard about their children's children hating their parents because of the color of their skin. Well, that is what I'm saying we can expect if we allow ourselves to fall for this type of lie. It's the children of the 'white' man who should be worried about what's to come if this election is allowed to go ahead! The bottom line: As far as I'm concerned there are no limits for me to what anyone should do, and no one has the right to criticize my choice to vote for the candidate I believe will make the best president. The way I see it, these candidates are all good people